Plane Universe

Chapter 2473: Infinite future

Who doesn't want to have such a powerful secret method!

The growth of the soul has numerous benefits.

There are a few main points, the improvement of consciousness response, understanding, and faster thinking.

At the same time, the law perception is more clear, the soul defense is stronger, and the soul secret attack power is doubled.

So many benefits, hiss!

However, the only way for a strong person to improve his soul level is to increase his life level to strengthen his soul.

But Cheng Buyun solved it with a clone talent secret method.

What kind of operation is this?


Although everyone was very envious in their hearts, they didn't consciously ask Cheng Buyun, since they didn't share this secret method for everyone to practice and learn.

There must be some concerns.

Such an excessive avatar talent secret method, no need to think about it, it must be an existence that is not allowed by the law of the universe, and it can be regarded as a gift for one person to practice.

Still want everyone to practice?

Want to fart!

The more powerful the secret method, the harsher the conditions.

The clone secret method is the strongest talent in the universe.

It is the goal pursued by all the masters of the universe.

Unless it is innately possessed, otherwise... For countless years, I have never heard that a strong person can suddenly possess the secret method of clone.

"Therefore, the special feature of the secret method of the special clone is here. Although he can't match the combat power of the deity, it can provide the deity with the benefits of strengthening the soul."

Cheng Buyun shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, the number of clones is limited, so it is impossible to condense without limit. I have paid a great price to deal with the actions of the aliens."

The masters of the universe also agreed with what Cheng Buyun said. Indeed, if the world tree clones were allowed to grow and merged after reaching the level of the master of the universe, the benefits would be even greater.

It's a pity to be mixed up by the aliens.

Damn three aliens!

Why not die!

"Time and Space, since you said that your other three avatars are first-class existence, then... can you think that they can exist forever?"

The savage giant said excitedly: "Even if you reach the realm of the true gods, won't you merge into one?"

Everyone quickly looked over and held their breath.

"It can be said like this."

Cheng Buyun nodded directly and admitted.

Suddenly, the masters of the universe took a breath of air, and their faces were extremely shocked.

The strongest person in the other universe has only one divine body, and Cheng Buyun has three major clones and one deity. Then... God, is this human?

One as four!

By the time.


In other words, once Cheng Buyun became a true **** powerhouse, the human race would be equivalent to four more powerhouses of the universe's strongest level.

Buy one get three free!

This is cheap and too big!

City Lord Chaos took a deep breath inexplicably, forced himself to calm down, looked at Cheng Buyun and said, "So, according to your current judgment, the clone talents that I and other strong people have belong to the rank ?"

Cheng Buyun replied without thinking: "Those who cannot exist independently are the third-class talents. Only the clone talents that exceed the third-class are qualified to exist independently, and they will not be forced to merge with the deity because of their level. However, the natural clone talent of ordinary beings in the primitive universe will not exceed the third-class level of the clone secret method, unless it is the inheritance of the senior strong, and the strong must also fall, otherwise it is impossible to cultivate, only by yourself create."

"Just the third class?"

The face of Chaos City Lord turned black, and he felt thousands of grass and mud horses rushing by.

"Many super secret methods are unique, and only one life can be allowed to practice. Even if the second life knows this secret method, will the cultivation succeed."

Cheng Buyun explained in detail that these were all told by time and space.

Okay, there is no need to ask any more, Cheng Buyun explained this sentence, and everyone doesn't have to miss it anymore.

Uniqueness, only one life is allowed to practice, even if it is known, it is useless.

Is it because of the secret method to kill Cheng Buyun?

Even if it is killed, can I get the secret method?

Many inheritances are imprinted in the soul and cannot be detected at all. Soul enslavement is impossible to check. Once forcibly detected, the soul will be restrained, and the former will be destroyed by oath.

Unless one day, the owner is stronger than the inheritance predecessor, breaking the oath and erasing the rules of that level.

In fact, it is to fight against the supreme rule, so that the supreme rule will not go because it punishes you.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have the secret method of avatar now. There will be opportunities in the future. As long as everyone works hard, we human beings have countless hopes."

Cheng Buyun suddenly calmed down and laughed: "The secrets of talent are not inborn, and they cannot be acquired the day after tomorrow. Any secret can be created. As long as the secrets can be seen, we can create. But now, our vision is too weak and we want to create. There is no such possibility."

"Indeed, our horizons are indeed limited. The primitive universe can only be regarded as a starting point for gestating life. Although the universe is large, it is nothing more than an arena."

The savage giant showed a wise color. After Cheng Buyun revealed all kinds of hidden information content, his horizons opened up a lot. He understood exactly what the original universe was, but it was just a cradle of life. It depends on whether it is great or not. Can you pass the reincarnation smoothly?

As long as you go through reincarnation, you can reach a new world.

Xintiandi is a place where strong people run wild.

There are endless challenges!

"In the future, my human being will definitely not be limited to the primitive universe, but should go to the place where the infinite power exists." The Chaos City Lord was also passionate and said directly.

Many masters of the universe roared in their heads, and their hearts were extremely agitated.

If that day comes, what a thing worthy of glory.

In order to achieve this goal, they are desperate!

The Lord of the universe is definitely not the end of everyone, and the true **** is just a starting point.

The human race has unlimited possibilities after today!

"Okay, time and space will send a clone of the World Tree to sit in the Milky Way, but..." the savage giant said here, but his tone was paused and wanted to ask Cheng Buyun: "If the clone of World Tree sits in the Milky Way, It should have a great impact on your strength, right? Then if you go out to temper and encounter some of the strongest in the universe, it will be difficult to escape without the assistance of the World Tree clone."

"And I can't stay in the ethnic group for a long time...As a result, you will encounter some dangers, and I can't rescue them in time."

The savage giant was a little bit worried. After all, Cheng Buyun carried such a huge ocean of divine power with him. Once it fell, it would definitely be the heaviest loss for the entire human race.

none of them.

That huge ocean of divine power has suffered losses, how much resources are needed to recover?

I am afraid that the entire human race will pay a huge price for this.

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