Plane Universe

Chapter 2516: The power of time hidden in the law of wind

The pervert is a bit unreasonable.

The real son of the universe?

Is it okay to come?

The alien is very puzzled and can't figure out the key.

Normally speaking, human Chengbuyun has reached what many foreign races think violates the laws of the universe.

But there was nothing at all, and the ancestors of the gods did not move at all, as if they could not be seen, and it seemed that there was no such person as Cheng Buyun in the primitive universe.

Is it normal to be so abnormal?

Believe in your evil.

Damn it, it's not the ancestors' religion that is sheltering this damned human being, it's probably the law of the universe that is protecting it.

What is the principle of fairness!

But at this moment, all foreign races and countless powerful people also know the real horror of human beings.

With such an ability, as long as human beings do not fall, the powers below the lord of the human race universe are invincible.

It is uncontestable.

Because the powerhouses who have fallen by humans do not need treasure resources when they are resurrected, just like the ancestors of the gods, even if they only occupy a small corner of the universe, they can afford what they need.

Because the ancestors of the gods have the Lord of the Nine Nethers, and need too many treasure materials resources, as long as the Lord of the Nine Nethers is there, all costs are unnecessary.

The human race can do the same now. What other race forces do to fight against humans?

After the three big alien races, they were ridiculed by other alien powerhouses for a long time because of this, ridiculing their irresponsibility, and also wanted to jointly plan to consume the human heritage.

Isn't it crazy?

Being ridiculed by a large number of alien races because of this matter, the three powerful aliens can only endure and can't attack them at all. That is just a joke.

The primitive mystery, the monstrous power of the cloud, not only shocked the foreign powerhouses, but also shocked all the human powers, all immortal gods, and worshipped them.

Because the immortal spirits know one thing, they need the protection of the Lord of Time and Space in the future.

I also know why some time ago, the ethnic group revised the resurrection regulations to reduce the wealth expenditure required for the resurrection. It turns out that the Lord of Time and Space is so tyrannical.

With one's own power, reversing time and space, resurrecting all the immortal gods and powerhouses who have fallen since the endless years.

It is simply... a powerful ability that cannot be described in words.

With Cheng Buyun's power display this time, countless powerful people in the universe have been polite to the human power.

Even the Northern Xinjiang Alliance powerhouses, who always look at the human powers as unpleasant, have been polite, and have kept a low profile a lot in usual situations, trying not to provoke the human powers.

In particular, the human race resurrected the strong without wealth, so to provoke something.

Of course, these are all superficial views.

Secretly what to do or what.

There is a chance to kill the human strong, and some alien strong will never let it go.

The strong human beings are rich in wealth, but a lot of gains from killing a wealth.


Cheng Buyun's movement in the Primal Secret Realm caused a sensation in the entire universe, and it can be described as terrifying all foreign races.

He is like a big devil pressing on the heads of all the strong, making people breathe and not smooth.

It's horrible.

Those who hear it are not afraid.

From top to bottom, they are all talking and admiring the greatness of the Lord of Time and Space.

The turmoil in the universe did not affect Cheng Buyun, but he also kept a low profile. For more than ten years, besides accompanying his four wives, he was quietly participating in cultivation.

When I am in a good mood, I sometimes go to teach everyone to practice, such as pointing to Alice, pointing to nine swords and other four great cosmic masters.

Sometimes even an impromptu public preaching was given, and all the disciples of the Chaos Gate line benefited a lot.

Today's Cheng Buyun, the realm of law perception is no worse than any master of the universe, he publicly preached and taught cultivation experience, what a precious opportunity.

Even many of the Universe Venerables who heard the wind came over brazenly, even if there was no place in the space-time palace, they didn't pay attention, and they just sat down next to some immortal gods.

With such a cheeky and high status, Venerable Universe, those disciples, guards, etc. dare not speak out or get angry at will.

It's too rare to give pointers. The face is not important, it's my own!

As long as you have heard Cheng Buyun's preaching, you will feel worthwhile.

With Venerable Universe attending the class, Cheng Buyun will also take out the dry goods at the end and talk about some more esoteric content.

With his insight into the realm of cultivation, pointing a group of Cosmos Venerables is not a matter of grasping.


On this day, in the Palace of Time and Space, Cheng Buyun gave another lecture, but this time there were only five strong people.

Alice, Venerable Nine Swords, Lord of Dry Witch, etc., are all highly concentrated, listening to the content that makes them feel extremely surprised.

"Today is in a good mood, I will point you to a technique that makes it easier to understand the laws of time and space."

Cheng Buyun looked at everyone's longing eyes, smiled in his heart and said, "Many venerables of the universe, including the Lord of the universe, only think that only by comprehending the law of time can they improve their understanding of the law of time."

"In fact, it is not. Among the eight lower-level laws, there is another law that can help improve the perception of the law of time and space, and that is the law of wind."

"You should all know why wind and time are the easiest to combine?"

"Even some universes break through by the way of time and wind?"

"The main reason is that the law of wind and the law of time are deeply related to each other."

"Attention, optimistic..."

Cheng Buyun suddenly turned out an extremely ordinary green steel sword, which was a weapon that even a little skilled blacksmith could make.

Holding the green steel sword, I took a few sword flowers in my hand, and then the sudden light and fluttering was a wave in front of me, the blade cut through the space, and the small amount of the power of the law of the wind induced suddenly gave everyone a very strange feeling. .

The feeling was that after Cheng Buyun's Qinggang sword swung, the time around seemed to slow down.

It's not an illusion, it's not a mental illusion, or a confusion of the soul, but a real slowdown.

The five people present have all achieved very good achievements in the law of time, which is naturally felt.

That sword was only activated by the laws of the wind system, without any soul power, nor did it activate the laws of time, but the surrounding time slowed down.

They cannot understand.

But they can't understand it, but that doesn't mean that the big bosses who are secretly following can't understand either. The Chaos City Lord who at least controls this universe can understand.

"My disciple, with such a powerful savvy, he can realize such a powerful skill and ability from the law of the wind system."

"This is a result I have never thought about. I didn't expect that there is such a time power hidden in the wind law!"

"The inheritance experience of the strong is amazing!"


"Although many of them can't be shared, the ethnic group has indeed benefited."

City Lord Chaos admired, still continuing to recall the time power of Cheng Buyun's sword just now, and he also painted according to the comparison, his expression full of solemnity.

But because it is not familiar enough, it is a bit bumpy and not perfect.

However, the power of time hidden in the law of the wind system was revealed.

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