Plane Universe

Chapter 2533: There are so many collections

Damn you uncle!

This is just the first time we met!

You want to say kiss to me?

In Cheng Buyun's heart, countless alpacas screamed frantically, even with his deep state of mind, he was almost shocked.

Nantian Xianzun seemed to have not seen Cheng Buyun’s embarrassment, and still said: "This granddaughter Yu, in terms of appearance, talent, personality, and personality is the best choice. In the entire heavenly court, it is not a boast, it can be compared. Not many."

Cheng Buyun has to admit that Cui Yi's appearance and body are all good, and what is rare is that she has a very elegant temperament.

It's just that Cheng Buyun doesn't have much thoughts about beauty, and he usually looks at it with appreciation, and doesn't take it for himself.

Besides, I am used to seeing the unique and perfect face of the mother emperor, and then I look back at other women, unknowingly, my eyes are much higher.

He has four wives, how can he recruit bees and butterflies?

"Haha, naturally it is the best choice."

Cheng Buyun nodded in agreement, and then smiled: "Venerable, I also said that there is a good wine with me, but after coming here for a long time, the drink never touched my mouth.


Nantian Xianzun repeatedly accused him, poured a drink for Cheng Buyun, and then said with a smile: "If there is wine, how can there be no singing and dancing, Cuiyi, hurry up and offer a song, let Zhou Mu appreciate it!"

Cui Yi agreed with shame and glanced at Cheng Buyun secretly, bowed and left.

The previous group of maids in white slowly walked to the sides of the palace and sat down, took out various musical instruments in their hands, and made preparations.

Cheng Buyun couldn't refuse. The host's singing and dancing was a gesture of respect and etiquette.

Drinking fine wine, within a short while, the fairy played, a white figure lightly falling from the sky, it was Cui Yi who had gone and returned.

The swaying figure reveals the unique feminine beauty of a woman, the footsteps are natural, and the dance posture has a deep charm, especially between stretching, the airflow in the space is driven and rotates with Cuiyi.

A burst of colorful light is emitting, it seems so magical and beautiful.

"Good dancing, extraordinary!"

Cheng Buyun couldn't even blink his eyes.

To be honest, it was the first time he saw such a wonderful dance.

The female immortals under his command can only be said to be at a better level in terms of singing and dancing, and the gap between masters is extremely far.

But Cui Yi's dance today made him sigh that the dance can be so beautiful and wonderful.

It is extraordinary!

Those who can be compared are only the day that Immortal Temple welcomed him to join him, and he was invited to be a powerful female fairy.

Even the strong female fairy, in terms of dance, there is still a lot of gap compared to Cui Yi.

Cui Yi's dance achievements are estimated to be at the master level, and even not far from the master.

Otherwise, you can't even marvel at Cheng Buyun,

"Haha, of course, in terms of dance, anyone who can be compared can be counted by a slap." Nantian Xianzun smiled proudly: "Exaggerated points, below the female emperor, Cuiyi recognizes the second , No fairy would dare to recognize the number one."

"The Empress?"

Cheng Buyun was stunned.

"Yes, Empress!"

Nantian Xianzun showed a look of memories on his face, and said with a fascinated face: "It's already a long time ago. That time, on the birthday of the emperor, the female emperor Yaochi danced a song to celebrate the emperor. The weather is beautiful to the extreme, and the charm is so strong that people forget where they are, magical and psychedelic."

"It's a pity, I haven't seen it again since then."

Nantian Xianzun is not without regrets, his expression is very sad.

But no, Empress Yaochi, what level of existence is that?

Fortunately to be able to see his dance once, it is already considered the favor of the emperor, do you want to see it a second time?

Not to mention the immortal, ordinary saints do not have such qualifications.

Cheng Buyun was also fascinated by it, and remembered this in his heart. If there is a chance in the future, I really want to appreciate the magical and wonderful dance of the female emperor Yaochi!

Drink fine wine and enjoy dancing.

Soon, an hour or two disappeared and then Cui Yi stopped, and the song was over.

"Okay, it's really a good dance. It's extraordinary. As the Venerable said, there are not many people who can compare to Cuiyi in dance. Haha, it's worth drinking a bottle and celebrating it."

Cheng Buyun said with a smile, "Thank you Cuiyi for offering this dance to me, please drink this cup!"

"It's me Jingzhou Mu is right." Cui Yi walked in Yingying, holding up the wine glass and said shyly: "It is also Cuiyi's honor to be able to offer a dance to Zhou Mu. In the future, as long as Zhou Mu is happy, he can come home at any time, Cui Yi is all happy to dance for it."

Why is it so relieved and secretly happy?

Cheng Buyun was a little confused.

He really felt a little bit overwhelmed with regard to men and women.

What did you say?

It's just a thank you, and I just feel like it has changed.


Nantian Xianzun smiled happily: "Nantian Palace welcomes Zhou Mu to come here at will, just let me know, and I will wait for the rest, hahaha!!!"

Do not fix it!

Just want to pimp!

"Zhou Mu came to Tiangong this time. If there is nothing wrong, you can live in the dorm for a while." Nantian Xianzun suddenly smiled.

"Let's take a look first. I'll have to visit other friends later. If I am free, it will not be too late."

Cheng Buyun pushed back for a while, and suddenly smiled: "By the way, this time I will go to the Temple of Immortality. My main reason is to exchange some strange treasures, such as some rare and rare minerals, plants, and animal hair. Miraculous substance."

"The magic substance?"

Nantian Xianzun looked stunned, not knowing what Cheng Buyun wanted these things for.

Many magical substances, most of the time, are just collections, and they are not worth a few dollars.

"Yes, the magical substance, as long as it is a rare treasure, no matter what it is, I want it." Cheng Buyun looked at Nantian Immortal Venerable, with an extremely serious expression asking: "Venerable does have these things? If there are, Would you like to exchange? As long as I need it, the price is not a problem."

"If you don't need money, you can also exchange it with the treasure you want."

Cheng Buyun said with a smile on his face: "What do you think?"

"Speaking of collection, I really have a lot of it, but I don't care much about money, but I don't care much." Nantian Xianzun smiled and said, "Zhou Mu, wait a moment, I'll make some tricks."

In a short while, a large number of various rare ores, flowers, and treasures were piled into a hill at one o'clock, and Cheng Buyun looked dumbfounded.

With such a large amount of things, how many treasures does the Nantian Xianzun have collected?

After several provocations, Cheng Buyun really found a lot of peculiar substances that he needed in all the collections of Nantian Xianzun.

Peculiar because it is rare,

In addition, Cheng Buyun has never collected in the main universe, even if it is the same kind of ore with similar material, because of the different rules of the universe, the internal matter still has a slight change.

This is what Chengbuyun needs.

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