Plane Universe

Chapter 2583: Must keep Chengbuyun

Dozens of heavenly emperors discussed in the hall, each speaking.

Regarding the occurrence of submerged icebergs, there are those who sigh and those who hate.

But they can't come up with any good way to solve the immediate predicament.

This is the reason why it is beyond reach.

The Lord of Time is also very anxious at this moment, "Mingxi, how far are you from Chengbuyun, can you convey information?"

"No, the surrounding time and space have been controlled, and all the spaces have been distorted. Even if I try my best to transmit the sound, it won't work. I can't affect that far distance." Saint Mingxi shook his head.

If he can choose, he certainly doesn't want Cheng Buyun to be taken away by the suppression.

There is only one chance, but unfortunately it has been lost.

Time Sage advocated opening his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

He couldn't command Mingxi Saint, and couldn't ask him to take risks for Cheng Buyun.

After all, the opponents facing him are almost extremely powerful. With Mingxi's small body, once he meets, the consequences can be imagined.

The loss will be extremely heavy.

Everlasting Saint Buddha and others will never show mercy.

In the hall.

For the Great Emperor Lingxu, he didn't remember the name Mingxi saint, and the other emperors didn't think there was anything. Everything was a level status.

What about the strong saint!

For the emperor, what is the difference from the **** emperor quasi-sage!

The difference between the two is too far.

"Ling Xu, somehow others are also powerful saints, give a little respect."

"When is it now, I remember it!"

That said, with the memory of your great emperor, would you not remember the name of a strong man?

Obviously you didn't put the other person in your eyes.

"It's Sage Mingxi." Sage Master Mengli said quickly.

"The information came back from Mingxi. He is now near the No. 1 Ice Lake of Shenshui Bingshan, watching the development of things. As for why he is, let’s not talk about it now. The main issue is that of Cheng Buyun, his safety. It’s much more important than where Mingxi is.” The Great Emperor Ling Xiao hurriedly intervened, reminding everyone to pay attention to the incident itself, and put aside the rest first, and deal with it later.

Cheng Buyun was a genius. Everyone knew it before, but didn't pay much attention to it, but... as soon as Cheng Buyun's ability to easily kill the two extreme level bodhisattvas of the Buddha Kingdom was exposed, the problem became a lot more serious.

A Bodhisattva at the limit level is equivalent to the limit **** emperor and the limit quasi-sage powerhouse.

This level of powerhouse, even the Saint-level powerhouse would be more difficult to kill, but Cheng Buyun did it.

The strength is only at the level of the **** emperor. This is what is worth all the great emperors who are shocked. It feels like Buyun's enchanting talent, and the future potential is so high that it is definitely not comparable to the ordinary holy level.

The top level of the Holy Master is inevitable, the peak level is expected, and even...a little bolder assumption, has the talent of the Holy Emperor.

After all, it is possible to kill the strong at the same level, and it is also extremely easy, which means that Cheng Buyun's realm is unimaginable.

With such a high potential, how could Heavenly Court give up?

Therefore, there will be dozens of great emperors gathered in the hall here, and even the female emperor of Yaochi said that she was free on the spot and sent out once.

"Tell Mingxi, no matter how great his loss is, he must clearly tell Cheng Buyun that he should not be taken away by the three of them when he blew himself up when necessary. He would rather lose his holy treasure than he could." Great Emperor Lingxu shouted. Said.

A strong emperor nodded, indicating that he understood, and immediately passed the action team there.

"Also, don't worry about the lost Sacred Treasure Resources, Heaven will make up for it." The Great Emperor Ling Xiao continued.


When Mingxi received this order on the palace channel where the action team was located, his face changed greatly and exclaimed: "What, do you want me to harass at all costs?"

A **** emperor, why!

Why should I lose and sacrifice!

A bunch of doggie stuff.

At this moment, the sage of Mingxi felt extremely resentful. He concealed his emotions very well, and he dared not reveal it.

There is a strong female emperor beside her, once the resentment in her heart is detected, it will be over.

Very frustrated.

Very frustrated!

Why should I sacrifice? Is a little **** emperor more important than me, a saint?

Isn't it just a little resource? Damn thing, don't let me rise one day, when I stand on all of you, hum!

You will know how many eyes Ma Wangye has!

But no matter how resentful he was in his heart, he couldn't refuse this order.

"Go ahead, behave well." The female emperor Yaochi was dressed in an elegant and gorgeous colorful robe, with a phoenix crown on her head and a pompous smile, revealing strange eyes.

It seemed to see through the thoughts of Saint Mingxi.

Under the eyes of the female emperor of Yaochi, the saint of Mingxi was very hesitant in his heart.


Submerged iceberg.

Saint Mingxi who had no choice but to execute orders.

The whole body radiated and expanded, completely forcing the surrounding space-time power that was hidden and controlled, and drove it out of the one-light-year diameter range of the whole body.


Teleport starts.

Under the expansion and coverage of the Holy Power, controlling time and space has no effect at all.

In the field of sacred power, the method of speaking and speaking has the same effect, and it is more abnormal than the method of speaking.

Within the field, teleportation can be performed, and one step is nearly five trillion kilometers.

When the sage of Mingxi moved, the three powerful masters such as the eternal Buddha immediately felt it, and at the same time they turned their heads to look around.

At the same time Cheng Buyun followed him, but he couldn't see anything.

He hadn't used his control of time and space, and he was almost indistinguishable from Xiazi.

This is not the void, but on the land, not so far away.

"Seeing God, please go and stop it. If you try hard, teach him how to be a human being." The Lord Buddha said in a light tone, almost ignoring Saint Mingxi.

It feels a bit too much.

Anyway, that is also a strong saint.

Seeing the **** Buddha nodded faintly, there was no sound, and then he flashed away and went to stop him.

Of course Cheng Buyun understood what was going on, and he couldn't think of it. At this moment, there was another Saint-level powerhouse in Shenshui Bingshan.

Who will it be, and the strong on that side?

As if seeing his doubts, Lord Wangu said with a smile: "It's the sage of Mingxi, but don't think about it. He can't get here and won't disturb our conversation."

"Sage Mingxi from Heaven?"

Cheng Buyun frowned, such a coincidence appeared here, it is really questionable.

In the early days, in addition to Princess Rose and his wife, I also encountered many foreign races and individual cultivators.

So the whereabouts were leaked. It is not the strong demon clan who is here, but the saint of the heavenly court, let me go!

What is the other party here for?

Don't Cheng Buyun understand it?

"What are you talking about?" Cheng Buyun narrowed his eyes.

"No other meaning, just want to remind you that the wealth on your body is very jealous, you must be careful." The Lord Buddha said with a faint smile, afterwards, he said, "How are you thinking about it?"

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