Plane Universe

Chapter 2442: Try the power of the strongest in the universe

The huge sword light directly cut through the world tree's resisting secrets, smashed into his canopy, and was shaken on the spot, and a large number of emerald-colored leaves flew away.

A long-range blow, even if the World Tree Divine Body is extremely powerful, it still paid a great price, directly consuming one hundred thousandth of the Divine Body.

Power is really terrifying.

After all, there are not many treasures in the World Tree, just a set of ordinary treasures, it's nothing more than sending them to death, no treasures.

Cheng Buyun wanted to see the mighty power of the strongest in the universe, so he made the World Tree clone carry two treasures to fight.

It won't let you have any ideas if you lose it.


Cheng Buyun felt the loss of the World Tree clone, and suddenly he was frightened secretly.

The strongest person in the Nima Universe really can't be underestimated. With a single sword, the World Tree clone lost one hundred thousandth of the divine body, and he replaced it with his own deity. At the same time, he was wearing the highest treasure armor, and it is estimated that he would be seriously injured by a sword.

Even fall is possible.

You know, this is a long-range attack.

It is powerful without being close.

Moreover, the opponent is also holding an attack to the strongest treasure, it is not difficult to break the Taiwu God Armor.

Definitely have to withstand one-tenth or even higher of its full power.

Therefore, Cheng Buyun guessed and judged that he might not even be able to resist a move by the mechanical devil.

As long as he is hit, he must be maimed without death.

Of course, you have to try one last to be more certain.

"How, are you trembling with my might?" The Mechanical Demon sneered.


The so-called loser does not lose the battle, the Sekaiju clone responded with a sneer, "Did you not eat?"

I rub!

That's right!

Who can bear it?

Naturally, the mechanical devil can't bear it!

While flying at high speed, the big sword in his hand was chopped and slashed like crazy, a powerful and astonishing sword light shrouded the past, hitting the World Tree's branches and leaves crazily shaking.

Such a quick attack, although every time the secret magic power is not strong, but the number of times is large, the damage is also considerable.

After all, the mechanical devil is the strongest level in the universe, and the power of the secret magic that can be easily displayed is not weaker than the sixth level.

A lot of green light spread across the world tree, countless branches waved and bombed to resist, the effect, but it didn't have much effect, it was shrouded by the opponent's crazy sword light, and the divine body directly consumed about one ten thousandth.


A large number of branches and leaves in the void fell like rain, or shot to the surroundings. The scattered leaves were just because the power of the mechanical demon was too strong, and they were shaken open by the impact. They were basically not damaged by too much power, and they were relatively complete. .

The World Tree clone naturally won't give up those divine bodies of its own, and the thoughts are quickly shocked, and the emerald light wave spreads to roll back the fallen divine bodies and attach them to the trunk a little bit.

This can minimize the loss of the divine body.

Seeing it, the mechanical demon naturally won't let the world tree wish, the sword light is constantly bombarding and exploding, and many of the rolled tree trunk leaves are completely annihilated under the powerful power.

However, no matter how strong the Mechanical Demon God is, it has its limits. The attack range cannot cover the entire canopy of the tree. After all, the canopy of the World Tree has a diameter of 3 billion kilometers. Even if the Mechanical Demon God is capable of attacking such a large range, its power can How many are there!

"Ha, the power of this level of existence is really terrible."

"You haven't gotten close yet. If you get close, then you still have it?"

"It's worthy of being a mechanical demon. He has the existence of attacking the strongest treasures, and the powers that can be bombarded are extremely powerful. If I change me, it is estimated that I can't stand it a few times."

The power of the mechanical demon, a large number of foreign races looked pale with fright.

The power of the strongest in the universe is endless, especially its first sword light, which faintly makes time and space tremble, almost splitting the universe into two halves, that shocked this group of strong aliens.

I can't raise any resistance at all.

