Plane Universe

Chapter 2470: Humility makes progress

To be able to say so much is the result of negotiations between Time and Space and the will of the universe. Without Time and Space to come forward, no matter how much information he knows, it is impossible to disclose it.

He couldn't even reveal a few steps before, and it was time and space to help.

When he was going to talk before, the cosmic will has already stepped in to stop it.

"Okay, don't force him anymore, don't push him into a desperate situation." City Lord Chaos even began to persuade him. He didn't want his brother to be disgusted by the laws of the universe for a little information.

That's not worth the gain.

It's totally unnecessary.

"Don't worry, everyone. In the future, there is time to look forward to everything today. There will always be a good way to solve everything. And you should think about it first, and when this meeting is over, go back and think carefully."

"After all, your mood is not peaceful now, and your thinking is already a bit confused. Many things have not been carefully thought out, and naturally you can't understand them all at once. When the meeting is over, calm down and think carefully. With your ability, can it be Can it be blocked by the difficulty in front of you?" The savage giant said a lot of words one after another without breathing.

No accusations, but to remind as much as possible.

Let everyone not go too far.

The savage giant also shook his head secretly in his heart, everyone's realm is still a little worse, even if the divine enlightenment, what they have been learning has limited their vision and ideas.

It may take a lot of time to understand that relationship.

More than a dozen masters of the universe, regardless of their talents, sentiments, understanding, etc., are extremely powerful beings, able to break through without systematic guidance and become the masters of the universe, and their character is evident.

It just didn't change quickly, because in a moment, the thinking was stunned, and when it slowly calmed down, there was the information revealed by Cheng Buyun to base it, and it would be really not too difficult to figure out the cause and effect!


"It's stupid!"

"Just a message shocked your mind to recover?"

"Since endless years, how have you cultivated and enlightened?"

"Are you embarrassed to ask?"

The man in white clothes with an illusory figure has all beards and hair, and his face is full of anger.

"We are already a long way faster than any strong."

Suddenly, the Lord of Darkness, who had been silent, said this abruptly.

On the spot, all the masters of the universe reacted and smiled embarrassedly.

Yes, I have gained enough today. If you insist on it, you are not satisfied. It is better to be content.

Forced and embarrassed Cheng Buyun, let alone shouldn't.

"Well, the darkness is right."

The savage giant also nodded and said, "We are indeed a lot faster than all the strong aliens. After all, those strong aliens don’t know anything, and don’t even have the concept of the power level system, which is worse than us. Tens of billions of light-years away."

"Even, the alien race will never be able to think of such a possible concept." Chaos City Lord said with great joy.

"As long as we have this concept, after time's exploration, we human being will become stronger and stronger." The Lord of Longxing laughed.

The masters of the universe, such as the Master of Xujin and the Master of Peng Gong, also nodded.

Compared to alien races who don't know anything, the human race naturally takes a lot of advantage.

"These should be classified as secrets of my human race. As long as they are not at the main level of the universe, they have no right to visit." The Frozen Master said coldly.

"Yes, Bingfeng has come up with the idea. This part of the hidden information is extremely important, even more important than me. You can't disclose a word to the aliens. If you disclose it to the unqualified, don't blame me for being polite. Even if I am a human being, as long as I am not qualified, I can't..."

The savage giant looked at everyone seriously, and reminded with a solemn expression: "You all must stick to it, even if it is your own direct disciple, you must not divulge even a word."

"Yes, Great Axe, I will understand the importance of the matter, and I will never reveal any word of today's meeting."

All the masters of the universe respectfully said Qiqi.

"Okay, the meeting continues. Ignore the content of the information just now. Let us forget those first. After all, today's long meeting mainly welcomes time and space to join me in the highest resolution of mankind." The savage giant looked at Cheng Buyun with a smile.

The other masters of the universe also smiled, temporarily setting aside the shocking information content before, not thinking, not thinking.

The atmosphere became cheerful again.

"Boom! Boom!"

The savage giant knocked on the tabletop and attracted everyone's attention before smiling and saying: "My human race has time and space. It is a kind of luck. His intangible contribution... is huge, even bigger than mine. "

Although this statement is a bit exaggerated, it cannot be denied that Chengbuyun's previous contributions, coupled with the hidden information content revealed today, have contributed a lot.

It may be a bit worse than the creator of the giant axe, but it is definitely bigger than any master of the universe here.

Even the Chaos City Lord can't compare with it.

"Great Axe, too much praise, I am ashamed to be."

Cheng Bu Yunlian stood up and said very modestly: "You, my teacher Chaos, Peng Gong, Xujin, Long Xing, seniors, etc., that is hard work. Without you to develop for my human race, how could there be me? Wait for these latecomers to be full of spirits."

"If it were not for your hard work and struggle, it would be a problem for me as a human being everywhere, and even whether I could have a good cultivation environment would be a problem.

"I also moved my mouth and knew a little bit more. How can I compare with your predecessors?

Cheng Buyun's modesty and sincere tone are very comfortable.

"Haha, I'm still humble, tusk!" The Lord of Xujin even joked softly.

The Lord of Longxing even said: "That is, people who dare to laugh at people who do not bow their heads in the face of the encirclement and suppression of the alien races and the oppression of the strongest in the alien universe are even humble. It is rare... I don’t know each other, haha!"

"low profile!"

Cheng Buyun laughed and said, "After all, he is not his own, so naturally he can choose whatever he wants."

"Haha!" The other masters of the universe laughed, looking at Cheng Buyun with a ridiculous expression.

All the masters of the universe laughed, very happy.

There is nothing more joyful than cultivating a genius who knows gratitude and respects the elders of the ethnic group.

One by one, they were full of praise for Cheng Buyun, even looking at the gaze of Chaos City Lord, but also showing a grateful smile.

I am grateful that the Chaos City Lord has cultivated a super strong person who knows gratitude for the human race.

The cultivation of ethnic genius is definitely the most important part.

They are satisfied.

Very satisfied!

PS: Reply to book friend 20190514160406148, I haven't found any typos before, thank you for your reminder, it has been revised!

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