Plane Universe

Chapter 2602: Universe Master

The huge multicolored vortex of twelve light-years has completely covered the entire Chaos Square, and even extended outward to cover some stellar land.

Moreover, the scope of influence is more than that. With Chaos Square as the central starting point, all lives in the vicinity within a hundred light-years will be affected and oppressed.

Under the strong pressure, he knelt down and crawled down.

Only in areas a hundred light-years away, those strong can fight with their own abilities and support themselves not to prostrate.

It's not easy to stand almost, so naturally I can't move.

Movement is called delusion.

Only the strong who are thousands of light years away can move slowly, the kind of movement that walks with their feet.

Within tens of thousands of light-years, it was like a strong man had used the domain's treasure, and a powerful restraint effect was formed around it, and its own speed was weakened a lot, and almost half of the usual speed could not be maintained.

Almost the entire Primal Secret Realm can feel the powerful pressure faintly coming from afar.

Countless people looked up at the location of Chaos Square, a huge colorful vortex entangled in the void, and the light of Qianbao River was completely eclipsed at this moment, with no brilliance.

They were all covered and obscured by the light of the colorful vortex, completely unable to control them.

The Chaos City Lord can only feel it vaguely. At this moment, his heart is also shocked, and he secretly shook his head and smiled bitterly, "I wanted to cover up for my disciple before, lest the intelligence information was revealed. Now... It's necessary."

Even if I think about it, I'm afraid I can't do it.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glance at the savage giant, and judged in his heart: "Maybe even if the giant axe comes, he will be able to use the peak domain treasure he carries, and it is estimated that he will not be able to resist such pressure!"

As far as the pressure that affects the entire Primal Secret Realm is concerned, the use of the pinnacle treasure by the strongest level in the universe is not enough.


The huge and shocking multicolored vortex entangled the Chaos Square horizontally, and all the underlying basic laws of the original aura revolved around the void core perfectly. The original aura of the endless space radiated vigorously, and bursts of silver light surging out from the void core.

With the extremely exaggerated diameter and radius, even Cheng Buyun, the person involved, looked at the scene above the void and was completely shocked at this moment.

This time I broke through the immortal **** level, the scene was so exaggerated.

Twelve light-years of the original divine power vortex, how outrageous it is, it is estimated that the scene of the Lord of the universe breakthrough cannot be compared with this scene.

In history, there are many beings who have become cosmic masters. For example, there are many recorded and photographed scenes in the virtual universe. A long time ago, Chengbuyun had already watched the scenes of other strong breakthroughs, and each strong breakthrough There will be the origin ocean of colorful vortex space.

Regardless of the diameter of the colorful vortex that appears when those strong break through, the origin is very different. For other strong breakthroughs, there is only space origin divine power in the colorful vortex.

But the colorful vortex that he had broken through had all the underlying basic laws.

what is the problem?

"Could it be..."

Cheng Buyun suddenly remembered something. He seemed to be... really special than other strong men, and very different from other strong men.

Divine power ocean!

Yes, it is the ocean of divine power, because of his own talent, the ocean of divine power has been restricted, and now it is only a light-year in diameter.

Although exaggerated, the true limit of Divine Power Ocean has never been fulfilled.

"Then, it makes sense to break through the twelve-light-year divine power vortex that appeared." Cheng Buyun had a cheerful smile on his face, "The universe will attach importance to it and let go of the restrictions after he makes another breakthrough!"

"I thought your intelligence was so low that you couldn't even think of this." Shi air-conditioning sneered.

"So, time and space, do you think I should transform or expand the universe in my body?" Cheng Buyun asked.

"It's up to you, I don't interfere." Shikong's tone was a little serious.



The endless colorful divine power seawater overturned, like a galaxy current, surging back toward the place where Chengbuyun was. His body was like a sponge that had been hungry for a long time, and he did not resist the divine power seawater that poured down. Up.


The heavy, masterless divine power seawater fell into the divine power ocean, shaking the entire ocean, and countless lives in the universe looked up to the sky and fell into horror.

At this moment, the emptiness of the universe in the body seemed to have penetrated countless holes, and those divine power waterfalls flowed down from those holes.

The Youhai clone had already melted into the ocean of divine power, and controlled the ocean of divine power to move wildly to transform the overturned divine power.

The universe within the body is also expanding to the extreme, increasing at an unimaginable rate.

Increasing the scope of the universe in the body is naturally to accommodate more divine power reserves.

It wasn't that Cheng Buyun couldn't make the universe inside his body bigger, but it was unnecessary.

The larger internal universe is relatively weak in stability, which is not conducive to the exertion of strength.

Everything is due to the low level of strength.

Cheng Buyun was able to form a universe in God's body, it was a trick. If the universe in his body was expanded indiscriminately, collapse would be a possible result.

Step by step, slow development is king!

At this moment, the ocean of divine power increases, and the expansion of the universe within the body is natural, and there is no problem with stability.

"Weird, did you find out? This colorful vortex seems to be a bit problematic."

Some masters of the universe looked at the colorful vortex above their heads, and found in their hearts something that shocked them all.

"Yes, I also found out that it was not the divine power of space seawater that was overturned, but the divine power of seawater mixed with a lot of basic laws." The shocked expression of the virtual gold master showed a trace of astonishment, which was obviously not clear. What exactly is going on.

Chaos City Lord also shook his head, indicating that he was unclear!

In fact, it is very simple, because everything is made up by the rules of the universe to make up for Cheng Buyun's own losses.

The endless divine power seawater that overturned completely transformed Cheng Buyun's divine body almost in the blink of an eye, bringing his divine body and divine power to the ultimate level of Venerable Universe.

Breakthrough is directly peak strength!

But this was not over yet, the colorful vortex not only did not dissipate, but also seemed to increase the angle of overturning, making the divine power seawater flow faster.

The scope of the universe within the body has expanded repeatedly, as if there is no end, two light-years, three light-years, four light-years...It has been expanding.

And the diameter of the divine power ocean is also increasing at an extremely exaggerated rate!

After a long time, the expansion speed of the universe within the body finally started to slow down, and it seemed that it was about to reach its limit, because the overturned divine power of the sea was getting less and less, and it was almost exhausted.

Sure enough, the next one, when the universe within the body expanded to ten light years, the overturned power of the masterless divine power finally converged.

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