Plane Universe

Chapter 2413: A scene of consternation

Seeing that the Lord of Banff was preparing to fight with herself, Xiaohong Empress couldn't help but sneered in her heart: "I stepped on it with one foot, when you regret it!"

Xiao Hong's attack might be nothing, but her own quality is extremely powerful. Once any strong master of the universe is stepped on by her, she will definitely not be able to escape with her strength.

The Lord of Banff is about to fight Xiaohong Empress, and the Lord of Order, who is fighting with the big guy in the distance, can see clearly, especially the former is planning to send first and then arrive, so that he is so shocked that he reminds the voice transmission: "Ban Husband, Queen Xiaohong’s defense and body quality are super strong, unbreakable, and must not be suppressed or pinched, or it will be over."

Upon receiving the voice of the soul of the Lord of Order, the Lord of Banff was immediately taken aback, and even quickly evaded, he could no longer ask the Lord of Order, why is this important information not shared in advance?

The so-called covenant is simply a piece of waste paper!

But it was too late, Xiaohong's feet covered a large area, tens of thousands of kilometers.

As a last resort, the Lord of Banff could only hit the bottom of Xiao Hong's hind feet with a spear, with a clang, and not even a white mark, showing that Xiao Hong's defense was unmatched.


The huge vibration spread in all directions, Xiao Hong's movements couldn't help but stop, but after such a stop, the Lord of Banff quickly flew away.

A great existence with incomparably rich fighting experience, the combat response is really fast to the extreme.

"It's really amazing. I know how to avoid the edge." Xiaohong Empress couldn't help but curl her lips. The fighting experience is her and Cheng Buyun's weakness. If that's the case, then... it would be better to fight with a normal body shape.

It can also be better sharpened.

It had become so huge, but it was just to make the Lord of Banff embarrassed. Since it failed, Empress Xiaohong didn’t care, she quickly reduced her size, probably the same as the general Lord of the universe. Turned out a huge sword.

The huge sword, tens of thousands of kilometers long and more than two thousand kilometers wide, is really big.

"Come on, let's fight for three million rounds." Xiaohonghou roared with pride, the invincible aura spreading in all directions.

The Lord of Banff felt uncomfortable. The development of things was completely different from what he expected. What is this now?

Is it funny to be an opponent with an invincible mechanical life?

Obviously, he and others are whetstones.

The actions of myself and others are almost all implemented in accordance with human ideas.

The Lord of Banff is definitely not a fool, he sees very clearly.

But it was useless for him to think about it anymore. Xiao Hong was already wrapped around him, and the super giant sword slashed straight at him. The mighty power contained in the giant sword made his eyes shrunk.


After a fight, the Lord of Banff suddenly felt that his scalp was numb, and what Xiao Hong was using turned out to be the secret method of the Lord of the Universe.

Are you kidding me?

It is one level higher than the Secret Method of the Master of the Universe that he has mastered, and Empress Xiaohong's divine power is not very good, and the attack power is insufficient, will definitely be miserable!

He even used the soul illusion, hoping to affect Xiaohong Empress, so that Xiaohong Empress’s reaction slower, but unfortunately, Xiaohong Empress laughed again and again, mocking him and said: "What garbage means illusion, you dare to be in front of me. Show, I tell, this set is useless to me, I can see your phantom clearly."

The illusion failed, and the Lord of Banff was directly in great trouble.

Empress Xiaohong's defenses are too strong, and the fight in a big fight is simply rushing to lose both sides.

In the fierce fight, the little red queen, the big guy, the lord of Banff, and the lord of order caught each other in pairs, fighting dimly. The little red queen and the big guy were happy, laughing and roaring from time to time.

But the Lord of Banff and the Lord of Order had a lot of complaints and complaints in their hearts, especially... The two opponents were too hard to deal with at all.

But no matter how difficult it is to deal with, they can only bite the bullet to deal with it.

Everything depends on the Lord of Sirius.

When human beings regret it, they don't believe it, relying on Cheng Buyun's ability to resist the mighty power of Sirius Lord.

Anyhow, it is also a great existence.

Cheng Buyun was nothing more than a talented person, and the strength of a universe hegemon.

On the other side, Lord of Sirius and Cheng Buyun finally made contact.

The atmosphere became a lot more solemn,

"Human kid, I have to say, you are arrogant!"

The Lord of Sirius stood above the Heavenly Wolf Palace, his eyes were full of vicious and cunning, and he looked at Cheng Buyun with an indifferent expression and said with a sneer: "Thinking that if you have a little strength, you think you can fight me. Who gave you such great confidence? Where is the Lord of Longxing standing?"

"Shut up, dog!"

Cheng Buyun glanced at the Lord of Sirius coldly, and shouted loudly: "With such a high-profile look, you don't only understand the benefits of your tongue? And if I can fight you, you don't count. I need to ask whether the iron rod in my hand agrees or not, what are you waiting for, come on!"

The two are less than a million kilometers apart at this moment, and it can be said that they are within reach.

The many foreign powerhouses who were watching from a distance even pinched a cold sweat for Cheng Buyun.

In any case, that is the Lord of the universe!

This doesn't give face, I'm afraid I don't want to die.

"Hahahaha, it's really arrogant enough that I don't even pay attention to the Lord of Sirius, then you can die for me." The Lord of Sirius roared and said, he was driving the Sirius Palace. Chao Cheng Buyun rushed towards him, unexpectedly trying to knock Cheng Buyun to death with the heavy weight of the Heavenly Wolf Palace.


The Heavenly Wolf Palace with a radius of one million kilometers rushed in, and its mighty power was pressed against the face, and the nearby airflow spread out in circles visible to the naked eye.

"Be careful, don't resist!" Seeing the shamelessness of the Lord of Sirius, the Lord of Longxing had to remind Cheng Buyun.

"Don't worry, Senior Longxing, this is just a trivial matter. Watch me break him." Cheng Buyun replied the Lord Longxing with expressionless and leisurely expression, but the starry sky in his eyes changed, as if hidden. A whole universe.

And the outside world also changed with the hidden scenes in his eyes, suddenly forming the universe and starry sky scenery, as if changing the sky and the earth, turning the flame continent into the void universe, filled with miniature planets. The whole world.

Even the Heavenly Wolf Palace, which was hitting aggressively, was wrapped in it.

At the same time, Cheng Buyun also moved, holding the stick with his hand and pulling it back, as if he had made a preparatory movement with energy.

And his body is also getting bigger, and in the blink of an eye he becomes a giant one hundred thousand kilometers high.

Chaos battle body is completely intact.

Such a change also made the Sirius Lord who controlled the collision of the Sirius Palace a great surprise, his face changed wildly and his heart was shaken.

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