Plane Universe

Chapter 2589: Hand over Cheng Buyun

The Lord Morai Buddha and the Lord Buddha also nodded when they saw the gods. This is the truth.

No matter if Cheng Buyun is alive, high or falling in the ice lake, the future will always return from the long river of time.

In this way, the three of them took an unwelcome Mingxi saint and stood quietly on the edge of Ice Lake No. 3, waiting for the arrival of Emperor Huaqing and the Lord of Time.

The unbridled and unconcealed aura seemed to announce to all the strong in the sinking iceberg, there was another super strong coming.

At this moment, the strong who are going to other places in the submerged iceberg are emotionally collapsed. The strong ones who come one after another have no idea what happened, what is the attraction of the submerged iceberg, so much The holy powers gather.

Many strong people are heavy and worried.

Although the coming super powers may not target them, they will also be greatly affected by them.

The controlled time and space cannot be teleported, and all that is lost is wealth.

An extreme **** emperor powerhouse, as long as he is in the sinking iceberg, is consuming every moment, the strength of the extreme **** emperor level is the price of one thousandth of the **** body every day.

Ten days is one percent. If you make it for a year or a half, you will have to peel off if you die!

In the sinking iceberg, the holy master wants to kill people. It is too easy, and there is no need to deal with you personally. As long as the time and space are blocked and teleportation is restricted, no strong can escape.

Therefore, in the submerged iceberg, it is best not to go to war. Once the hatred is too great, the opponent can cause you huge losses.

Soon, the information that Shenshui Bingshan had several super powers spread in the circle. Obviously, there was going to be a big disturbance. It immediately caused many powers who were going to pass through the transfer station of Shenshui Bingshan to change their faces. Diversion, or stopped the adventure plan, waiting in some safer place.


The three emperor Huaqing, the female emperor of Yaochi, and the saint master of time descended on the submerged iceberg, and didn't wait much at all, and directly rushed to the No. 3 Ice Lake with unparalleled aura.

A teleport, a small distance of several thousand light-years, is not a problem at all.


The Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas vaguely sensed that in addition to the Great Emperor Huaqing and the Lord of Time, there is actually a familiar breath of Ruoyouruowu. This Ruoyouruowu breath carries a little noble and elegant, orchid-like temperament. .

Their complexions just changed.

Lord Morafo said in surprise, "It's the female emperor of Yaochi."

"She is here too!" Seeing the **** and Buddha's main throat roll for a while, he swallowed his saliva secretly, his expression became not so calm.

"Clean up all the people in the vicinity that are irrelevant, transfer them away, and then prepare to meet them!" said the Lord Wangu.

Immediately, several powerful people who existed in the vicinity of Ice Lake No. 3 more than ten light-years away were warned by the voice of the soul that they could not resist, and then moved them away with superpower.

The powerhouse at the ultimate level of the **** emperor, even if the eternal Buddha master is resisting the opponent, it is impossible to move and drive away with the power of controlling time and space.

"Controlling time and space is gone?"

The worries in the hearts of the strong men who were trapped in the sinking iceberg rose, but they were extremely surprised to find that the strong pressure around them disappeared and the space returned to a normal state.

The saint master regained his ability to control time and space, but the three powerful and unmatched forces faintly transmitted from the No. 3 Ice Lake also made them understand where they were temporarily forbidden and they were not allowed to go.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

As soon as the effect of controlling time and space disappeared, the three Heavenly Court powerhouses hundreds of light years away also began to teleport and appeared in front of the eternal Buddha Lord. Before they could do anything, they were worried that the time holy Lord would become a safe cloud. He asked irritably, "Ever since, where is Chengbuyun!"

The three eternal Buddha masters who were questioned did not pay any attention to him. They owed the lower body to the female emperor Yaochi first. Regardless of their expressions and expressions, they said with respect: "Eternal age, Mo Lai, see God, I have met Emperor Yaochi!"

In terms of status, status, and strength, the female emperor of Yaochi is the best in the audience. Even if it is only a clone, the Buddha Lord and the others dare not neglect the slightest move.

"Wang Gu, Mo Lai, see the gods, free of courtesy." The empress of Yaochi nodded with a smile on her face, saying in return.

The expressions and behaviors of the two sides didn't look like hostile forces with deep hatred. On the contrary, they seemed to be very friendly. The appearance of an old acquaintance was really a bit strange.

The relationship between Heavenly Court and Buddhism is not as simple as it seems!

Cheng Buyun, whom the Heavenly Court valued, was poisoned by the powerhouse of the Buddha Kingdom. The Heavenly Court powerhouse who came for shelter did not immediately start the film. Are you ready to speak well and judge?

"I have also seen Li, eternal, let alone the others, and hand over Cheng Buyun." The Great Emperor Huaqing also roared unceremoniously.

In terms of status, he is not half way behind the Lord Wanfu Buddha. It is estimated that he is only a little worse in strength. He is considered to be at the same level, and his tone is not too aggressive.

"Are you condemning me?" The Lord Buddha also unceremoniously counterattacked, with a calm expression, "You Huaqing, I am never afraid."

"Are you provoking me?" Emperor Huaqing yelled angrily, "You still have reason, what is your status and status? What is Cheng Buyun's status and status? Even bullying the small with the big! Let's bully the small with the big, and shameless. You take out the Xianxian cable, and you can ask yourself, does this make sense?"

This matter was mentioned by the Great Emperor Huaqing, and the face of the Lord Buddha also had a fever, and he was speechless on the spot.

"None of this is said. Since the matter has already happened, I will leave it to others to judge. Now... I will ask you again, where is Chengbuyun!" The Great Emperor Huaqing asked again.

The Lord of Time also roared: "Hand over immediately!"

"Time, you are too much." When Mo Lai and the two Buddha masters were furious, they scolded the Lord of Time.

The eternal Buddha belonged to the pinnacle of the holy rank, and the status was higher than that of them.

And the status of the Time Lord is similar to that of the two of them, but it is natural to be blind to talking to the eternal Buddha so unceremoniously.

"I'm too much, who is really too much?" The Lord of Time was also angry, and Cheng Buyun was a member of their Immortal Temple, naturally more anxious.

"Who made you look down on it? Now that things have happened, come to blame us? Are you justified?" Lord Morafo sneered, and the Emperor Huaqing and the Lord of Time were furious on the spot, but they were silent.

When the matter has developed to this point, it is a matter of public saying that the public is reasonable, and the mother-in-law said that the mother is reasonable!

The genius and the strong who are not protected by the holy status are not protected. The super strong can deal with it or suppress invitations. No one can blame.

It's a bit slapped.

The emperor Huaqing and the Lord of Time were all choked up by the words of Lord Mullai on the spot, and could only secretly furious.

The whole body was trembling, the Great Emperor Huaqing had red eyebrows and green eyes. He directly pointed at the Lord Mullai with his finger, and said with a twisted expression: "Molai, I remember you."

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