Plane Universe

Chapter 2410: The sky hit a firestone

Lord of the universe?

Upon hearing the news revealed by Sirius, a large number of aliens were also shocked.

After the little red beside Cheng Buyun, is it the main divine level of the universe?

No way!

There are those who are surprised and those who are not.

Only Cheng Buyun showed a faint smile, looked at the Sirius Lord with a disdainful face, and wanted to eat fart, so you can still win Xiaohong with this body?


The Lord of Dragons also has a straight face, and feels that Sirius loves to talk big, which is really ignorant!

At that time, Xiaohong was not even at the level of immortal gods, and he could make the Lord of Wuwu helpless. The Lord of Sirius, whose strength was a little worse, even said after catching Xiaohong.

You really think you can go to heaven!

At that time, there was such a strong ability, not to mention now!

The divine power of the main level of the universe, it would be better not to let Xiaohong beat up and hide in the Sirius Palace.

At that time it was ridiculous!

The Lord of Dragons even vaguely looked forward to it.

Sirius has this high-quality palace palace treasure of Sirius Palace, and its material defense is very powerful. In the universe, super-strong people like the Chaos City Lord who shocked the universe basically can't help him.

Arrogantly saying that after grabbing Xiaohong and being beaten, what a pleasant thing it is!

"Don't just talk about it, come on, Goozi!" Xiao Honghou rolled his voice with divine power, and sneered out with a look of expansion, "I'm waiting for you to catch me, come, don't you just Say, don’t do it?"

Sirius's words would be Xiaohong's opponent, and he has basically exploded his lungs. Since he became a strong man, when has he been scolded like this, it is embarrassing.

But... there is a dragon leader beside him, but he dare not act rashly.

"God, what are you waiting for, are you still waiting for more powerful demon clan to come over and help you?" Xiaohong later laughed and said: "It's really shameful, I am you, and I have been killed by the head. It's great. It's there...not as fart!"

Looking at Xiaohong's lack of face, he laughed wildly, and a lot of alien expressions around him were in a daze.

Laughing face to face with a great existence, this thing will be able to do after Xiaohong.

It is absolutely not dare to change them.

Human beings are crazy enough!

That's a great existence.

But what puzzled them was why the Sirius Lord had already arrived, but did not go up to suppress the human race into a cloud?

Why exactly?

Many strong aliens do not understand what Sirius thinks.

Is it true that as Xiaohong said later, he is not sure?


Suddenly, two powerful consciousnesses swept over.

After the Lord of Dragons was shocked, he instantly knew who was coming.

Lord of Banff, the core member of the Order of the Zerg Alliance.

Regardless of whether it is the Lord of Sirius or the two great beings that come later, on the strength is the third-rate level, the Lord of Dragons does not care at all, and the Lord of Banff is worth noting.

But...the threat to Cheng Buyun is not great.

Lord Banff’s soul illusion is very powerful, but relatively speaking, Cheng Buyun has the dream-like will and the will of the universe’s master level. The dragon master believes that even if the other party is driving into horsepower, it can shock at most. In Cheng Buyun's mind, soul enslavement is impossible.

Unless Cheng Buyun fell into a weak position.


Two figures appeared beside the Sirius Hall. The main voice of order rushed towards the soul of the Sirius voice and angered: "Sirius, why did we get the message but did not remind us, did you put the covenant in your eyes? I tell You, this matter is not finished, I have told our Father and God."


The Lord of Sirius disdains. In front of wealth, the covenant is a piece of useless material that is used for tearing. Unfortunately... there is the Lord of Dragons, he is not sure to quickly kill Cheng Buyun.

Lost a best chance.

As for the inability to conquer Cheng Buyun, which made him a great threat to the ethnic group in the future, he did not care at all.

Even if a primitive ancestor appears again, he has already got the benefits he deserves, that will cause him to flood in the future!

What does it matter to him!

Sirius is such a vicious and selfish person!

Almost the same self-centered personality as Emperor Yan, who only cares about his own interests and only remembers how others treat him badly.

"Yeah, there are really two strong supporters, hey, this is good." Xiao Honghou said with a helpless face: "There are two more puppets next to the dog, brother, I have been difficult to teach He is gone."

Ma Zi?

The Lord of Order listened to ignorant and roared directly: "Damn traitor, what do you say?"

The Lord of Banff was also stunned, and he immediately swallowed what he said to the Lord of Sirius, and looked back at Xiaohong, his expression very serious. ,

"Betray your uncle."

Xiaohong immediately scolded: "Don't talk nonsense, look at my beautiful human body, it's like your mechanical clan, don't confess your relatives, be careful I beat you!"

"I'm so angry, ah, I can't spare you!" The Lord of Order is undoubtedly a hot temper, and suddenly rushed past, a pair of big feet trampled in the void, rumbling ~~

"Haha, come on, a war is about to happen, but I have been looking forward to it for a long time!" Xiaohonghou laughed wildly, then turned to look at Cheng Buyun, his eyes full of inquiries.

"Well, the number is right, so be it." Cheng Buyun nodded slightly.

Xiaohong laughed, and took control of time and space, and immediately began to spread, covering the entire area of ​​100 light years around.

It was at this time that Xiaohong felt the strangeness in the void mezzanine, as if he was surprised to find something terrible, Lian Chao Cheng Buyun said: "Brother, I found the Lord of Dragons."


Cheng Buyun nodded to show that he knew, but his expression was not surprised.

"Lord Sirius, let's go together too. You go and drag the dragon master. After the master of order drags Xiao Hong, Cheng Buyun let me deal with it. I understand. No, I can't mess up this time, otherwise... …The anger of my Zerg Queen is impossible for you to withstand.” The Lord of Banff even shouted towards the Lord of Sirius and asked him to take a good look at what to do.

The Sirius naturally understands the truth, the previous sneak can still be obscured, if there is no effort for a while, there is absolutely no good fruit to eat, even screaming: "Lord of the Dragon, don’t hide it ,come out!"

"What's the call, just you... Do you still want to face my great human existence? Do you want a face?"

Xiaohong laughed contemptuously, and rushed towards the Sirius Lord. At the same time, his hand stretched out and a very huge body appeared out of thin air, and he directly smashed towards the Lord of Order.

His turning action also made the three major aliens a little dazed. Xiaohong even showed control of time and space, but the magical power was only 10 billion times. What makes sense?

And out of thin air there was a large flame that was smashed towards the Lord of Order, and they also felt the unparalleled power.

It turned out to be an earth fire rock life at the level of the master of the universe!

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