Plane Universe

Chapter 2498: There are such changes

There were four more high-ranking sages to manage the time and space palace, and many affairs became much more orderly.

No more chaos before.

In the past, when the strong under his command went out for adventure, it was only necessary to report it. Now it is necessary to formally apply, and only after agreeing to go out for adventure.

The various arrangements, as well as the distribution of the strong, the adventurous guidance, are really quite different from before.

Venerable Nine Swords and Venerable Jinshi are both experienced and highly experienced in adventure. Arranging a group of immortal gods to take an adventure is nothing more than a trivial matter.

With their arrangements for customized management, many of the cosmic secrets are dangerous, and the power of the cosmic secrets is rich and suitable for what level.

After all, they are also extraordinary figures who have been killed from the weak to the level of the cosmos venerable.

As for the two Venerable Qianwu and Lanyu, they are even more handy in handling the government affairs of the Time and Space Palace.

The Lord of Dry Witch used to be the Lord of a universe. Venerable Lan Yu has served as the senior management of a virtual universe company several times, familiar with the handling of various conquests, and many other things.

It is not difficult at all to deal with it.

With the troubled government affairs of the four great lords taking over and causing them to split their heads, King Shuying finally breathed a sigh of relief.

During this time, she was too busy.

There is no time to settle down to practice.

It's all right now, and she can only be responsible for the business affairs of the space-time palace. Although most of the power is allocated, she has long expected it.

Your Royal Highness is already a great existence, and sooner or later he will subdue several cosmic venerables to join his subordinates.

And now she can be responsible for important things such as shops, which is already regarded as important to His Highness.

How many immortal gods in Hongmeng City, like her, possess such great power?

Even at the limit level of the king, it is generally just a shopkeeper, which is commonly known as the gatekeeper.

As she manages a large number of shops, she can even directly meet a great person, not one in the entire human race.

King Shuying, Cheng Buyun is still very important.

High aptitude and good savvy.

He was the first person to join him, so Cheng Buyun naturally couldn't treat him badly.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have allowed her to comprehend the important inheritance of the "Star Artistic Conception" before.

The high-ranking cosmic venerables in the race are not qualified yet, why is she an immortal god?

It is not Cheng Buyun's value, but also qualifications.


The Four Universe Venerables came forward to manage the government affairs of the Space-Time Palace, and other Universe Venerables naturally learned about it for the first time.

On the spot, each face changed color, already knowing that the Lord of Time and Space had a choice.


"Sure enough, as I guessed, Qianwu and Jiujian were chosen."

"I had expected it a long time ago, so I didn't participate in the competition, lest you be so disappointed as you are now."

"Actually, I don't know. I just thought, what if... I want to touch that chance. Look, isn't the Venerable Jinshi also selected?"

"I can only say bad luck."

"No, there is actually a chance. Right now, there are only four Cosmos Venerables. Under that great existence in my human race, the Cosmos Venerables are not a group. There are more than dozens of them. Now that it is over, it is still far away, and there may not be no chance in the future."

Indeed, the general existence of the Lord of the Universe is to recruit disciples or the Venerable Universe to serve under his command. Now there are only four, which is a long way from dozens of them.

The Lord of the universe of mankind is just that, but most of them are reluctant to recruit more disciples. It is very difficult for the Lord of the universe to worship under the Lord of the universe.

The only thing is to invest in his subordinates to make himself a backer.

And among the more than 20,000 cosmic sages among human beings, very few have a background, and there is a new cosmic master who is eager to work for it.

"Fortune encounter!"

"It's not that you don't work hard to compete, but the chance is on the side of others, and you can't compete if you want to."

"But I don't understand. Jiu Jian was the leader of the genius war back then, and Qin Wu was the leader of the Qin Wu universe. There is such a chance that it can be justified. Why is Lanyu? Why is Jinshi?"


This makes sense, then why couldn't you lower your face back then and call yourself a brother to the Lord of Time and Space at the level of the realm master?

I can only say that I don't have any eyesight and I have my identity.


Venerable Nine Swords, Venerable Kingdom Lord of Dry Witch, Venerable Lanyu, Venerable Jinshi join Chengbuyun's subordinates to serve. Those who admire have it, those who are angry have it, and those who are jealous have it.

There are different ways of life.

The lord of the human universe is just that, there are more than 20,000 cosmos venerables, of which there are thousands of advanced cosmic venerables, and there are not many backgrounds and backers. Who doesn't want a strong person to rely on behind him.

But such a thing cannot be forced, nor is it possible for you to think about it.

Primitive Secret Realm.

City Lord Chaos was leaning on a railing at the palace, listening to a lot of personal disciples talking in his ears, showing a little smile.

Jiujian, Qianwu and other boys were able to join Chengbuyun's subordinates, of course, because of luck, this is an ability that others cannot envy.

Cheng Buyun grew up under his nose, and was very clear about the friendship between them.

This is the reason that the so-called one person can get to the sky.

However, Cheng Buyun only took in his subordinates instead of his disciples, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

When it comes to teaching his disciples, Cheng Buyun is definitely not weak, and he can guide a tyrannical existence like Alice, which is enough to explain the problem.

Many things don’t have to be true, it might be better to let them go.

Choosing disciples from the current Venerable Universe is not necessarily good.

Suddenly, a figure flashed in front of him, but Cheng Buyun teleported over. The City Lord of Chaos looked over and smiled: "If you don't practice well, what are you going to do again?"

Cheng Buyun stood by and looked at the majestic World Tree clone standing still, smiling and replied: "It doesn't matter, I wanted to take the World Tree clone back, but saw the teacher here, so he came out to say hello. "


Chaos City Lord smiled slightly and stopped talking.

Needless to say, some things are naturally clear.

In the blink of an eye, the huge World Tree clone disappeared in place, but it had been received by Cheng Buyun into the inner universe.

Cheng Buyun did not pay much attention to the small disturbance caused by the disappearance of the World Tree. His mind was already projected into the divine power ocean restricted area of ​​the universe within his body.

Over the quiet and broad ocean of divine power, endless sea water rose up like a tornado, spreading and covering the entire world tree, and a large amount of divine power was supplementing the divine body lost by the world tree clone.

With the addition of a large amount of divine power, Cheng Buyun's soul clearly felt that the powerful pressure looming over the world tree clone was slowly diminishing.

With these huge changes, Cheng Buyun felt a little too helpless.

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