Plane Universe

Chapter 2593: The hope found becomes more elusive

The impact of the incident is getting more and more severe. Until now, the Lord Buddha and others have not dared to explain and reveal the problem that Cheng Buyun's figure cannot appear when looking back in time and space.

Once the confession is leaked, the ghost knows how crazy the great emperors of Heavenly Court will be.

It is possible to demolish them!


After eternal Buddha asked to see the future Buddha, he expressed his three thoughts.

The future Buddha pondered for a while, and then slowly said: "Wait for a while. According to your judgment, Chengbuyun's divine body is not simple in size, and it is likely to carry some holy treasures that can interfere with the traces of time and space. Even if I am now If you go, you may not be able to overcome such interference."

"Therefore, I believe your eyes and judgments. I will only let things break out if I go now." There are natural reasons for the future Buddha's consideration.

What happened to Buyun now only spread within a small area in the highest of both sides, and the Demon Clan hadn't noticed it yet.

If Chengbuyun can find it back, it is naturally best, and both sides can cover the past.

But if the demons knew about it, it would have reached the sky. The three eternal Buddha masters, as the main responsible persons, would of course not be able to escape, but the Buddha Kingdom and Heavenly Court would not be much better.

Must be implicated!

One is improper care, and the other is improper solicitation, which damages the interests of all humanity.

Now that Cheng Buyun fell into the ice lake event, both of them did not dare to poke out.

Because the impact is too great.

In itself, the fall of a strong **** emperor has a very small range of influence, even if the top extreme **** emperor strong, the fall is a small problem.

Because these strong men can be resurrected when they fall, but only consume some treasure resources.

But Cheng Buyun is completely different.

You don't even know how many treasure resources you are carrying on this guy, and those treasure resources are still very precious types with different effects.

At this moment, Emperor Huaqing and the Lord of Time don’t bother to get angry, hope?

Hope a woolen thread!

Cheng Buyun is fine if there is an accident. Once an accident happens, neither side will have any brilliance. This is still to be said to be smaller. The most terrifying thing is that the group of demon tribes can't go crazy.

Things got worse.

Heaven and the Buddha Kingdom paid great attention to the occurrence of the incident, and the future Buddha's face will be very ugly at this moment, "How can the development of the matter reach such a point?"

At that time, the Lord Buddha reported that Cheng Buyun fell into the ice lake, and he immediately sat on the wax.

So I have been paying attention.


Time has been fading, Cheng Buyun did not appear in the ice lake, and the avatar of the female emperor Yaochi did not come out. The avatars of other great emperors have also been looking for in the ice lake.

No matter how a group of powerful men expanded their search range, they almost searched for it within two or three light years under the ice lake, but Cheng Buyun seemed to have disappeared without a trace.

Obviously, Cheng Buyun sneaked into a deeper position.

Several superpowers stayed in the submerged iceberg for a long time, and also sealed off the area around the No. 3 Ice Lake, which naturally attracted the attention of many powerhouses.

The news was guessed out of thin air, and rumors were flying all over the sky.

Provoked a lot of discussion.

Slowly, the information sent to the highest level of the Demon Race aroused huge suspicion.

After investigating the demon clan's powerhouse, he also learned about the incident that happened in the sinking iceberg. Because Cheng Buyun appeared in the sinking iceberg, some members of the demon clan also saw it, so...there is no way to hide it.

Chengbuyun fell into the ice lake event.

The incident soon fermented in the'Highest Heaven'.

A large number of high-level human beings are talking about it, and many demon clan powerhouses are constantly asking questions. The heavenly court and the Buddha country can't hide it, so they can only tell the truth.


All the strong were in an uproar!

All the complexions have changed dramatically, especially the strong demon clan, they are almost crazy with anger.

Okay, we're working hard, but you guys, you lost a lot of treasures all at once. Who will be responsible?

The chaos of the highest heaven has become a mess.

Up to the heavenly emperor, the other seven emperors, the Xuanyuan holy emperor of the Immortal Temple, and the eight holy emperors of the demon clan have also heard about it.

Inevitably, the Supreme Heaven meeting was held.

All the holy emperors, great emperors, holy lords, Buddha lords, saints, etc., and some quasi-sage gods and emperors and bodhisattvas who are eligible to attend, have attended.

It's just that the Supreme Conference is open, but unfortunately, there is no clear idea of ​​the discussion.

But Cheng Buyun is well-known, so that all the powerhouses of the highest heaven have a huge impression in their hearts. At this stage, the most talented evildoer is of the kind!


The submerged iceberg, under the ice lake.

Chengbuyun has reached a distance of about three light-years in a few years, and the surrounding pressure has been increasing, and the erosion of the cold power is gradually increasing.

The area of ​​the ice lake is more than tens of millions of kilometers, and the consciousness can't spread. Even the female emperor of Yaochi, the spread of consciousness is only about one kilometer, which is almost the same as the naked eye.

Therefore, it is very difficult to find a person in the ice lake.

After searching every inch, he missed the time to find the trace of Chengbuyun, and made him dive deeper into the ice lake.

The female emperor of Yaochi made a mistake in her judgment, thinking that Cheng Buyun was just avoiding, but she didn't know Cheng Buyun's ultimate goal. If she sneaked into the depths from the beginning, she would have a good chance to find him. Unfortunately,... Good prime time.

I couldn't find it at the beginning, and the opportunities I could find in the future are even more ethereal.

Cheng Buyun didn't know anything about this. There was only one thought in his heart, approaching the depths at a faster speed and reaching the position of the innate sacred treasure.

In the ice lake, there was basically no other sound except the sound of the cloud falling down. It was very cold and quiet, and everything in the eye was blue lake water.

Under such a harsh environment, over time will make people crazy!

Moreover, Cheng Buyun was mechanically burning the divine body at this moment, enduring the erosion of the cold power, and dived down with determination. I have to say that the perception of tens of thousands of years has worked.

Especially the state of mind, gave him more support!

"It's getting colder, and the surrounding coercion is gradually increasing." Cheng Buyun felt the cold sweat and freezing air in his consciousness, as if the whole soul had been frozen, almost unable to think.

At this moment, his position has reached one hundred light years, and it took a full two hundred years.

The diving speed is 160,000 kilometers per second.

It can't be faster, the resistance is too great.

At the same time, the erosion of the cold power is further increasing. At this position, the cosmic sage level, it is estimated that he will fall if he can't hold it for a few minutes.

Extremely horrible!

That kind of powerful freezing power corroded, ignoring the peak Arcana armor he wore on his body, ignoring all his treasure powers, even the will power protection would not work, it directly affected the divine body and was consumed!

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