Plane Universe

Chapter 2581: Soliciting invitation

The praise in the hearts of the three powerful Buddhas is really not false at all.

Think about it, a **** emperor faces a strong person who is stronger than himself by a big realm and several levels, and there are as many as three, and the opponent is obviously not good.

What will the **** emperor do?

Can you still be calm as usual?

That's almost impossible!

But Cheng Buyun was not afraid, and there was no panic between his actions, which is commendable.

"Space-time benefactor, don't be excited. We came to meet with you this time without any malice." The Lord Wangu quickly calmed down gently, and his tone was extremely cordial.

Cheng Buyun sneered and said bluntly: "You three powerhouses who are at the peak of your reputation and strength have come, and they said that I shouldn't get excited. It's a bit funny to say it!"

There was disrespect in his language. How could the three Buddha masters not be able to hear them, but they were not angry at all. Mo Lai Buddha, seeing the gods and Buddha masters, had slightly raised eyelids, did not speak at all, and gave everything to them. The eternal Buddha will handle the communication.

"My Buddha Kingdom sent me to wait to meet the Space-Time Donor, but it is because of respect for your etiquette. There is no other meaning. The Space-Time Donor must not think that my Buddha Kingdom is suppressing people with power." Wangu Buddha smiled. Said.

Just listen to this, Chengbuyun will believe it?

That's almost impossible!

The arrival of such three powerful men is obviously holding no hope of escape, and telling himself with absolute advantage, don't think too much, today is the day of hiding.

When the Lord Eternal Buddha communicated with Cheng Buyun, the sage Mingxi at Ice Lake No. 1 also took action at this moment and directly notified the strong man in the heaven.

Let me tell everyone that Cheng Buyun is sinking into the iceberg and revealed that it has been intercepted by the eternal sacred Buddha, the sacred Buddha of Molai, and the sacred Buddha of the Buddha country by the ice lake No. 3.

The situation was once dangerous, and I had no strength to support Yunyun in the past!

This shocking news immediately shocked the top powerhouse in the entire heavenly court.

At this moment, everyone can no longer care why the Saint Mingxi appeared in the Shenshui Iceberg, and why this happened.

All have been shocked by the news.

The two holy masters of the Immortal Temple who had reacted first, were shocked and yelled no good. Cheng Buyun was doomed this time!

The strength of the eternal sacred Buddha is definitely at the pinnacle level of the holy rank. There are a few powerful people who rank below the eight emperors, such as the Zhongtian Great Emperor and the Ziwei Great Emperor.

Such a strong man stopped Cheng Buyun, how shocking you said.

What's more, at this moment, there are two holy Buddhas, Mo Lai and Seeing God, beside the Lord Buddha.

Oh my God!

The Buddha Kingdom has taken Cheng Buyun too much, right?

The application of some powerful saints is extremely weird, and it is hard to imagine what the Buddha country did this time.

The three powerhouses dispatched to deal with a **** emperor, what a face!

In the heavenly palace, countless consciousnesses are communicating in the sky.


The submerged iceberg No. 3 ice lake.

Cheng Buyun dropped his hands naturally on both sides of his thighs, looking unprepared. Feng Qingyun glanced at the Lord Mullai, who was standing quietly on both sides, and saw the Lord Buddha. Finally, his eyes fell on the Lord Buddha. On his body, he chuckled and said: "Then, since you said there was no malicious intent to me, the three of you came here in a team for sightseeing?"

"Don't be angry in the heart of the time-space donor. I've been waiting for my intention. Actually, I have already said that something is coming to discuss with the donor." The Buddha Lord Wangu smiled very peacefully, even if Cheng Buyun expressed a strange emotion every time he spoke. , He didn't care, and faced with a smile.


Cheng Buyun squinted his eyes, his thinking turned, and a thought came out, and he said to himself: Buddhism won't try to solicit his own intentions, right?

It is not impossible, after all, he does not belong to the strong man cultivated by the heavenly court, and he does not have the slightest resource of the heavenly court.

When he joined the Immortal Temple, the other party only gave 10 million points.

The latter are equal exchanges, and a large amount of wealth is derived from its own resources.

Thinking of this, Cheng Buyun said amusedly: "You also said just now that the Buddha Kingdom sent the three of you here to show respect to me. It would not be the intention of soliciting me!"

"Haha, the mind of the time-space donor is really transparent."

The eternal Buddha smiled and said in a very friendly manner: "Since the time and space donor has understood, then I will not hide it. Yes, my Buddha country values ​​the time and space donor very much. This time I hope you can join my Buddha country and enjoy endless enjoyment. Privilege."

"My Buddhist country is very sincere. As long as the time-space donor joins, he can enjoy the status of the sacred Buddha powerhouse in my Buddhist country." The eternal Buddha master did not need the fancy of words, and directly stated the conditions. : "Sacred Buddha-level status treatment, the time and space benefactor is not sure, I can explain, it is the treatment of the heavenly emperor, and at the same time it will give an acquired superb sacred treasure level wealth value."

"Time and space benefactor, my Buddha country invites you to join the Buddha country with the most sincere actions and contribute to the survival of the beautiful human race."

Cheng Buyun was shocked when he heard the words of the Lord of the Ancients. The handwriting of the Buddha Kingdom was a bit scary, so he was a **** emperor comparable to a holy level?

Is it really kidding to achieve this point?

"Perhaps the time-space donor doesn’t know much about my Buddhist country, but these are not problems! I don’t understand and it’s very simple. You can visit my Buddhist country as a guest. I guarantee the safety of the time-space donor with my eternal sacred Buddha personality. I won't let you suffer any harm. Anyone... As long as I hurt you, I will do my best for you, even if I give my life!" The sincerity of the voice of the eternal Buddha cannot be faked.

And it can be trusted with the guarantee of his own wealth.

The strongest value their credibility, and the credibility of what they say publicly is very high.

After all, the untrustworthy strong, others will not believe what they say in the future, and will be disliked by a large number of strong, even the most cunning strong will not do this.

The Lord of the Monster Race Sirius is cunning enough, but he dare not joking about his reputation and deceiving other strong people. Unless there is no guarantee, the guarantee must be done. It is the foundation of a strong person!

Even if you use an oath to deceive a foreign race, you will make the strong of your own race unhappy, despise in your heart, and do not believe your promise.

To be honest, Cheng Buyun, an extremely sincere eternal Buddha master, felt a little excited in his heart. He couldn't even think that the Buddha Kingdom valued himself so much and even said that he would be treated as a great emperor.

That's it!

It's a pity... he has already joined the heavenly court, even if he is moved by the treatment given to the Buddha Kingdom, it is almost impossible!

He also didn't want to be pointed at and said, look, that was Cheng Buyun, who betrayed Heaven for good, joined the Buddha Kingdom, and dealt with his boss instead.

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