Plane Universe

Chapter 2385: Huge iron

After hearing this super news, the aliens were also taken aback!

Almost all great beings changed their faces and were shocked.

When Xiaohong did not have the level of immortal gods, the strength was almost outrageous. Now it has become the master of the universe...

How to do?

The difficulty of destroying Chengbuyun is almost increasing in geometric series!

In particular, the great existence of the mechanical tribe, the master of the morning dawn, is the most understandable to Xiao Honghou's ability.

I'm afraid now, even he can't help Xiaohong.

Even if you encounter an excellent opportunity, as long as Xiaohong is next to Cheng Buyun, the assassination is impossible to talk about!

"Unfortunately, the best opportunity has been lost. In the future, if you want to kill Cheng Buyun, it is estimated that it will be difficult to achieve in the future. Unless... the strongest person in the universe will have a chance to do it!"

"And at my level, I can only eat melons to see the excitement!"

When the Lord Chen Xi heard the news, these thoughts appeared directly in his mind.

But... soon, he felt a bit wrong again. The news spread out from within human beings. It seemed that the great beings of human beings had talked about it and were heard by a few disciples, so they leaked it.

At this time, the superhuman news from Tianhu Secret Realm has just been suspected of becoming a step cloud, and this super news came as if it was intentional!

Would it... just a trick?

After all... There is a strong humanoid who looks like Cheng Buyun in the Heavenly Fire Secret Realm. Is it really Cheng Buyun, so humans have released this super news to let these groups of themselves give up their plans to kill Cheng Buyun? ?

No way!

Do human races think that as long as this super news is released, they and other races will give up?

Take it for granted.

Regardless of whether the super news is true or false, always check it out.

Only when you see Xiaohong exactly and reach the main level of the universe will you and other ethnic groups die.



Not only the Lord of Dawn thought of this, but the Zerg and the Demon also thought of this, thinking that this super news was only intentionally created by humans, and the purpose was very simple, that is, they did not want the three major aliens to disturb Cheng Buyun's experience.

Ha ha……


If you want to be beautiful, even if you can't kill you, you can't let human beings get what you want, and let Cheng Buyun grow faster.

Surely it is necessary to make Cheng Buyun the difficulty of experience, not to let him mix too easily, let him reduce the growth rate.

Even if Xiaohonghou really reached the level of the master of the universe, it must be so!

The three pinnacle aliens are well aware of the huge potential of Cheng Buyun.

Once given him an excellent growth environment, who knows how quickly his strength will soar.


At the same time, because of this super news, the aliens even believed that Cheng Buyun was in the secret realm of Skyfire. The human strong man who thought deeply about Cheng Buyun could not be Cheng Buyun.

Almost at the same time, the three pinnacle aliens once again sent the masters of the universe to the Skyfire secret realm.

Even if Cheng Buyun could not be killed, that would prevent him from continuing to grow.

Don't let him have the opportunity to experience!


Skyfire Secret Realm airspace.

A broken continent suspended in mid-air, Cheng Buyun sat on a large rock, but his eyes looked away.

Sitting next to it is a huge flaming rock of tens of millions of kilometers. Xiaohong is chattering and educating.

"How many times have you talked to you, big man, you should pay attention to the rules in front of your elder brother, you can't do things according to your own preferences, why don't you just listen." Xiao Honghou shouted dissatisfiedly and said, "I still hate iron." , You flame, I let you converge, don't always soar when you are happy and spread to affect the surroundings, why don't you listen? Look at what you did, the table you took was burnt to nothing !"

Reasoning with Huoyan Yan, isn't that right for Niu Danqin?

How does it understand this, and what rules are for it, isn't it a floating cloud?

Cheng Buyun looked funny.

The floating continent he was in was called the Turin Continent. When it was still intact, the range was ten light years old. Unfortunately, a high treasure was unearthed once, and it survived the World War I of the two universe masters. The fracture broke into several pieces. Except for this part of the core area, the rest fell into the magma sea below.

The resources unearthed now are not as good as before, and not many powerful people have come to take risks.

But even so, Cheng Buyun came here, still harvesting a lot of treasure resources, the total number can barely add up to one treasure point.

The mysterious realm of skyfire has a wide range, nearly 200 million light-years round, and it naturally seems deserted. Flying hundreds of thousands of light-years, we have not encountered the strong.

So when I came across this continent of Turin, Cheng Buyun came up and took a break.

Yankong, how to say, it is regarded as a relatively marginal area in the Skyfire secret realm, and the resources are very few, and naturally there are not many powerful people.

After all, the area is just like that. It is a magma sea similar to the ocean. There are not many land areas. What precious resources are there?

It is definitely not as good as land, and the resources produced are rich!

Taking risks in Yankong, you can only wait for the opportunity to come. You can't find it with your own ability.

As for the white dragon sacred armor unearthed before Oak, it was born without any harbingers. It was born when it was born.

As for why the barren place can allow several alien teams or strong people to appear together, Cheng Buyun judged that these aliens may want to go to Turin mainland to collect resources, and they just collided together.

No matter how remote the location is, as long as the resources can be produced, there are aliens in mind, and every few hundreds of thousands of years from time to time will go to lie down, good luck, then the resources are in vain.

Not to mention, anyway, there is a lot of time!

"Bulk, I tell you, your body is too big, it's a little inconvenient." Xiaohong flew up and stood in front of the big man's eyes out of thin air, trying to make the big man understand what he meant.

The large hair made a grunt, and looked at her with a stern expression, but didn't understand what Xiaohong was saying.

The size of the two is not comparable. The height of Xiaohong is only one meter three. In the latter's eyes, it is equivalent to a small mosquito. Even if the big man sits down, the height is five or six million kilometers. It looks like an endless block. Mountain.

"It's too stupid, he didn't understand what I said." Xiao Hong later saw the big guy didn't understand it at all, and patted his forehead angrily. The latter just looked smirking.

An iron fool!

Wisdom is basically equal to zero, which is worse than ordinary beasts.

"Earthfire Rock's life wisdom is very poor, and there is no possibility of communication at all. I think that it should be possible or possible to transfer content with soul consciousness, try!" Cheng Buyun reminded.


Xiaohong was shocked, and he immediately clapped and said, "Yeah, I don't understand, the soul consciousness transmission can always be understood, even if I don't understand it, as long as I add motion guidance, it is an iron. Han Han, will follow suit, ha ha!!"

"Thank you brother for reminding me, I thank my brother for the big guy, haha!"

Xiaohong laughed in surprise and quickly tried to communicate with the soul through the soul consciousness.

Not to mention, it went smoothly.

Because the big man has surrendered to Xiaohong, she became her next little brother. Xiaohong’s soul consciousness came into contact with its mind and was not countered. She just looked at the big sister’s head with doubt and didn’t understand the big sister’s head at all. What the **** are they doing, how come they come to their heads.

After a round of communication, the big guy still didn't quite understand the meaning of Big Sister's head, and only knew how to laugh.

It's almost... the name of Tiehanhan, really true!

PS: I made a mistake again in the last chapter. I even forgot to post the code after copying it. It really was... I forgot it at once, and then went to codeword! ! !

I'm sorry, book friends, I'm so sorry!

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