Plane Universe

Chapter 2377: Since I can't get rid of it

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Cheng Buyun was also a bit ignorant. Before, he only knew that this was a top-level treasure, but he couldn't think of it at all. This was a top-level treasure.

Don't look at the gap, it's two completely different concepts.

The two cannot be the same day.

At the same top level, even the best and best top-level treasure armor, like Cheng Buyun's Taiwu God Armor, has only the most basic defensive effects and no additional effect attributes.

Another example is the condenser lens equipped by Cheng Buyun, because it is the highest level of treasure, so it has four effects, and it is sealed with two secret tricks.

The most common treasure in the field is one seal or two seals at most, but there is absolutely no secret trick.

Only the most basic means of restraining the enemy!

So the best treasure is very precious.

Only then is there a claim that the treasure level is higher than the higher level.

I'm really surprised~~

Cheng Buyun's face was completely discolored.

That is exciting!

Ordinary top-level treasure armor generally ranges from 200 to 600 points, and the most expensive will not exceed 600 treasure points, but the highest level of treasure armor is not in this case.

At least two to three times higher than the ordinary grade.

If it is a soul, palace, or domain, the price is higher!

It is about half the price of the same type of higher level, which is more expensive than a peak attack treasure!

Amidst the roaring roar of the giant earth fire rock, Cheng Buyun refines the process of approving the armor of the Supreme Treasure slowly.

The giant earth fire rock is furious, but it can be trapped by Xiaohong's death and suppression. There is no way at all. No matter how it affects the abominable life, it can't stop him from snatching the treasure he guards.


For Cheng Buyun, his intimidation seemed like a breeze, and he couldn't do it if he wanted to pay attention.

"White Dragon God Armor"

This is the name of this top-level best-in-class treasure armor. The triple secret pattern seal, which recognizes the Lord, has the ability to weaken the enemy's 99% physical attack.

The first is to weaken material attacks to one in 10,000, and the second is to weaken material attacks to 10,000.

The third level is a powerful and intimidating secret law-imprison time!

Confinement time, according to the name, must know its power, even time can be temporarily confined, terrible degree, unparalleled power.

As for how long time can be imprisoned, it depends on the person who is exerting it and where temporary imprisonment is required.

If it is the time of the existence of the Chaos City Lord, even if Bu Yun has realized the third secret pattern of the White Dragon God Armor, I am afraid that I can’t do it if I want to imprison it, and I will even be rebounded in time and space.

Because the opponent is too strong.

The best treasure depends on the user.

But in general, this white dragon armor is a very good treasure armor, probably worth more than 1800 Zhibao points contribution.

As far as performance is concerned, at this stage, Bailong Shenjia is more helpful to Cheng Buyun than Taiwu Shenjia.

But... The third secret pattern of the White Dragon God Armor, Cheng Buyun may not be able to comprehend it.

It takes a very powerful time law to do the inside, then it is possible to understand it.

Undoubtedly, this situation embarrassed Cheng Buyun!

The law of time, Cheng Buyun is only relatively powerful. To be practical, it is really not very good.

Can only be put in the warehouse.

Cheng Buyun felt helpless, and the best treasure was placed in front of him, but he couldn't use it... What a pain!

This is not to say that Cheng Buyun looks down on Taiwu Shenjia, but that at this stage, Bailong Shenjia is better than Taiwu Shenjia.

His current opponent includes a period of time in the future, and he will only be a more ordinary master of the universe, like the master of the universe at the peak level.

Get beaten anyway!

Since it is not an opponent at that level, it is natural to escape.

What is the difference between wearing?


After the White Dragon Divine Armor was put away by the Lord, the white jade platform with a diameter of nearly 10,000 kilometers began to descend, slowly sinking towards the magma sea below!


The giant earth fire rock roared frantically, and the huge black holes were like eyes, all tyrannical and unwilling.


Cheng Buyun greeted and turned and flew away.

"Okay, brother, you're far away. I'll let go of this big guy later." Xiaohong said.

A few minutes later, after Cheng Buyun flew a large distance, Xiaohong quickly released the giant ground fire rock, turned around and chased behind the former, and said: "Haha, brother, great harvest, ours It was such a good luck that I got a top-notch treasure armor of the highest grade."

Xiao Honghou is also very happy. This is also the first adventure she has made in her life, including her great contribution.


Between the rumblings, the world and the world were shaking, the giant fire rock roared and rushed towards both.

Cheng Buyun and Xiao Hong both looked back together, frowning slightly.

Obviously, the giant earth fire rock was embarrassed, or was robbed of the guard's treasure, not reconciled.

Either way, it’s not a good thing.

In this crazy pursuit, everything has to be destroyed along the way, and Cheng Buyun doesn't want to be quiet.

"It seems that the big guy is not reconciled, otherwise I will go back and give it a suit." Xiaohong said.

The size of the giant earth fire rock is too large, it is basically impossible to kill, and at the same time, with the ability of Cheng Buyun and Xiaohong, it cannot be done to such a degree.

If the general third-order universe master does not escape, maybe Xiaohong can try it, but how can the wise universe master stand desperately with Xiaohonghou.

Cheng Buyun didn't think that such a vengeful giant Huoyan was no longer an opponent, but he was still desperately chasing.

In this case, a lesson is good.

Under his nod, Xiaohong turned back again, and was stopped in front of the route of the giant fire rock.

But Huoyan Huoyan obviously didn't want to play against Xiaohonghou, but went around in a direction and continued to rush towards Cheng Buyun.

Xiaohong laughed and flashed over to stop.

The giant earth fire rock went around again, even though Xiaohong had already shrunk in size at the moment, only a little one meter three, although the former does not have much wisdom, but also knows that this little will become bigger, it is not an opponent.

"I was attacked by my brother when you stopped me here, wouldn't I be too useless." Xiao Hong laughed and hummed, and his body became bigger again, and this time his size has not only increased to one thousand Ten thousand kilometers, but one hundred million kilometers.

It's incredible.

The giant earth fire rock was immediately taken aback. It looked up at the behemoth in front of it, and there was a horrible color in its eyes. Even the flame-filled eyes showed a fearful look.

Creatures without wisdom basically judge their strength by body type. Xiao Hong became so huge this time, naturally...the strength is definitely much stronger than before.

He was scared!

Because Xiao Hong’s lesson was a bit miserable before, it is certain that instinct will be afraid of Xiao Hong.


Xiaohong shouted loudly and lifted her feet directly to step on the giant earth fire rock.

The giant earth fire rock called a panic, no matter what, and quickly rushed to the side.

It's a pity that Xiaohong is now at a height of 100 million kilometers. What is the range covered by her feet!

The length of the footboard is in the range of millions of kilometers, and you can't escape without stepping fast.

The speed of flight is limited in the universe, and no matter how fast it is faster than the speed of light, but physical attacks are much faster than flight speed.

For a huge body like Xiao Honghou, a turn is just an instant matter. A wave of a hand means tens of millions of kilometers and blinks.

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