Plane Universe

Chapter 2574: Understatement

Hearing Cheng Buyun said that he had completed the task of accomplishing the record, Fairy Qiangwei could not help but let out a startled ‘ah’, and then asked: "That strong foreigner was defeated by you?"

"In just a few days, is there such a record in Time and Space?" Hua Qing Zhenjun laughed happily: "Congratulations, congratulations to Time and Space for achieving impressive achievements. In the future, there will be no strong people who dare to point you at Tiangong. Up."

Cheng Buyun replied with a humble expression: "They are two Bodhisattvas."

As for the defeat result that Palace Master Rose thought, he didn't correct it, after all, when he reported the achievement record in the future, he would know the result.

Don't talk about your achievements this time.

"Buddha country powerhouse?"

Palace Master Rose said with a look of contempt: "It's those hypocrites who are doing well, so they should be dealt with severely."

"Haha, awesome, time and space, unexpectedly defeated the two Buddha Bodhisattvas." Zhenjun Huaqing said with excitement, and his expression was extremely happy.

"The Buddha Kingdom powerhouse and I have deep hatred in the heavens, and you defeated the two Buddha Kingdom Bodhisattvas, without any loss of your own. This strength is really powerful." Princess Qiangwei exclaimed, just like their husband and wife have encountered the Buddha Kingdom in the past. The strong, as long as there is a relationship of interest, each time they fight hard.

Cheng Buyun smiled faintly, without boasting, and said: "That's because the opponent is a little weaker."

Zhenjun Huaqing shook his head and smiled helplessly: "You are a bit modest. The strong man who can come to the Hengshi Secret Realm is at least the ultimate quasi-sage level. A strong man with such strength will have to pay a little even if I want to defeat it. At the price, it is more difficult to kill, there is almost no possibility, especially you are still dealing with the other two by yourself.

"That is, it is good to be humble, but if you are too modest, others think you are bullied. Just like in Tiangong, you were provoked by those guys before. You should teach the other a little lesson. In this way, those guys will I dare not provoke you." Princess Rose shook her head and preached.

"Well, I am really low-key." Cheng Buyun nodded quickly, and smiled lightly: "To put it another way, I actually killed the other party."

"Huh?" The two couldn't react.

"I said, I've killed the two Bodhisattvas, the powerful and powerful in the Buddha country before, I killed them!" Cheng Buyun said again.


Princess Rose and Zhenjun Hua Qing were suddenly confused by Cheng Buyun's words.

What did Cheng Buyun say?

The two of them looked at each other, but this time they really couldn't react.

The strength of the limit quasi-sage level is actually very powerful, even if the average sage is strong, it is very difficult to kill, unless there is enough time, otherwise it is impossible to kill successfully.

Cheng Buyun now said that he alone had killed the two powerhouses, Lingdong and Lingxi, who were at the limit quasi-sage level.

How can this be!

But this matter is willing and unable to be faked. After all, it is to record the achievement record. Falsification can only be deceived for a while. Will it be shameless in the future?

"I'll go, have you killed the agility and aura of the Buddha Kingdom?"

Princess Rose said with an incredible look: "My God, it's so amazing!"

"Haha, great, good killing!" Zhenjun Hua Qing laughed, it seemed that it was a happy thing, and it was a happy thing to be able to see the power of the Buddha country.

For the power of the Buddha country, the cultivators of the heavenly palace hate more than the demons.

Because the Buddha Kingdom was a force that split from the Heavenly Court, it took away a large number of powerful people who belonged to the Heavenly Court, causing the Heavenly Court to fall into a difficult situation, unable to suppress the Demon Race and dominate the entire universe.

Because of the division of the Buddhist kingdom, the stretched monster race also went out independently.

Because they are involved with each other, they are simply unable to suppress the Yaozu.

Originally, the **** cultivator wanted to take the opportunity to become independent, but in the end the Lord of the Heavenly Palace, who was officially in power, came forward and persuaded the **** cultivator's holy emperor to give the promise of peaceful coexistence.

It means to be in charge of the heaven together, that's why this situation is revealed.

For these things, Cheng Buyun guessed that it was actually an uneven distribution of the spoils. The Buddha Kingdom did not want the Lord of the Heavenly Palace to be the boss, so they wanted to rule.

On the side of the immortal cultivator, it's so special. The monster race has finally rushed down. You have to fight for the position of the boss now.

Finally, the film will start naturally.

Caused a split of power!

The strength of Heavenly Court was greatly depleted.

Therefore, there is a reason why the cultivator hates the Buddha cultivator.

Human beings are good at infighting, which is not empty talk.

When the external pressure decreases, the desire hidden in the heart comes, like a devil's curse.

The harder the environment, the more united human beings, the more pampered, the more fierce the internal fighting!

Throughout the ages, mankind has developed like this!


Happy for a while.

Since Cheng Buyun could not be invited to travel with him, Princess Rose could only regret to say a pity, and finally reminded Cheng Buyun, "Be careful, after all, the news that you are here, I am afraid that the demon alien race and the highest level of the Buddha country The strong already knows. Your wealth is very eye-catching. It is estimated that many Saints are jealous. Since you don't plan to have any experience, then go back as soon as possible!"

When his wife said this, Mr. Hua Qing also slightly changed his face, "It is true. The storm you have recently caused is very shocking, and now you have killed the two powerhouses of the Buddha and the spirit. This is no better than home. What will you worry about? For the wealth of your body, it is estimated that some powerful saints will rob them, so it is a correct choice to go back as soon as possible."

Cheng Buyun's strength is powerful, beyond his expectation, but where the level is, ordinary Saint-level existence can still contend against one or two, but some stronger Saint-level levels basically have no resistance.

Going back is the best ending!

"I am jealous of what I have done, and I am very clear in my heart. I understand that I won't give the enemy a chance, so you can rest assured." Cheng Buyun looked a little serious, knowing what they thought.

Before inviting myself to travel with me, it was probably because of my own safety considerations, but I refused, and Princess Rose immediately proposed to let me go back.

It is nothing more than not wanting to fall into the enemy's hands, which will cause huge losses to the heavenly court.

After all, Princess Rose is also a person with vested interests, and naturally needs to be considered for the interests of heaven.

She is not afraid of Chengbuyun falling, she is afraid that he will fall into the enemy's hands, be tempted and persuaded by the enemy to join other people's forces, and then in turn will cause trauma to the heavenly court.

At present, the amount of resources that Chengbuyun used was already more important than the saints.

Look, after Cheng Buyun returned this time, once the achievement record was reported, Heavenly Court would definitely take action to give Cheng Buyun a sufficient identity and status.

I'm afraid that the general Saint-level status can't be beaten, at least the status of a Saint-Sovereign powerhouse can match everything that Cheng Buyun has now.

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