Plane Universe

Chapter 2579: The Lord Buddha Strikes

When stepping through the clouds and thinking, when making a difficult decision, where is the small square about a hundred light-years away from the No. 3 Ice Lake.

That is, where he killed the two Bodhisattvas Lingdong and Lingxi, there are a lot of small squares that pass through. At this moment, a powerful pressure spreads in all directions, and countless illusory images appear and disappear, suddenly appear, and suddenly disappear. .

Space is distorting, time is going back!

Obviously, there is a powerhouse of the master of the universe who is turning back time and space.

Controlling time, not only can resurrect the strong, but also detect the intelligence here, such as some strong ones that appear here.


With a thick and suspicious voice resounding, I saw a man with a black conch hair bun, a gold dress and a red robes, looking very suspiciously, as if he didn’t understand the illusory images around him. .

Or the illusory figure that appeared was not the target, So Yi felt confused.

"How could this be?"

Eternal Buddha Lord looked at the sky full of surprise and said strangely: "Why doesn't Cheng Buyun appear?"

It doesn't matter if you don't show up, and part of the past is hidden.

Very weird.

Just like this scene that appeared before me.

The two Bodhisattvas, Lingdong and Lingxi, are like a pair of lunatics, attacking the air, fighting with the air or an opponent.

From beginning to end, even if agile and agile, Cheng Buyun did not appear from beginning to end.

This kind of strange sight is very strange!

But the eternal Buddha's heart was a little shaken, his expression was extremely surprised, and he thought to himself: Is there a holy master behind Chengbuyun behind the Immortal Temple, secretly protecting him?


Moreover, the saint masters are at most disrupting time and space. How could it be possible to erase the old days of Cheng Buyun, while allowing other past times to be normal without being affected at all!

This kind of ability can't even be done by oneself.

Not even the four Buddhas can do it!

This method is already a kind of rule.

Eternal Buddha Lord will feel a little flustered!

The unknown is the most terrifying.

He couldn't imagine the background of Cheng Buyun, so that something like this would appear, and he would encounter it and see it in his eyes.


He just wanted to yell at the moment, then turned around and ran away!

I don't want to provoke Cheng Buyun, the little guy everyone thinks!

"How could this be?" Seeing the face of the **** and Buddha, he was very shocked, and his heart was like the eternal Buddha, a little panicked!

Everything he saw was a challenge to his worldview!

Lord Morafo is not much better.

"I didn't come here to investigate if I knew it earlier, just take control of time and space, it's simple."

Lord Morafo looked ugly, as if he had eaten a dead mouse. The more he knew, the more he was worried.

The three Buddha masters are hesitating now!

Can't make up his mind, the problem is a bit big!

In the old days, life was erased from the level of rules, even if it wasn't Cheng Buyun's own ability, it was not easy to provoke.

Don't let the little fellow Cheng Buyun win over at the time. In the end, he hated him and hated the powerful Buddha, which is very bad.

Unknown, the most terrible!

If everything is visible, even if it is an extremely powerful enemy, there will be an estimate and judgment in his heart, whether he has the ability to provoke him or not.

Everything is unknown, it is the most terrible!

They couldn't make up their minds, so they could only report it, contact the future Buddha, and explain the matter.

"Huh? There is such a thing?"

The future Buddha also feels strange, very surprised to become the origin of Buyun's identity.

But the mysterious origin is even more coveted.

After thinking for a while, the future Buddha Lian cherished extremely and said: "In this way, we can't give up soliciting. Everything is in accordance with the plan, but it is polite. At the same time, the treatment is given to the higher two levels. The treatment of the holy Buddha must be given to him Provoke it down."

"If you really don't want to, just bring him back forcibly as planned, and I will persuade him."

"Yes, the future Buddha!"

The eternal Buddha, Molai Buddha, saw the gods and the Buddha leaned quickly and left.

"Unexpectedly, the little guy's details are so surprising, and it's getting more and more amazing."

In the future, the Buddha's voice will gradually become silent and inaudible!

With the instructions of the future Buddha, the three Buddhas naturally couldn't refuse. The Buddha of the ages said with a solemn expression: "Two, do everything according to the plan, just click!"

"If the target is not in the submerged iceberg, then we need to split up and go to one place alone, but... investigating and investigating, don't disturb him alone, just in case you can't stop him, let the little guy have The preparations led to the failure of the action!" Lord Morafo also said in a deep voice.

Eternal and God, the two Buddha masters also nodded.

"Come on, give it a try, I guess he should not be in the sinking iceberg anymore." Seeing the **** and Buddha said helplessly, "I just hope that we can be faster than the other two people."

"Hope, I hope the little guy hasn't reported the achievement record... Otherwise, Heavenly Court will definitely summon him back!" The Lord Wangu was also very worried.


Controlling the time and space coverage, almost covering the entire submerged iceberg land, endless power spreads in all directions, ripples rippling in circles.


Beside the No. 3 Ice Lake, Cheng Buyun thought for a long time. After the most difficult consideration, his expression became more solemn than ever, as if he had made a big decision. He suddenly said: "Time and space, if I choose to go, Go on an adventure, will you support me?"

"You have made a decision, and you also asked me what to do." Time and Space was helpless, but after a pause, he chuckled and said: "If you want to break through, I will naturally support it. At the most, it will be wrong. I will let you run. ."

"Time and space, this is really inappropriate. You should encourage me and cheer for me." Cheng Buyun said frivolously: "However, time and space, how confident do you feel this time, I mean...if, I mean, if you really can't support it, can you save me?"

This topic is really a bit heavy, and time and space are not sure, so I can only say: "I will try my best. If it gets there, the loss will be great!"

Cheng Buyun didn't understand the meaning of time and space.

Even if you escaped a life, it would take hundreds of millions of years to recover, and you would have to give up the main universe for a period of time. At the same time, the people of your own forces, I'm afraid...


Sweeping endless power!

Cheng Buyun was shocked, and immediately reacted and said: "No, there is a master of the universe who has reached the sinking iceberg, and the target is obviously me!"

"Directly control the time and space covering almost all areas, and the obvious target is you." Time and space Tsk said in a loud voice: "Who makes you take out the treasure resources is too tempting, it is strange that the strong of the Buddha country and the strong of the demon race can sit still. It."

"Also, some experts in the Heavenly Court might not be able to sit still, just fast and slow." Cheng Buyun said with a sneer, and then stood on the edge of the ice lake No. 3 without moving, not caring about the strong coming. The goal is the same as himself.

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