Plane Universe

Chapter 2420: Speak up

Therefore, the power of the human race, the power of the power of the master of the universe, stabilizes the other three peak races, and almost no power in the universe beats the human race alone.

Among the five pinnacle races, the lord of the universe of the human race is the most powerful.

Even if the monster race has two of the strongest in the universe, they are at most 50-50 different from the human race. The same is true for the machine race and the zerg race. One to one cannot threaten the safety of human beings.

Although the Prison Clan can be regarded as the pinnacle race, the quality of the Prison Clan is even worse, being the weakest race among the five pinnacle races, and has long expressed neutrality and non-competition.

Of course, the Patriarchal Church is not in this case.

Although the three ancestor gods are only the pinnacle of the masters of the universe, their combat power has greatly increased in the primitive universe, and they are considered the strongest level in the universe.

Moreover, the eight-party mythical beasts of the ancestral gods are all at the pinnacle of the fifth-order universe, infinitely close to the strongest in the universe!

More powerful than the Lord of Chaos City and Peng Gong.

My son... No way!

The strength of the Bafang Mythical Beast has increased tremendously in the original universe!

If you change to the universe, the power of the ancestors is nothing.

However, the Chaos City Lord has three avatars, one of whom can barely resist the combat power of a universe's strongest in the primitive universe.

But not in the universe.


The powerful man who came from the mechanical race did not put too much attention on the Chaos City Lord and others, but looked at the fiercely fighting Sirius Lord, Cheng Buyun.

"It has only been a long time before the human genius has grown to the point where it is now, even the Lord of Sirius can't take it." The Lord of Dawn was full of sorrows, still remembering the attack thousands of years ago. There is no way to escape from the sky and the earth, if it weren't for his teacher, City Lord Chaos would have arrived.

I am afraid that the human genius had already died once.

But now... let alone soul enslavement, it is extremely difficult to kill once.

Being able to fight with the Lord of Sirius to such an extent, even he was too sure to make a move.

Powerful masters of the universe are very difficult to kill. If you can't beat others, they will not resist stupidly and will escape.

Once escaped, wanting to kill is almost a luxury.

"Yes, this is the last chance. If this opportunity is missed, there will be little chance of suppressing human geniuses in the future."

"I hope everything goes well!"

The expressions of the other two mechanical cosmos masters are also relatively ugly, and they understand that if human geniuses can no longer be treated this time, then...the human race will immediately have a character who is the strongest preparing for the universe.

Human beings are already strong enough, and there will be one more cosmos strongest in the future, and there is still room for them to struggle?

The threat is too great!

After the powerhouse of the mechanical race arrived, as if an appointment had been made, many more alien universe masters appeared one after another.

The main masters of the monster race universe and the zerg universe are here.

There are five monsters, and the leader is the Lord of Bones.

There are four Zerg tribes, the leader is naturally the Lord of Dreams, and only the Lord of Dreams is the mother emperor, and the others are members of the royal family.

As for the other insignificant masters of the universe, such as the Prison Race, the Northern Border Alliance, the Nine Regions Alliance, the Snow Border Alliance, the Ancestral Gods, and the Star Giant Beast Alliance, they are just foreign powerhouses watching the excitement.

Even our Majesty "Yan Di" is here.

At this moment, Emperor Yan was looking at Cheng Buyun with a scrutiny gaze, feeling a little strange in his heart.

It seemed that there was some doubt in his heart that could not be solved, so this time he came directly, wanting to see what happened to his third junior brother.

The reason why Yandi was surprised was because he mistakenly thought that Cheng Buyun was the disciple of Zuoshanke and his third junior brother.

As for the doubts and strange things, naturally it is because the peak of the treasure is robbery.

When he wanted to come, the strength of the Third Junior Brother was at this level, why didn't he come to get Jie Jia back, and keep it here for storage? This is where he doubts.

Of course, this doesn't mean that Emperor Yan is willing to return Jie Jia to the Third Junior Brother. That is his thing, Third Junior Brother?

Fuck off!

In fact, Emperor Yan had thought too much, if Cheng Buyun was really a disciple of Zuoshanke, he would have gone to take Jie Jia back.

It's a pity it's not... I can only wait for Luo Feng to go by himself.

When that day comes, I am afraid that Emperor Yan will be extremely angry!

I always mistakenly thought that Cheng Buyun was his third junior brother, but didn't want to jump out of Luo Feng, thinking how sour and sour the scene!


The masters of the alien universe who were present in large numbers certainly didn't have any other thoughts, but just to watch the excitement.

Many masters of the alien universe clearly know that this time the four pinnacle races will not end in a hasty battle without a battle.

It's hard to see such excitement in the primitive universe for hundreds of millions of years, and naturally swarms.

"Human geniuses are really too powerful. In just over 20,000 years, they have reached the point where they can fight fiercely with the veteran universe lord of the Sirius Lord."

"It is true that genius is too much. Although the fight is at a disadvantage, it is already genius enough. Even the most famous dozen of the top universe hegemons cannot be compared with it."

"As long as a human genius has resisted this danger, he will definitely have a place in the universe and become the strongest group of strong men. In the future, even I will get a lot of points."

"On that day, it is inevitable!"

"More than ten thousand times the level of life, it can almost be said to be the strongest person in the universe!"


A large number of the masters of the alien universe are talking, admiring and admiring them.

Only Yandi gritted his teeth at hearing, and secretly resented the teacher's partiality. Why did he give the third junior brother any benefits?

He doesn't even have hair.

The secrets of cultivation for raising the level of life were given to the Third Junior Brother, the Star Tower was also given to the Third Junior Brother, and the skill of refining tools was also taught to the Third Junior Brother. Even the Jie Jia on his body belonged to the Third Junior Brother.

What about yourself?

Just a halberd of Po Yan, a treasure of the original soul, so eccentric!

The teacher's partiality has already made him jealously about to explode.

Can't wait for the third junior brother to explode on the spot and die on the spot forever!

The character of Emperor Yan only remembered what others had done to him badly, but he didn't remember what was good.

He also didn't want to think about it. Without the hard training of Zuoshanke, how could his strength today come from?

Suddenly, a huge silver-white figure appeared in the marginal area of ​​time and space. His body was about 60,000 more kilometers long, but his body was only more than 2,000 kilometers thick.

This huge figure is the ancestor of Dream Demon, one of the two strongest men in the universe.

"I said, where I descend, the speed of light is no longer a limit!" The figure whirling and flying in the void slowly spoke at this time, and the voice covered the entire vicinity of the Flame Continent for tens of thousands of light years.


The rules of the universe were immediately changed. They were rewritten by the Meng Yao Clan, the strongest man in the universe. Therefore, the speed within one light-year around it is no longer the maximum limit of 300,000 kilometers, but can exceed the speed of light at will. Will not travel into the dark universe.

Very terrifying ability!

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