Plane Universe

Chapter 2525: New discovery in control of time and space

The two mother emperors, Miria and Cecilia, didn't know too many core secrets, so they didn't understand many things so well.

In fact, the two mothers Miria and Cecilia were just too surprised just now, so they just blurted out in exclamation.

"the host."

Zhongrou fell from the sky, carefully arranged the skirt, and bowed dignifiedly. She did not feel any pressure in front of Cheng Buyun.

As if the coercion spreading vaguely in Cheng Buyun's body did not exist.

In fact, it is a kind of inner feeling.

She is one of the closest people to Cheng Buyun. Even if she hasn't seen each other for more than a thousand years, the master is still that master, and will not change due to changes in strength.

I'm used to it!

I'm used to it!

Because Cheng Buyun started his cultivation from the weakest, every time his strength increased and changed, didn't he experience Zhongrou?

"the host."

The Miria and Cecilia next to them were different, their expressions were a little trembling, and their movements were extremely restrained. They didn't dare to look at Cheng Buyun who was sitting at will. They only knew how to bow their heads and pay respectfully to see you.

Cheng Buyun nodded at random, waved his hand gently to let the two mother emperors stand aside, and then set his eyes on Zhongrou, looking up.

As I said just now, Chongrou is one of Cheng Buyun's closest people, and his attention is naturally different.

Bi Taotie, Catherine, and True Monarch Yun were all valued by Cheng Buyun.

After more than a thousand years of fighting and tempering, the aura on Zhongrou's body has grown much stronger and more solid.

The fluctuation of the law of space is also much stronger than before. It should belong to the limit level, and the three abilities of space are also available.

In addition, Cheng Buyun also felt the profound energy fluctuations of the wind law from Chongrou.

The wind faintly wrapped around her body was very strong, and the wind mark on her forehead shone brightly.

Zhongrou's comprehension is not strong, it is a lot worse than Luo Feng, Hong, Thunder God, etc., but that is before.

The accumulation of a large amount of resources, the improvement of life genes, is now one of the best in terms of comprehension.

Ordinary beings are completely different from special beings. After the latter is born, the savvy has been fixed and can only be improved with the increase in strength.

Ordinary life is easier. As life improves, the soul becomes stronger, and the understanding naturally increases.

In terms of comprehension, it is at least the level of'Hong', a peerless genius level.

After following Chengbuyun for more than 20,000 years, Chengbuyun pointed out carefully, and Alice also specially pointed out for a long time, even after Xiaohong pointed and taught for a long time.

More than a thousand years ago, in terms of individual physical strength, he was much stronger than Luo Feng.

That is why Luo Feng got the secret of cultivation that Cheng Buyun brought back, and went to the Ancestral God Sect, so that his strength could greatly overwhelm Zhongrou.

The main thing is that Luo Feng created the most suitable cosmic venerable secret method, whose lethality is overwhelming.

The further you go, the weaker you will be in cultivation, and it will be sooner or later to be caught up.

In the future, how much Chongrou has achieved depends on how much support Buyun gives.

According to the current achievements and background, Zhongrou will not be difficult to become an immortal **** or a universal sage.

The chance of the Lord of the universe is very low.

But these are still too far away. As one of Cheng Buyun's closest people, the Lord of the Universe and the True God are nothing but pediatrics.

Everything has to be regarded as Stepun himself being able to get there.

"Yes, in terms of the realm of law, the coercion of will, etc., there is no less hard work." Cheng Buyun nodded, and then smiled: "I will take a look at the stars."

The owner's command, Zhongrou naturally obeyed, let alone display her artistic conception, even if she was asked to attack an enemy much stronger than herself, there would be no second words.


The world changes, the universe changes.

Covered with starlight, the sun and the moon lift off.

A large number of half moons, or full moons, various irregular star phantoms hung high in the sky, like the most loyal guards, guarding by Chongrou's side.

A torrent of powerful coercion radiated and covered, and endless phantom stars shone on, but they did not reach other people at all.

A large number of powerful people walking in the holy ground seemed to be ignorant. They all turned a blind eye to the nearby shocks and roars and the stars hanging high in the sky.

The two mother emperors held their breath, very surprised by the master's ability.

It is very peculiar to divide one world out, as if it exists in another unique one.

Control time and space!


Awesomely, a peculiar power covering came, and the gaze of the rules of the universe shifted, as if revealing an aura of confusion.

Cheng Buyun was startled, and suddenly remembered one thing, this is not the original universe!

How can one exercise control over time and space?

No wonder the rules of the universe are all puzzled.

To be honest, he himself was a little bit confused.

Just now, I almost subconsciously used the control of time and space, but only when I finished it did I remember.

Too strange!

Is this the difference given?

The strong in the primitive universe, after breaking through to become the master of the universe, can almost control time and space. It can be said that it is a kind of rule and a unique ability.

But Cheng Buyun is not the Lord of the universe. His control of time and space is a direct gift, which is equivalent to a secret method.

That is a completely different expression of ability.

Sure enough, as long as it is bestowed by the rules of the universe, it is certainly not as simple as the surface.

As a kind of respect for life, to be able to reach the limit of achievement allowed by the universe, it is a bit too ordinary to only grant the ability that any universe master knows.

That's it!

Cheng Buyun looks like he just woke up, which is very funny!

Every cosmic rule is different, and the authority conferred by the cosmic rule is naturally different. There are high and low points.

Just like bestowing a perfect secret technique, it won't work because the strong person has left that side of the universe. As long as you understand, you can successfully use it anywhere you want.

Take the Cosmos Lord and True God powerhouse of the Primordial Universe, after leaving the Primordial Universe, controlling time and space will no longer work.

It's just like the words of the true gods, but the rules of the universe give face and retreat temporarily.

Change to another universe, you see if others will give you face.

The same is true of controlling time and space, if you don't give you face, you are nothing.

Cheng Buyun’s control of time and space is not bestowed by the rules of the main universe.

But it can be used again, the problem seems a bit big.


Since I can display and control time and space in the main universe, does it mean...that is, I can display it in other universes, and being able to control time and space is equivalent to resurrecting others?

A long time ago, Cheng Buyun didn't notice this, it can be said to be neglected.

But it is not too late to understand.

Cheng Buyun felt that the thoughts that suddenly rose in his mind were probably right.

Cheng Buyun itself is a perfect life gene level. It is obviously too ordinary to grant any master of the universe the ability to control time and space, and it may even make people feel it is a suppression.

The perfect secret method is so rare and precious, life at any level may have just such a chance.

If you change to other powerhouses, I'm afraid you would curse when you were given control of time and space!

Because of his strong background, he didn't care about what to give, so he was still happy at the time.

With more control over time and space, he can resist facing the Lord of the universe, but he never expected the current development of the facts.

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