Plane Universe

Chapter 2487: Top decision

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Cheng Buyun's current deterrent power is even greater than that of the founder of the Great Axe.

To provoke human beings, you must consider the extermination of ethnic groups.

After all, how can humans be beaten back to the original universe? When the founder of the giant axe comes out with Cheng Buyun to take revenge, who can stop it.

The human giant axe can be dragged by a strong man of the same strength. If you want to retaliate, you have to worry about the laws of the universe, but human beings are almost incomprehensible. He has no such concerns. No matter how many massacres, it is within the rules.

Whether it is the founder of the giant axe, or Cheng Buyun, individual strength is not terrible.

There are strong people who can deal with it, but they can work together, but it is extremely terrible, just thinking about it, you have to make any strong head sweat.

The entire primitive universe is full of strong talks, but on the surface it is calm and calm.

The Venerable Universe and the powerhouses below have almost nothing to know about these secret happenings.

No superpower dared to say that they would unite to deal with mankind and contain the source of this rise.

That is not happy for myself.

Human beings should be snickering if they don't come to play with them, and they want to deal with humans.

I really thought I was not afraid of death with three heads and six arms.

It is naturally impossible to conceal the fact that the three alien races secretly wooed the forces to deal with the human alliance, and almost quickly let mankind learn a lot of insider information.

After all, many alien races still have contacts with human races, whether it is in the past, or want to cling to it, plus the strong posture of humans during this period, of course they have to show some sense of closeness.

Therefore, the intelligent human power will know.

In the virtual universe giant axe temple, 18 universe masters are already present, only the creator of the giant axe and the Lord of Darkness are absent.

The meeting was presided over by the Lord of Chaos City.

"Everyone, according to intelligence, the Monster Race, Zerg Race, and Machine Race have formed an alliance. Needless to say, everyone should be clear about the purpose." Chaos City Lord said lightly.

"Heh, it's alliance again, it's really troublesome!"

"Foreign races have always perished. My human heart is not dead. I have expected the big battles that time and space will bring out, but now it is only certain."

"What about uniting, I am the strong human being afraid?"

"They have the courage to dare to go to war with my humans? I think, sometimes they are shocked, so they should not dare."

The masters of the universe even expressed their disdain.

"Yes, the alien races dare not go to war with us. The three alien races mean that they want to unite many alien races to suppress the strength of our human beings, and fight against the powers of the universe, including the powers of the following levels, and consume our strength." City Lord Chaos nodded with a smile , His face was very happy and said, "But under the shock of time and space, few foreign experts agree to dare to provoke me humans."

Cheng Buyun nodded at everyone with a smile, and raised his head proudly, looking like he was traveling.

"However, the combination of the three major alien races still puts a lot of pressure on our strong, and we need to be prepared to a certain degree. Now we have time and space. With his divine body tyranny, it is also time to revive the strong. A certain degree of modification should be made. Modifications are beneficial."

"Indeed, many strong people can't afford to die at all. There is no other way before. Now there is time and space, and the recovery of the divine power is a waste. Therefore, it is necessary to modify the contribution value required for resurrection."

"Reducing the contribution value of the resurrection can greatly boost the strength of our human alliance and draw the cohesion of the vassal group. You can kill two birds with one stone, why not do it."

"It's just that time and space are harder."

Cheng Buyun connected the mouth and said: "I have no problem. It is all for the growth of the ethnic group. It is necessary to work hard. However, the higher the level of the resurrection universe, the more I resurrect, the consumption is very large, and a small amount is okay. Once the number is large, Resurrection can't resist higher levels, so the cosmic venerable level still needs to relax a little, if you can survive, you can't die."

The Lords of the Universe nodded with a smile and said that they are coming to the resurrection of the Universe.

"Then it will be fine." Cheng Buyun agreed.

"I am in favor of revision."


"I didn't say, with the quality of my human alliance powerhouse, haha, it is not so easy for the aliens to deal with."

"All these changes are brought about by time and space, which has caused a qualitative change in the level of my human immortal gods, haha!"

Who in this room is the Lord of the universe who would be so arrogant that he would squander his divine body casually?

Almost a little divine body has a huge effect, and it won't be wasted.

Only the Lord of Time and Space!

"Okay, this amendment proposal is approved. I will make a revision to the resurrection application, and try to make the strong in the alliance feel our attention, and improve the cohesion of the ethnic group, including the vassal aliens."

"You can deal with chaos. As long as it is good for me, I believe that everyone will not object to it. Just tell me to wait."

Chaos City Lord nodded and smiled, looked around everyone and said solemnly: "Back to the topic, although many neutral races have not agreed to the three major alien races now, I humans have to take precautions, at least with those neutral races. The alien forces show my human attitude."

"I should let the aliens know that following the three major aliens to deal with my humanity is just a dead end. If we do not want the destruction of the ethnic group, we should not make some decisions that will misunderstand me. It is best not to do things that should not be done. When I get it, I say that I am a human being regardless of the generality and bullying the weak with the strong." Cheng Buyun interjected indifferently.

"Yes, Chaos, when you go to negotiate with the alien race, you must tell the alien race's goodwill expressed by'Time and Space'. Once they are involved, there is no life or death. Then don't hate my human beings to destroy their race."

The Lord of Xujin looked at Chaos City Lord with indifference, and specifically named Cheng Buyun. After all, he knew very well that in terms of deterrence, Cheng Buyun is currently the most powerful man.

"I human beings are not afraid of confrontation, but I can't let the aliens gather together and attack them." Chaos City Lord nodded and said clearly: "I will tell the neutral aliens the meaning of time and space, so that they don't overestimate themselves, and don't underestimate them. The goodwill of time and space."

"In my opinion, it is still necessary to win over a group of aliens, frighten a group, and divide a group."

"During this time, I try to keep a low profile for the strong human beings, and don't shout and scream at some weak alien strong people at every turn. At least I have to show the spirit of my peak human race."

The meeting ended soon, and Cheng Buyun didn't say a few words during the whole process.

Most of the two powerhouses, the Lord of Chaos and the Lord of Virtual Gold, were talking, and the other Lords of the universe were simply melon-eating crowds, but they just roared angrily when they needed to roar.

Supporting roles are not counted, just a group of dragons.

Chengbuyun is even more of a dragon.

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