Plane Universe

Chapter 2476: Want to resurrect the Supreme Universe Venerable

Under the control of the World Tree clone, Time and Space quickly began to return, and the figure of the beautiful woman gradually became clear.

At the same time, the force of some rules quickly acted on the beautiful woman, causing her to exhale horribly, and the intense pain was unconsciously unbearable.

The World Tree hurriedly sheltered the body of the beautiful woman, letting those backlashes be borne by itself.

That powerful backlash is naturally nothing to the Lord of the Universe, but to the Lord of the Universe and the Immortal Spirit, there is almost no possibility of resistance.

Any backlash can make them fall.

Time and space are returning.

Extremely fast time retreats, the longer the years, the greater the rebounding force of time and space.

But in a moment, time and space quickly returned to normal.

The beautiful woman who returned to normal time and space, the armor she wore also changed. It was no longer the black patterned armor that she saw before, but a golden armor that didn't fit in with a lot of phantom streamers.

It is the golden king armor he bought in Yubaotang of Hongmeng City in the past.

Through the long river of time and space, Cheng Buyun directly brought back the black Phoenix King who was about to fall, so that her wealth was not lost at all.

At this moment, the Black Phoenix King looked stunned, and he was already stunned.

Obviously, in an instant, she didn't know exactly what happened to her, her eyes blinked wisely, and she came back to her senses, "Am I alive?"

Immediately, she raised her head and saw the behemoth near Chi Chi, and she was immediately stunned.

Cheng Buyun sighed through the gaze of the World Tree clone. This time he resurrected the Black Phoenix King alone, and he understood a longing in his heart.

The black phoenix king, the powerful king, had heard of Cheng Buyun a long time ago, and he had expressed feelings about the opponent's experience before, but now that he has the ability, he will naturally help.

As for helping the Black Phoenix King to bring back the wealth, in Cheng Buyun's eyes, it was of course nothing, and it was not a big waste.

Even Zhongbao is not counted, and how much he needs to pay.

The Black Phoenix King reacted quickly and hurriedly bowed down in the void respectfully and thanked him, "Thanks to the Lord of the Universe."

"Go ahead,"

A gentle and thick voice sounded, and the Black Phoenix King's eyes flickered. People had already arrived at the hall of the headquarters of the Virtual Universe Company, and were quickly surrounded by a group of immortal kings rushing over.

"Black Phoenix King, you are back, more than six hundred thousand years ago."

"Yeah, you are lucky. You came back only 600,000 years ago."

The Black Phoenix King realized what happened in the past six hundred thousand years, which was shocking in his heart.

Unexpectedly... The Virtual Universe Company has produced such a talented Highness, who has become the Lord of the Universe in just over 20,000 years.

Oh my God.

"The Black Phoenix King has been resurrected."

Soon, the news that the Black Phoenix King was resurrected by the Lord of Time and Space spread rapidly in Hongmeng City, attracting the attention of a large number of powerful people, and they were all talking about it.

Many powerhouses have a look of envy, and the immortal kings of the Virtual Universe Company waiting to be resurrected are lucky.

Encountered such a good thing.

The Lord of the Universe reverses the resurrection of the space-time group, and each time is separated by tens of millions of years.

The strong man who fell early, waited for it to be called a miserable one.

The last time the Virtual Universe Company reversed the space-time resurrection of the strong was more than 30 million years ago, and it will be at least 60 million years before the next reversal of the space-time group resurrection.

Unless a large number of immortal masters fall, it will definitely not advance.

And this time...

However, the virtual universe company suddenly added a new cosmic master, so everyone celebrated and provided benefits.


The sixth kingdom of God teleportation point.

Cheng Buyun stared at the void in front of him through the gaze of the World Tree clone, but he secretly vomited, thinking that the reversal of time and space was so awesome and powerful.

That's just three melons and two dates.

This is utterly unreasonable.

How big can it be to resurrect an immortal king?


Suddenly, a branch of the World Tree waved, making the space vibrate, and at the same time a deep voice rang, "Well, I have practiced hand in reversal of time and space, and it is starting to be formal."

"I'll go, this kid is really annoying."

The Lord of Longxing laughed and scolded, reversing time and space is equivalent to an innate ability, do you need to be familiar with it?

"This is far-sighted thinking, unlike you, always bluffing and messing around." Chaos City Lord said jokingly.

When the Lord of Longxing was said so, he must be reluctant, and he even shouted: "Am I messing? Do I have that little pervert messing? Also I messing up, thinking about it when speaking, don't think you are the head People can talk nonsense, be careful I beat you."

"Come on, old boy, I knew you were not pleasing to my eyes for a long time, and today I will show you how heavy my old punches are." City Lord Chaos also jokingly shouted.

The two old guys who had been relieved of pressure were arguing like children at this moment, and they were not afraid that the aliens would see a ridicule.

Cheng Buyun also shook his head secretly, and he never knew that the teacher had such a naughty side in getting along with his peers.

What a shame!

Time and space began to regress again, but Cheng Buyun controlled the world tree clone to reverse time and space again, preparing to resurrect a certain strong man.

Who will it be this time?

A lot of light and shadow changed, and countless strong figures appeared in the void, but they were not Cheng Buyun's goal to resurrect.

Time went back and forth more and more, and suddenly all the light and shadow stopped.

The Chaos City Lord and other super beings looked at the illusory figure and suddenly looked surprised.

It was a middle-aged man with a face and skin color that looked like pale sapphire. He had a bald head and a burly figure. His appearance was not much different from that of ordinary human beings. He wore a golden armor and hovered in the void.

"Hey, this kid is going to revive Herodo, isn't he a bit anxious?" The Frozen Lord said in a daze.

"Herodo's strength is not weak, and his divine power is very close to the level of the universe's overlord. If I go to resurrection, I will have to suffer heavy losses. Only the giant axe can be resurrected to be safe and sound." The Lord of Longxing said in surprise.

Cheng Buyun's choice was too unexpected.

"It is estimated that with the huge divine body of the World Tree clone, it shouldn't be difficult to reverse the time and space to resurrect the universe overlord." Chaos City Lord said quickly: "Don't compare us with that kid. The main reason is that the Lord of the universe is not powerful enough. If it is thick and not much, the resurrected universe overlord power will naturally be seriously injured. If it is a relatively powerful universe overlord level powerhouse, if it is forced to resurrect, it may fall on the spot."

"This is indeed the truth. The avatar of this kid's World Tree clone is too huge. Even if it is only the master level of the ordinary universe, it is really very powerful." The Lord Longxing nodded and agreed with the Chaos City Lord's statement, his eyes paid more attention. The movement over there.

For Cheng Bu Yun's resurrection object, not only Chaos City Lord and other super beings were surprised, but also many immortal gods and several cosmic lords were also shocked.

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