In particular, our Majesty Yandi was sweating coldly, and the hatred of Teacher Zuoshanke in his heart was also reduced a lot.

The powerful power displayed by the mechanical demon reminded him of the fear of being dominated by the strongest in the universe!

Moreover, Mr. Zuoshan Ke almost fully understood his ability, and he was more targeted, which was far more threatening to him than the mechanical devil.

Even if his strength is at the level of Chaos City Lord, he can't be able to handle it.

Unless you break through, you become a strong person at the same level.


However, for being able to resist the World Tree for so long in the hands of the Mechanical Demon God, the foreign powerhouses are also praised in their hearts. Large size is good, and if the treasures are at least complete, escape should not be a problem.

In fact, the strongest aliens are very strange. The strongest ones in the universe are strong and powerful, but with the wealth of human beings, it is impossible not to give shelter to a few treasures.

But why does the divine body consume so quickly?

I do not know!

After slashing madly for a while, the Mechanical Demon finally stopped, staring at the World Tree with an indifferent expression, and said again with a blank expression: "How?"

how is it?

Cheng Buyun muttered in his heart, it was really too powerful, it would take less than three minutes for the Mechanical Demon God to chop down such a huge divine body of the World Tree and wound all over it, evaporating a large amount of divine power, and the divine body consumed one thousandth.

Sure enough, there is no good treasure body, no matter how strong the strength, no matter how powerful the divine body, the effect will not be too great.

Just a target to be beaten!

But still the same sentence, if you lose, you don't lose, the simulated face of Cheng Buyun exposed from the main body of the World Tree, coldly said: "Have you eaten milk?"

Have you had any milk?

Are you afraid that you don’t really want to die, even if you dare to mock a super being?

A large number of alien powerhouses looked sluggishly, and their expressions fell into a daze.


The mechanical devil roared wildly, and roared extremely angrily, "Yellow mouth boy, I can't forgive you, let me die!"

The mechanical demon in the rage rushed directly towards the world tree, he no longer wanted to waste time anymore.

After all, human beings still have one card to play, and the victory is not necessarily theirs.

Once the time is too long, he is also afraid of accidents. Only by killing Cheng Buyun to the ground can his heart be stable.

The World Tree was even more arrogant, and even hedged, the huge tree body shook, and it rushed towards the mechanical devil.

"It's weird to dare to hit the mechanical demon **** with a clone."

The Zerg queen looked at it with a look of confusion, the more she looked at it, the stranger she murmured: "It's strange, why do I feel uneasy?"

When the World Tree flew up and rushed towards the mechanical devil, all the great beings of mankind had their eyes widened, looking like a good show.

Before, the mechanical demon was flying while attacking, so the distance was not far, and he reached the world tree in a few minutes, stabbed at the huge tree trunk with a blank expression, "Go to hell!"

The World Tree didn’t bother to resist it, and just listened to the sound of a'poof'. The main trunk with a diameter of nearly 20 million kilometers was pierced through, and the tip of the big sword protruded from behind the main trunk. cut.

The divine body loses one thousandth.

And it’s not over yet, the great sword is raised, the sword light spreads'wow', and a huge scar appears on the trunk of the world tree. It is nearly 300 million kilometers long and about 5 million kilometers wide. The world tree was split in half.

Just this time, the **** body consumed one percent, and Cheng Buyun almost fell from Xiao Honghou's shoulder.

What's it so powerful?

PS: Replying to the book friends of Galaxy Chaos, after this battle, the protagonist will hardly dare to provoke the strong in the primitive universe. Unless he is a lone traveler in the universe, he can ignore the protagonist's power.

Recovering the dead youth book friend, after this battle, the three peak alien races, including all superpowers, are unlikely to threaten the protagonist, or even speak harshly to humans.

When the world tree came out of the town, it had already indicated that no one could check and balance the protagonist.

Who dares to mess with a madman? ! ! !

In the next chapter, the World Tree blew itself up and it was very powerful!

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