Plane Universe

Chapter 2352: The guardians of all races are panicked

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When Cheng Buyun and others gathered for a drink and chat, the outside was already going crazy.

As for this little matter, Cheng Buyun directly exposed the issue of strength, everyone is talking about it, not quite understanding what Cheng Buyun wants to do.

It is already in the eyes of the three pinnacles of aliens, and now this hand is still exposed. Is it not fast enough?

In fact, Cheng Buyun intentionally, the purpose?

"It's just 20,000 years!"

"Human wickedness is really powerful. It took just over 20,000 years for the strength to be so strong."

"Yeah, it's really horrible. At least the mysterious law level is the top level of the universe's overlords.

"I don't know how to practice, by comparison, are we really so stupid..."

Countless people were horrified when they heard that they no longer knew what to say.

That state...beyond the imagination of most aliens, after all, many aliens are still working hard to break through immortality.

Universe overlord?

That distance is too far away!

"It's kind of weird!"

"The inheritance of the beast **** of human evil is still the first priority, where is the loneliness."

"Beast God inherits the first weight, is it just a blind eye method? Isn't human evildoing mainly to cultivate this aspect?"


"A waste of a beast **** inheritance order!"

Chatting and chatting, the floor was crooked

The aliens envy jealousy and jealousy, and jealous of the wealth of mankind, in order to enhance their potential. Even the inheritance order of a musty beast was wasted.


"Can't let it go, the human demon must die!"

The three pinnacle aliens are all anxious, but no matter how anxious they are.

The problem is... they can't find a chance to kill human geniuses.

Cheng Buyun has been hiding in the core territory of mankind, the place where the chaotic city master is located in the town, and even the strongest of the universe has passed, it is impossible to kill.

In the primitive universe, who dares to kill the disciple of the other party under the eyes of a powerful master of the pinnacle universe?

The problem is very difficult, and it also annoys the aliens.

Resented Cheng Buyun, this **** is so afraid of death that he has been hiding in the territory of mankind, and he dare not dare to go out and grind.

Damn it!

The speed of Cheng Buyun's practice is too fast, too fast!

It's almost incredible, and it's almost terrifying to aliens.

In just 20,000 years, the mystery is so brilliant that it will be impossible to eradicate it in a few years!

So... aliens can't help it!

Because it drags on like this, there is no chance.

But... but now there is no way, they can not rush into the territory of humanity to attack Cheng Buyun, then what is the difference between fighting with humans!

If we go to war, humans will hide Cheng Buyun for the first time... in the initial universe...

Unbelievably, the guardians of the three aliens came together again.

A desolate human zone in the universe.


A silver-white behemoth, a body that is about tens of thousands of kilometers long, and a head larger than a life planet can be seen with annoyance, and a sharp voice in his mouth comes out from it, "This has been for many years. The person you are looking for The shadow has not been seen."

"Mechanism, this time you are really not doing things. You took our treasure, but things were not done." The slim figure also scolded the interface: "If you drag it on, let the human genius grow, we have no chance." "

The head of the silver-white snake also showed suspicious eyes, "Mechanism, won't you swallow our treasure?"

At this point, it seemed as if they were looked down upon by the other party. The black spheres exuded a layer of misty light. The fire roared: "What nonsense, don't I have a face? Only six top treasures, I will swallow Off? What do you think of me, what will I do with that kind of embarrassment?"

"Okay, okay, Mengcha is just watching the human genius still leaping, and his emotions are anxious." The slender figure even appeased, and the misty face could not clearly see the expression, radiating lightly: "So ......What is going on now, you tell us about the machine, let us know."

With a sigh, the black sphere was helpless. "You also know that the solo traveler's whereabouts are uncertain, and the other person's tokens can only send a short message to me. People haven't found it. They can't say it in person, thousands of years, it's too short,"

"Then go to other lone travellers who are willing to do it." The silver snake said, "Eliminate the human evil as soon as possible."

The black sphere said: "I thought, but can barely pay the price of a peak treasure, who would take this deal? Complaining about the axe, no friendship, the price of a peak treasure is obviously not enough."

Ordinary Peak Treasure For the strongest in the universe, it is the same as the Lord of the Universe treating ordinary Treasures, except for the peak flying palaces, or the soul and domain peaks.

Otherwise... the strongest in the universe disdain to use.

The grade is too low.

Especially the solo travellers in the universe are pursuing higher treasures.

"So you can only wait until the cosmic lone traveler who has friendship with me comes back, otherwise...unless we are willing to produce a peak domain class treasure, it is possible to let other cosmic lone walkers." The black sphere said helplessly: "If If any of you are willing to accept this errand, I can make two ordinary peak treasures."

The scene was silent.

The silver serpent dream demon clan did not speak, and the slim figure did not speak.

No one wants to take this tricky job.

Although the ordinary peak treasure is also precious, it is a heaven and earth in terms of domain peak treasure.

There are only two or three of them, or even one of them.

It is as strong as human beings, and there are few such goods. For countless trillion years, there are only two. One is in the hands of the founder of the giant axe, and the other is a thing of the town.

Only when there is an irresistible danger, the chaotic city lord will be taken out from the group and given to others for use, or used by himself to resist the enemy.

Visible precious!

That's's impossible to go on.

Inviting people also requires a huge price.

It's not something that can be done by talking.

"Look again, try to find it, maybe it doesn't need such a big price." Xiaoyao figure said helplessly.

"It can only be done. Let's put some effort into solving the human genius as soon as possible. I can't let him grow up safely. That is not a good result for any of our ethnic groups." The silver snake dangled its huge head , Said slowly.

"I naturally know that I am in a hurry more than you." The black ball replied, secretly regretting that the good opportunity was missed, and the child's "Morning Dawn" came out. That kind of strength failed.

Damn human genius, maybe it's destiny!

He escaped!

And give the Chaos City Lord a chance to come to the rescue!

It's a pity, really a pity...

What a great opportunity!

That time the human evildoer was killed, and now there are not so many things.

It's too **** hard to let yourself have such a great existence!

PS: Replying to drowned tadpole bookmates, this little description does not cross the line, the warning is a bit too much!

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