Plane Universe

Chapter 2527: The quality of the strong subordinates is worrying

Sudden changes, the entire time and space holy land bombed.

A large number of strong men screamed, and they became a mess almost in an instant.

I thought there was an attack from a super power.

Because the scene created by Chengbuyun was too amazing, it appeared without warning, and the powerful powers around him would panic as long as they felt the power!

That completely different power is just an immortal powerhouse, with almost no resistance, and fear of panic is instinct.

The powerful power that suddenly descended, Yunxiao Zhenjun, who was learning new knowledge in the palace, also stood up on the spot, his expression changed and almost blurted out and shouted: "No, there is a holy superpower who has come to the Holy Land. ."

The talent flew out, and as soon as his consciousness radiated, he felt the familiar aura from this coercion, and he could not help but secretly said: It was the teacher who was enlightening.

Then the strong Zhuo Duo panicked and made him frowned, and quickly shouted at the strong nearby, but because he was afraid of disturbing the teacher's perception, he shut up quickly and could only use the way of soul transmission:

"Don't mess, don't panic, it's the teacher who is comprehending the cultivation, no strong attack!"

"Don't panic, don't shout, so as not to disturb the teacher!"

"The one who hears my voice quiet down!"

Zhenjun Yunxiao worked hard, his consciousness spread, and people were flying quickly in the void, but the scene was too chaotic to convey his thoughts to all the strong at once.

"Don't panic, calm down!"

Catherine arrived outside at almost the same time, just like Zhenjun Yunxiao, trying her best to control and shout to the strong nearby, but she couldn't stop the panic.

The quality of this generation of powerhouses is really worrying!

"what happened?"

Bai Suzhen, who had just returned to the Holy Land, seemed to have entered the wrong door with a face, and should have been frightened by the cosmic void.

However, she quickly realized that the familiar breath from the strange power around her made her quiet on the spot.

"Sister, it's Young Master!" Xiao Qing shouted with a shocked look.

"I know." Bai Suzhen responded very quickly, looking at the surrounding environment with a pair of eyes in amazement, very surprised, this is the powerful method the young master uses?

The entire holy place has been surrounded by the universe, an extremely real environment.

If it is not for a clear self-awareness, it will almost make people not clear where they are.

It's too real.

It's as if you are truly in the void of the universe.

In fact, as long as Cheng Buyun is willing, how can the weaker be able to distinguish it.

At this moment, many geniuses are looking at a large number of celestial bodies in the distance with a fascinated face, and are trapped in various magical environments and can no longer go out.

"Does this group of **** have any strong qualities?" Xiaoqing looked at the messy large number of strong men below, flushed with anger, and yelled in anger: "The chaos is like this. Even if there is a strong attack, can it be stopped? Can it be concentrated resistance?"

She is very skeptical!

"There is no way, if we were not familiar with the young master's aura, we would be as flustered as they were." Bai Suzhen shook her head and said the truth, "Okay, let me send an email first and let everyone quiet down. "

But without waiting for her to act, Chongrou's group emails have appeared.

But before Bai Suzhen opened the email and saw the content, the change appeared.


The powerful coercion shocked everyone, and a large number of illusory celestial bodies around were exuding a wave of power, and all the strong ones could not move in place.

It's quiet now!

The emptiness of the universe also completely dissipated, allowing the Holy Land to return to what it should have been.

"You disappointed me too much."

Void shaking, the thick and majestic voice seemed to go straight into the soul, resounding in the hearts of all the strong in the holy land, familiar and strange voices, and it quickly reminded everyone of who is the owner of this voice!

Master State Shepherd!

But soon, the expressions on everyone's faces suddenly changed. Thinking back to how panicked they were just now, they were so ashamed that they almost didn't want to be human.

I really disappointed Master Zhou Mu.

"The reason why a strong person is a strong person can't just look at strength."

"Mentality, consciousness, and realm are all very important content. Although it is a sudden change, you can tell yourself, is this matter qualified today?"

"I think most of the strong are unqualified."

"I can give the opportunity, but you must know how to cherish it."

"Do it yourself!"

In the end, Cheng Buyun didn't have the heart to blame. Most of the strong have joined his forces halfway, and have not been well-trained at all. The quality is questionable.

Without the test of blood and fire, the problem is indeed a bit big.

Not everyone is Cheng Buyun, they are all Luo Feng, they are all geniuses at the level of Alice, and they are all excellent in every aspect.

It seems that the Space Fleet can't only appoint strong people to experience in the past, and fairies of ordinary levels also need those opportunities for experience.


"You guys!"

"What should I say?"

"Even if the enemy comes to attack the Holy Land, you are so messy, isn't it a waste of help?"

"Look at what you were like just now, is that fair?"

Catherine roared very angry, this group of bastards, more than a thousand years later, just after the master came back, will you mess with me?

Today is really embarrassing and lost home.

In front of the master, I couldn't hold back my face!


Taotie also snarled, "The quality of ordinary soldiers is better than you, **** it, wait until I see the master before concocting you, wait for me!"

Everyone was trembling with fright and only knew how to bow their heads.

Some strong immortal generals also blushed, and there was no hole in the ground for them to drill.

Only the powerhouses above the Immortal King level shook their heads secretly and looked ashamed.

Their shame is not because they have been blamed for what they have just done, but because they have failed to teach them well and fulfill their teachers' responsibilities.

too difficult!

It seems that sometimes, you can't just point to the practice of the rules and secrets when pointing, and there are many things to teach.

In the palace

Where Cheng Buyun sat blankly, below Catherine, Taotie, Bai Suzhen, and Xiaoqing were all bowing their heads to plead.

The entire empire and the holy land are managed by the four of them, but today there is such a horrible thing that the responsibility can't escape.

And this matter, say it is big or not, say it is small.

Seriously, I am afraid that all four of them will have to be severely punished before they can end.

Next to Zhenjun Yunxiao, Zhongrou, the two mother emperors, the star fairy Lan Xueying, etc., their heads slightly lowered, they all stood quietly with their hands tied.

The atmosphere in the entire palace seemed to freeze, and the movements of the maids became cautious.

"It seems that there is a huge mistake in our development direction, too blindly pursuing strength, so as to ignore the rest of the content, so that the quality of the strong is generally not high within the influence." Chengbuyun pointed Tap on the table lightly, without blaming, but to find the problem, and then to think about solving the problem.

It's not a good leader to blame people for mistakes.

Since Catherine and they were wrong, it means he was also wrong.

The first guilty person is himself.

Who asked him to recruit his subordinates aggressively?

The strong people who can join the time and space empire are those who have no background and are accustomed to being wild, and how high their quality can be.

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