Plane Universe

Chapter 2506: You have to die if you don't want to die


The light of the green knife flashed, and the sharp Yan Ling knife penetrated the armor and disappeared in the chest. The powerful weapon of the heavy treasure level immediately caused a huge amount of damage. King Qing Jin roared loudly and slammed his left arm. Falling, I want to break the Longyu King.

However, Longyu King slammed his shoulders and leaned against King Qingjin. The latter was hit so that the entire upper body was leaned backwards. The former rushed quickly, carrying the former forward with disproportionate body strength. He galloped, the Yan Ling knife with his right hand was drawn directly and stabbed in again, cross-cutting, wanting to make a cross on the opponent's chest!

But it got stuck in the opponent's armor, and had to pull it out again and plug it in again!

The action of fighting together is really unsightly.

But it is undoubtedly the most labor-saving way and the fastest way to kill the enemy.


King Qingjin was stabbed so many times, and his whole person was severely injured, which shows how fierce the Longyu King's attack is.

Even if it is not a trick, the Yan Ling Sword itself possesses very high power, and the Dragon Jade King is in a state of burning divine power at this moment, the power of the law of activation cannot be underestimated.

The steel fork weapon has been disarmed, and King Qingji can no longer take care of it. At the moment when his life is greatly threatened, foreign objects are no longer important.

He made a fist with his right hand and smashed it toward the smaller Longyu King, fiercely, and desperately.

But the distance is too close, and there is no speed bonus. Besides, his divine body has lost too much, and his strength has decayed badly, less than 50% of the peak period.

Wanting to smash the Dragon Jade King is just a delusion.

Moreover, at this moment, Longyu King was desperately stabbing his body with a Yan Ling knife, and after a few stabs in the blink of an eye, the divine body fell below 50%.

The strength of a tyrannical body has fallen without even seeing it.

"You forced me, Dragon Jade King, let's die together!" Qing Jin knew that he was bound to die. He smashed his whole body's supernatural power, and his right hand pulled the Long Jade King's right hand forcefully. combustion.


At the last moment, Qing Jin chose to blew himself up.

Self-destruction is also inevitable. Since there is no doubt that death, then try to let the enemy lose.

Even if she died, she would cause damage to the Dragon Jade King and consume her divine body.

An invincible and immortal **** blew himself up, and his power is still very terrifying. With the current strength of the Dragon Jade King, if the opponent blew himself up at close range, she might be fine, but the three human powers behind, the Heavenly Shield King, would probably follow the trend. It's terrible.

Just in an instant~~ Seeing it will blew up.

Longyu King's reaction was not unpleasant. He immediately shouted, his body was shocked and resisted and bounced away Qingjin King, his right foot violently lifted and kicked forward, and the metal combat shoes kicked fiercely in front of the latter's chest.


With this blow, King Qing Jin's body was also thrown away vigorously, and his consciousness was almost lost.

But the powerful willpower played a role at the last moment, allowing him to recover instantly.

However, Longyu King took advantage of this little limited time to guide the power of the law, a little condensed, and quickly blasted out a secret method to kill the Qingjin King's idea of ​​self-destruction.

The light of the sword struck King Qing Jin, making his body like a pierced balloon, his divine power leaked out and annihilated, and he fell on the spot.

Another strong alien who fled quickly, saw King Qing Jin in the hands of Longyu King without even a struggle, so he died on the spot, his face paled even more in fright.

The figure escaping far away even used the strength to suckle.

"It's up to you, King Eyes." Long Jade King shot after him murderously, and the fleeing figure panicked.

"It's over, I won't be able to escape." Wang Mumu was very flustered, the distance of two hundred thousand kilometers, can it be the distance?

Although this cosmic secret realm is only a low-level cosmic secret realm, it is also a cosmic secret realm. As long as it is a cosmic secret realm, the internal gravity is extremely great.

It takes a lot of time to accelerate to the speed of light, or even exceed the speed of light.

The normal start is only about 30,000 kilometers per second, and the King of Eyes is the law of the earth, and the law of the earth does not increase the speed at all, and there is not much difference between the speed and the tortoise.

And the time it took Longyu King to kill Qingjin King was just over four seconds.

call out!

The Long Jade King's figure drew a light and shadow in the sky, and appeared one hundred and fifty thousand kilometers away in the blink of an eye, making the eye king suddenly panic even more.

The speed of the former is several times faster than him, and his current speed is only 100,000 kilometers.

Longyu King started at 150,000 kilometers, my God!

Sure enough, she still has a treasure to assist her speed.

Yes, Longyu King has a heavy belt on her body, which can increase her speed by three times in a short time, and the law of thunder and lightning is known for its speed, which means that the law of light can stabilize the speed a little.

After a few breaths, Longyu King really got close.

The difference between the two is only 50,000 kilometers.

At such a close distance, the attack will inevitably come in the next instant.

King Moumu didn't want to die, he couldn't bear the two heavy weapons that hadn't been warmed up for a long time.

Shields and black sabers were all just given by the race, allowing them to team up to hunt down the strong human beings. They didn't make much contribution, but they immediately lost this precious wealth. Will the race still trust him in the future?

Negative answer.

However, he does not want to lose, but he does not want to lose. What is the human Dragon Jade King who is chasing after him?

In terms of strength, the human Longyu King is really scary, and that tyrannical strength makes him unable to resist.

"Longyu King, don't force me." Moumuwang shouted, and the four firm eyes showed the color of yin, but no one could see the expression and was panicked.

Can not die, who wants to fall.

"It's really nice, I forced you!" Longyu King's indifferent voice spread, and his figure kept breaking through the air, and immediately flashed in front of the opponent.

"Then you go to death!"

The King of Eyes instantly burned five percent of the divine body, stepped forward, and the shield slammed into the past. The black sword hidden at the waist was the power of a large amount of the law of earth, and the light of the law of earth was condensed. But there was a faint rhythm of silver halo.

"You seem a little crazy."

Longyu King sneered, and he could see through the other party's thoughts at a glance. The abnormal divine body burns and the power is not the same. With a strong person like her, how can he not see it.

Want to suffer a big loss when you are at a loss?

Generally speaking, the burning of the divine body is continuous, as long as the power of the secret magic is maintained a hundredfold. The amount of the burning divine body is only the length of time.

But some methods can burn a lot of divine power in a short period of time, venting endless power.

Very common methods are the weak ones against the strong ones.

For example, burn 30% of the divine body, or 50% of the divine body in an instant, put it to death, and then give it a blow.

A similar method equivalent to self-destruction.

But this method has a huge weakness. If it cannot cause a lot of damage to the enemy, then you are in danger.

There is basically no hope of escape.

"Fuck off!"

The Dragon Jade King screamed, once again wasting one millionth of the divine body, the crystal-like jade fist was shining with green light, even the armor could not hide the light.


The Eye King who was ready for all attacks, under this tyrannical shock force, his arm broke directly, and the person vomited blood and flew away.

The whole consciousness became a cloud, and then only a green light flashed in my eyes. I only felt a pain in my body, the divine body was annihilated in large quantities, and my consciousness was blurred, making people confused.

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