Plane Universe

Chapter 2530: Return to Heaven

The so-called wealth is touching, but there has never been a strong attack, Cheng Buyun feels a bit strange.

Because human powerhouses are all members of the Heavenly Court, it makes sense to be afraid of breaking the rules and not dare to come.

But the foreign race also ignored this, but it made people confused.

Rare treasures such as the blood of the beasts were put out for auction again and again, once every 100 years, with hundreds of billions of points, equivalent to about 300 treasure points, but it did not attract the attention of foreign powers, and even harassment did not happen.

It's like when everything exists.

Is it because of the bottom line?

Afraid of causing a huge conflict between the two strongest?

It may be, or it may not.

His own details and origins are mysterious, and the foreign races don't even know the background behind him, which is the strong one.

Besides, who is a fool who attacks an important holy place of others for a little wealth.

Today you will attack me, tomorrow I will attack you.

Even the aliens still have a concern, afraid of provoke some lone travelers.

"It doesn't matter to him, it's better to have no strong ones. They all have concerns. It's good. It saves his own business." Cheng Buyun shook his head without thinking too much.

In fact, the alien race is really worried about the latter. After all, decades ago, the World Tree clone was still in the holy ground, and such a large natural spiritual root, inevitable consideration, there are strong people behind.

And it is that kind of very ancient existence.

The world tree, in the world of the main universe, no strong person can recognize it. This alone is enough for those strong people to worry about it.

If you don't know the details of others, you dare to provoke them. Isn't that making trouble for yourself?

The strong who can afford to provoke disdain to do this kind of thing, and the strong who intends to grab a hand, are afraid of causing huge trouble for themselves, so they dare not go.

But the demon clan forces that dared to provoke, also worried about the heavens, did not dare to move rashly.

Still the same sentence, where is the holy land, you move me to try.


Earth fairy world.

In the huge teleportation plaza piled with white jade, misty beams of light shone from the sky from time to time, and then one after another powerful men wearing various armors appeared.

"Haha, this time I have a good harvest, and here, it is safe." The white-faced and handsome young man raised his head and laughed, causing many strong nearby to turn their heads and look around.

Seeing everyone's gaze, the handsome young man also raised his head triumphantly, and lightly patted his armor with his hand.

What he was wearing was a piece of gold that emitted a slight golden light, and on the left chest of the armor there was a palm-sized word ‘king’.

Obviously, the armor worn by the handsome youth is the golden king armor sold by the Time and Space Empire.

Although Golden King A has been interviewed for nearly three thousand years, the price is still too expensive, and there are not many strong people that can be owned.

The handsome young man possesses such a precious treasure, which shows the extraordinary background.

"It's Immortal King Mingyu."

Many strong men showed envy eyes.

"It's really enviable, Immortal King Mingyu, you are just fine, you have the wealth to buy such a precious treasure."

The value of Golden Kings’ auctions has always been high. Even if they were sold in large quantities for more than three thousand years, the quantity was only that small. The number of public auctions was more than 30,000, and many strong players have almost broken their heads. .

For a golden king armor, many powerful people with a bit of status have sought the Immortal Temple.

"Haha, I have such wealth." The handsome young man smiled and said honestly: "Actually, this golden king armor belongs to my father. I just borrowed it temporarily for a use, but it took a long time for my father to lend me For a while, I am not going to return it now."

"That's it, at least you can still have a place to borrow. It will be difficult for me to wait. I have no money and status, so I can only be greedy."

"Well, Immortal King Mingyu, tell us what the power of this golden king is."

"Yeah, Golden King Armor. Before I waited, I always heard hearsay, but I don't quite understand how powerful it is."

The strong are not allowed to compliment, even some immortal monarchs are showing envy.

"If you talk about the power of the Golden King Armor, that's too much."

The handsome young man was shocked, and said with a stern face: "King Pei Luo Clan Taisha knows? That Gou Ri's previous bully against me with strength, this time I specially wore a golden king armor to find him trouble."

"At the beginning, I didn't show the armor on purpose. I waited before him and started fighting with him before condensing the armor abruptly. Seeing that the armor I was wearing was too strong, I turned around and ran away panicked."

"But I can let him run?"

"Entangling him, killing him, with the golden king armor in my body, I don't need defense, even if I attack the old boy, it's right."

"That old boy's secret technique bombarded me, and it was useless at all. It was completely resisted by the power of armor."

"It's really a good kill, and it's going to kill King Taisha like an old boy."

Listening to what the handsome young man said, a group of people next to him secretly despised and said that others bullied you with their strength, so what are you doing this time?

Relying on treasures to bully others?


"Unfortunately, in the end I ran away for the old boy Taisha." The handsome young man said with regret.

At this point, many people shook their heads secretly, wearing golden king armor, but they couldn't kill even a little junior **** king. It was... the strength was too bad.

Suddenly, a powerful coercion spread, covering the entire transmission square.

Almost everyone stopped, and their heads even looked over.

Not far from the square, the misty light was fading, and one of the figures wearing a white robe could be vaguely seen, and the coercive covering was just this white robe figure exuding.

The figure in the white robe was Cheng Buyun who came to heaven again. He glanced around, then raised his hands expressionlessly and tore it with a stabbing sound. The space in front of him was as fragile as paper and was torn apart A huge hole.

From this huge opening, you can vaguely see countless space debris drifting.


Cheng Buyun's figure flashed, and the person had already left through the space mezzanine.

This side of the teleportation square is an important place, there are restrictions, and it cannot be teleported at will.

Of course, with Cheng Buyun's ability, the small restrictions are naturally not a problem. After he shuttled into the space mezzanine, he immediately moved away.

Prohibition cannot limit the master of the universe.

A little control over time and space, no restrictions will work.

Unless it is something like a super array, it is possible to limit the Lord of the universe.

"A ban can tear space apart?"

"My God, what level of powerful existence is this?"

"The pressure that goes deep into the soul is too strong."

"Yes, even my immediate boss, True Monarch Lotus, is not as heavy as the pressure of consciousness pervading him."

"I'm afraid it's not a strong **** emperor, but also a very powerful **** emperor strong."

What makes them strange, how can ordinary **** emperors need to use the teleportation array of the earth immortal world?

What a weird thing!

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