Plane Universe

Chapter 2400: The reaction is so fast

Of course, this also has a lot to do with Cheng Buyun's staying hands. He fights with Tianhua Venerable, and he has at most one or two points of skill.

Not too serious at all, the universe's artistic conception only uses some fur, and the method of pressing the bottom of the box is completely without any display.

Cheng Buyun came out this time to learn from experience. Such a good opponent must not be killed with a few sticks.

Tianhua Venerable is still a very powerful strongman, with enough strength to allow him to attack at will, unlike those overlords in the universe, he can't take him half a stroke.

Even if he does not practice the master secret of the universe, does not use the artistic conception, and even does not attract the law, his own power alone is terrible.

A stick blasted away, and my head blossomed!

Give the other party a shock!

Like the previous Blue Lord, even with the treasure of armor, billions of times of divine power is not useful.

The attack power of more than 13 trillion yuan is far beyond the universe overlord.

"The human miscellaneous is really too strong and skillful, as if he has experienced many dangerous fights, the fight experience is not bad at all, and even crushed me!" Venerable Tianhua was also secretly shocked, I How long have you lived and how many fighting battles have you experienced?

Unexpectedly, he slammed himself!

Genius is too much!

Even if human beings have a virtual universe and can fight against many powerful people, can it be compared with real fighting?

If this is the case, human geniuses don’t need to take the risk to come out and practice, they can fight directly in the virtual universe.

It's weird!

There are not many real fighting battles that Cheng Buyun has experienced. Experience can only be considered average, otherwise he will not come out.

In fact, everything is due to his high level, and his soul is too strong.

The soul is strong, the conscious response is quick.

The advantage of taking advantage is too great.

Besides, the realm of Venerable Tianhua tells the truth.

Being able to occupy a place in the top cosmic overlords is nothing but a tyranny of the gods!

After all, where is the strong man who can't even master the secret law of the universe, where can he be strong.

There are several top cosmic overlords of human beings, and any one can crush him.

Leaving aside the divine body, Heavenly Heaven Sovereign is also an ordinary cosmic overlord level.


Tianhua Venerable noticed a detail, and his face changed fiercely. The blood-red hard eye showed shock. He looked abruptly and said to Cheng Buyun, "Why didn't your **** body lose too much?"

Body loss?

Cheng Buyun heard the abrupt question from Tianhua Venerable, and suddenly a little smile appeared on his face. He smiled lightly and replied, "It's a little difficult for me to lose a lot of my body because of your ability. what!"

"Damn humanity, are you satire me again?" Venerable Tianhua was very angry, and he couldn't listen to others despise him.

Yes, his law is not high, to be honest, he can expose his scars face to face, I am afraid he is not trying to die!

"You don't have to be a compliment!" Cheng Buyun waved his stick casually and said indifferently: "Don't talk about those that are not there, come on, let us fight for three million times!"

When he was thinking of rushing up again, but...

Tianhua Venerable quickly turned and fled!

Run away!

Yes, he turned abruptly and fled.

All the alien strong men were upset. They were shocked and even unimaginable. The powerful Tianhua Sovereign had fought halfway through the battle, but turned and fled!

How dare you believe it!

"Damn, the **** of human beings actually took me to practice my hands, and even mad at me!" Venerable Tianhua was very flaming in his heart, but he knew very well how he could not take it into Buyun.

No matter how conceited, he can understand that he is not Cheng Buyun's opponent.

Damn humans... why is every top-level human universe overlord so bad?

Any top cosmic overlord has the ability to crush me, **** it!

My talent perception is not bad, why...

He has the feeling of asking the sky silently!

too difficult!


Cheng Buyun was stunned, but he was quite determined, and he discovered the problem so quickly.

Knowing that he is practicing with him.

That's right, there are a few more fools who can cultivate the life of the Venerable Universe.

Since I found myself being practised by others, it is really a fool not to escape!

The demon strong!

I can really stand it down without putting my face in my eyes.

But if you want to escape, have you asked me?

There is no escape!

"Sovereign Tianhua, you shit, did you run away? What about the arrogance just now? Do you still have a face? How about a strong man?"

"Damn, you have to come back and fight my brother for 3 million rounds!"

Xiaohong laughed and shouted loudly, and the sound shook billions of kilometers, which made many strong foreigners listen to it.

It's too slap-faced, so proudly like Venerable Tianhua, he really wants to go back and desperately with Cheng Buyun, and even wants to tear the small, unforgiving mouth behind Xiaohong.

But he knew that the problem was not the Xiaohonghous, but that Cheng Buyun was not easy to provoke. Now that he has lost nearly half of his **** body, Cheng Buyun has not lost too much, and consumed the divine power. Nine cows and one hair.

too exaggerated!

I have more than 2,000 times my life level, the height of the divine body is also 10 kilometers, and the stock of divine power is so strong. It took ten minutes or so to consume half of the divine body. You dare to believe it!

So... no matter how annoyed, he did not look back, and fled towards the distance.


In a blink of an eye, it flew hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, and even urged the realm of treasure in the body, lest Cheng Buyun chase it up and lose more.

The restoration of the **** body is for wealth. Like now almost half of the **** body has been lost, and at least three or two treasure resources can be restored.

"Heavenly Sovereign, don't waste your energy, you can't escape, come back, don't say I didn't remind you." Xiaohong then looked at the Heavenly Sovereign who was flying towards the distance at a rapid speed, and he burst out laughing. .

I was very disdainful about the escape of Tianhua Venerable, and I had too many cards on my side.

With a little seriousness, he can't run away.

Once you control the time and space, superimposing the domain treasures can greatly restrain his speed.


Cheng Buyun smiled faintly, and his eyes became serene, but if he looked carefully, his eyes were full of all kinds of colorful light.

Endless phantom light...

Cheng Buyun's indifferent voice spread in the void, "It makes me feel very unhappy to escape with one heart, don't treat me as a sharpening stone! In that case, then you die!"

What, die?

Many strong aliens also heard Cheng Buyun's soul transmission, and he was a bit puzzled.

A top-notch space tyrant with complete equipment is the main escape, who can stay?

Unless the Lord of the universe!

But Cheng Buyun... has that ability!

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