Plane Universe

Chapter 2388: Male left female right lying on the wall-don't hesitate!

With the sound rising, Cheng Buyun officially descended on Feiyun Cliff.

A group of powerful people naturally also saw Cheng Buyun swaying in the air, especially the kind of demeanor that regarded them as nothing.

The strange animal roared with exasperation and said, "Another human debris is coming!"

"So hot?"

Cheng Buyun glanced at the other person. The pale blue body color and the small amount of white hair on his forehead were particularly energetic. He wore a rugged armor, which was also blue, and it seemed to fit his body. , From a distance, it looks like ice and snow.

"Haha, brother was sprayed by aliens again!" After hiding in the dark, Xiaohong saw that the strong men belonging to the Northern Xinjiang Alliance once again sprayed into clouds, and since he patted the big shoulder under the ass, he laughed. , Mockingly said: "I really do not know life and death, look at it, this guy is destined to die soon!"


The big man smiled happily, and gave a seemingly agreeable meaning.


A large number of alien strongmen are silent for a while. Except for the alien strongman of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, the other alien strongmen have no action, but are secretly alert to prevent Cheng Buyun from raiding himself.

The two strong humans also looked at each other and secretly talked about the soul transmission: "This one is wearing a mask, the breath is very strange, do you know?"

"I don't know, I've never seen it. My strong man at the level of human hegemony has almost seen it even if he has no friendship, but this one, I really don't know who it is!"

"It seems that he is the mysterious strong man of my humanity who was spread by aliens a month ago. You guess who will be that... will he..."

"What do you say?"

"It is estimated that one hundred percent is the one!"

"The obvious thing is that none of my human cosmic venerable and cosmic overlords are wholly, who at first sight is who he is, if he can't guess anymore, it's in vain!"

The two human powerhouses secretly communicated, and had completely guessed Cheng Buyun's identity.

After all, they are all high-level humans, and the family background is still relatively clear. The aliens may be very confused, and may even judge that this is a hidden human venerable human, but the strong humans who are familiar with the roots can easily judge!

"Cruising, Claw Light, hello, you don't want to meet you both reasonably." Cheng Buyun smiled and greeted the two human sages, and at the same time, the soul said: "You can call me for the time being demon king!"

demon king?

The two strong human beings were just surprised, and they couldn't help feeling strangely weird. They immediately further confirmed Cheng Buyun's identity. Will the information revealed from the title of "Great Devil" still be unclear?

At that time, Cheng Buyun was just breaking through the realm, and the aliens were terrified, saying that Cheng Buyun, the big devil, was coming out, worrying that the entire universe was being discussed.

Now... the Big Devil is finally out.

"Have seen the devil!"

The two strong humans even bowed slightly to show respect, and at the same time they were also very surprised. Has Cheng Buyun already broken through again?

But why didn't any news come out?

Because of the breath induction, what Cheng Buyun showed was the level of cosmic supremacy, which was a billion times the level of divine power.

Or Cheng Buyun is just a newcomer to the universe, but the life gene is very high, and has reached 100 times the limit of the universe?

No matter how guessed, Cheng Buyun's divine power is undoubtedly the level of cosmic overlord.

If you have a cosmic overlord and you are a famous Cheng Buyun, then in this battle for treasure, it will definitely play a big role.


All the aliens are very surprised, some aliens are even more thoughtful, their face slightly changed, their eyes filled with horror!

Suddenly, there was an angry roar next to him, "Damn, you dare!"


Many strong men suddenly launched an attack on the monster of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, but this guy shamelessly secretly wanted to refine the four treasures of the Lord, causing many strong men to jointly attack.

"It's extremely shameless, even secretly exerting such a tactic." Venerable Claw Light is also contemptuous.

"Stop it all, dare you covet the treasure of my great devil?"

Cheng Buyun was also a rant, even turning out the indescribable thing, directly a stick and pestle, countless starlights appeared in the surrounding world, a large number of complex secret texture layers were interwoven, and finally gathered in the glory of the endless law A huge phantom stick was formed, and it slammed into the head of the beast.

The terrible power made many alien strong people look scared, especially the alien beast attacked by Cheng Buyun, even panicked, roaring to move their body to dodge.

He could feel that this powerful attack was irresistible!

The extremely bright brilliance, the ultimate speed, the huge stick phantom blasted on the chest of the strange animal, and the treasure armor defense it relied on was shattered under this blow.

The mighty power of the huge stick phantom has far exceeded the limit that the Arcana armor can withstand.

Make the beast powerhouse almost take Cheng Buyun's move!

The secret method of the universe's master level, even if Cheng Buyun did not do his best, even if 20% or 30%, under the blessing power of the top attacking treasure, it is not a universe overlord can resist.

Not even wearing high treasures of armor!

The mighty power has surpassed the imagination of all strong aliens.

The two strong human beings were also shocked, and looked at the fallen figure in an inconceivable manner, but it was a cosmic overlord who died so easily.

Too powerful, and also ashamed of my ridiculous thoughts!

In terms of the strength of this one, it is estimated that these many alien strong men are not enough to warm up.

Almost a stick to a child's degree, need to join forces to fight?

"I am not fighting for the treasures, my dear Lord, you are at your disposal." The Universe Venerable of the Purple Heaven clan shouted, saying that he had quit the competition and turned to leave.

It can be seen that he was already scared, and was shocked by Cheng Buyun's trick, and he dared not covet it again.

At the same time, seeing the strong of the Zitian clan, there were also many alien strongmen who responded and said: "The treasure in front of me will no longer compete, and will belong to the Lord of the Human Devil. See you again!"

Many strong companies quickly flew out.

This way?

Cheng Buyun was also shocked, didn't he say that the aliens were all arrogant? How do you turn over your hands this time and give away the treasure that is almost in your hand?

Do all these aliens see something coming?

"It's so easy to go there, stand for me, stand for me, left and right, rob!"

Not waiting for Cheng Buyun to further indicate that Xiaohong, who had been impatient for a long time, even commanded a large man to jump out. The latter roared repeatedly and directly extended a hand to a high-level cosmic venom of a mechanical family flying over his head. The squeezed in his hand, the black hole-like mouth screamed and threatened.

A flame rushed out of the mouth of the big man, sprayed on the mechanical clan strongman who was held in front of him, and when the fire burned, the other party was dying and was dying into a serious injury.

"Huh, so easy to beat?"

Xiaohong scorned a glance at the strong mechanical clan, sneered again and again, but no longer ignored it, and immediately shouted to the surrounding aliens who were about to leave: "Stand up, who will move who will die, don't say I didn't remind you, If he doesn’t listen to the warning, he will end like this!

A group of more than twenty alien strong men saw the big red man suddenly rushed over, suddenly shocked and bloodless, all stunned.

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