Plane Universe

Chapter 2502: Shirokane God

At their powerful level, doubling the life gene is equivalent to 100,000 times the increase of divine power.

Being able to fuse one more Blood Luo Jing is naturally a joyful thing.

"Look at if you can do it, don't you judge me?" Long Jade King was noncommittal.

When she was still weak, she was favored by Venerable Nine Swords early and joined her under her command, and then she was trained with many resources.

Since we bear the cause and effect, the natural result must be paid.

What resentment!

"It's mine, it's not," said Tong Nan Wang with his eyes closed, even begging for mercy.

But Wang Longyu did not let go of his teasing and said: "You seem to have forgotten one thing, and I am also considered a powerful subordinate of a great existence."

Tong Nan Wang's face suddenly trembled.

The strong in the time-space palace can enjoy more benefits than the average human strong.

"Then I will join the Time Palace too." King Tong Nan said viciously with determination.

"Wait until you join." Longyu King laughed, the time and space palace is extremely rich in resources, even if it is the blood of the beast, the internal powerhouse can be exchanged for contribution points.

Even if it is a heavy treasure, it can be half discounted, and it only needs contribution points equal to about 950 billion yuan.

Everything is so beautiful.

The price of the blood of the beast is only one hundred treasure points, which is quite cheap for the powerful cosmic venerable.

They are not afraid that you are expensive, they are afraid that there is nowhere to buy.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's go to find a stranger to fight, I can't wait for the harvest of wealth." King Hitomi said with a look of hope: "With the great opportunity now, it is the one of the noble ones. It’s not that we can't covet it."


The Divine Body of Tong Nan Wang shook, and a golden armor immediately condensed to cover the whole body, and the hazy golden halo was slightly vomiting, as if a **** descended from the earth.

However, the color of the golden armor on his body is different from the armor worn by the Dragon Jade King.

Obviously, the two armors should not be treasures of the same level.

The armor worn by King Hitomi is just covered with a golden halo on the surface, while the armor worn by King Long Jade has a few halos intertwined and flowing on the surface, which looks more dreamy.

And those halos flicker and jump from time to time, gorgeous and not dazzling, you can see that they are not ordinary products.


The armor worn by Longyu King is a newly manufactured armor jewel by Cheng Buyun.

Platinum God Armor!

Heavy treasure level, worth 1 heavy treasure point, not expensive.

Although the value is cheap, Wei Neng is not weak at all, and it doesn't lose anything compared to a high-level treasure.

Of course, the effects and the like are all upgraded versions of the Golden King Armor without much change.

It's just that the power increase is higher and the defense is stronger.

The Platinum God Armor can increase the amplitude of the **** body to 10 million times the **** body level for the user, which has just reached the threshold of the Universe Venerable, and the wearing requirement is 1 million times the **** body level and 1 million times the **** power level.

Two major requirements.

There are only a small number of immortal powerhouses in the human race who are qualified to wear this equipment.

The requirements are too high.

One million times the divine body level, 1 million times the divine power level, that is, the life multiplier reaches ten, and the amplitude secret method reaches ten.

Such high-end requirements are a level that many ultimate powerhouses cannot reach.

There are not many invincible immortal gods.

This golden armor is very different from the three previous armor beads and the crystal armor that Cheng Buyun wore before, and it is more demanding.

Without strong physique and strength, it is impossible to carry such a high amplitude.

It will even crush people.

That is a strength evolution.

As long as he wears the Platinum Divine Armor, his strength is equivalent to the level of a Universe Venerable, and the requirements are a bit outrageous.

Except for this effect, the platinum **** armor has its other effects unchanged. It is like the golden king armor, with anti-shock retreat, weakening the material and soul dual defense effect, 90%.

What has been promoted is increased strength and stronger defense.

When the treasure materials for forging are good, the defense will naturally rise.

"Tsk, when I join the Time and Space Palace, I don’t know if I will be given such a platinum divine armor." King Tong Nan looked at the armor he was wearing, and looked at the piece on Long Jade King. The dreamlike **** armor said with envy.

Feel the invincible power of the Universe Venerable in advance, the immortal **** is unwilling.

It's a pity that there is nowhere to buy such platinum **** armor treasures, and the Time and Space Palace has not been put on the shelves, otherwise it would have long been a sensation in the level of immortal gods.

"Just now, I didn't know who ridiculed me for working for others, being a cow and a horse, I would be envious of this?" Longyu King teased.

The king of Hitomi covered the face of the visor and no expression was visible, but he guessed at the moment that he should be laughing again and again. He opened the topic and said: "Unfortunately, the guy Zhenyan is not there, otherwise we will kill the alien with the strength of the three of us. It will be easier."

"It's a pity, and time is also fate." Long Jade King said with emotion: "We shouldn't irritate him before and make him feel so lost."

"Hey, Zhen Yan has Luo Feng and Alice to help him, but can he still lack resources? To worry is also to worry about the two of us. Based on his relationship with Luo Feng and Alice, even if the Lord of Time and Space is in love, I will also take care of one..." Before the King Hitomi had finished speaking, he suddenly stopped and exclaimed: "No, there is a strong ethnic group asking for help."

"It's the team led by the Heavenly Shield King. They were ambushed by a foreign powerhouse in Black Mars, two light years away from us, a bit far away." Long Jade King also said.

"Go, teleport over first." Tong Nan Wang shouted in a hurry.

The two of them couldn't chat anymore, approaching each other arm in arm, and their figures flashed.

They have been lost in the same place.

In the secret realm of the universe, teleporting is very dangerous.

It is not necessary, and generally will not teleport.

But having a map is another matter. The Yin'e Secret Realm is considered to be a relatively ancient cosmic secret realm, with a high degree of development. The general dangerous areas are well known by the experts who come here for adventure, and naturally they will not teleport to those areas.


In a safe area tens of thousands of kilometers away, the figures of the King of Tong Nan and the King of Long Jade suddenly appeared, but they didn't stay much, they just slowly stayed in place, and disappeared again.

Teleportation also has a freezing time and cannot be achieved continuously.

In just a few minutes, the two arrived in front of a huge black planet, and within the huge planet suspended in the void, energy fluctuations spread in all directions.

The intensity of the battle can be seen.

And under the induction of their soul consciousness, their expressions were suddenly furious, and in a small valley inside, several powerful human beings were being severely attacked by their opponents.

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