Plane Universe

Chapter 2637: Situation took a turn for the worse

"Oh! That's it!"

Cheng Buyun suddenly understood that the Lord of Anshui had taken a fancy to his supreme assistant, which was born out of nothing.

Of course, it can't be regarded as being born out of nothing, at least, he really has Xeon Zhibao, Universe Pearl is, and it is much more powerful than Xeon Zhibao.

Even for the eternal class powerhouse, it is one of the rarest treasures. How precious is a thing that allows a powerhouse to possess the universe in the body in advance?

Anyone who is a bit knowledgeable knows it.

"It turns out that you are greedy for my treasure." Cheng Buyun sneered, as if he had only come to his senses and said: "It's just that you want to **** my treasure, you need to look at your ability, but... I don't think you have that ability! "

"what did you say?"

The Lord of An Shui roared, and was mocked and mocked by a little guy. The look on his face was ugly, and his expression was suddenly distorted.

The more powerful he is, the more he values ​​his face. Cheng Buyun's repeated mockery made him a little unbearable.

Double standard dog!

Before that, he kept insulting, bullying, and mocking Buyun, as if he should be, as if the latter was ridiculed and mocked by him and could only endure it.

In fact, this is a sense of superiority, how strong is the God Eye Clan?

Except for the two great holy land powerhouses who can give them a high look in the universe, there are almost no foreign powerhouses that they can look up to.

Various reasons have created the present posture of the God Eye Race.

"What kind of wool, die for me!" Cheng Buyun scolded and rushed directly.


Although Lord Anshui didn’t understand what the term “wool thread” really meant, he also made him understand that this term is definitely not a good thing, and he immediately shouted, “Miscellaneous, you will definitely die and fall to me. In front of you, no one can save you."

The marginal area is too remote, even if the Chaos City Lord of the human race wants to come to rescue it, it will take a long time.

There are dangers in the waters, and it is impossible to teleport over long distances. With the capabilities of the human race, the map of the waters to be explored may only be a very small part of it. Come to support?

think too much.

"Cut me down?"

Hearing the swearing words of the Lord of Anshui, Cheng Buyun sneered in his heart again and again. He wanted to kill me, who had endless hole cards. It was a delusion and a fart.

Even if hundreds of Anshui Lords add up, there is no chance that they will fall.

It is estimated that he still has this confidence.

In this way, the two have become a group, and the intensity is more intense than before.

But in the fight, Cheng Buyun is like a sponge, trying his best to absorb nutrients to strengthen himself.

Under the oppressive power of such a powerful person as the Lord of Anshui, he made rapid progress, and was no longer suppressed by the former as he had started. It was already considered offensive and defensive.

Sometimes I can even hit the Lord of Anshui several times.

Time passed slowly in the fight.

In the blink of an eye... one month has passed!

A fight lasted for a whole month, almost a very common thing.

Especially for strong players of similar strength, it is possible to play for many years.

Unless you collide at a high speed to consume and lose both sides, otherwise...the fight will only be endless.

The sky is dim!

During the fight, Slowly, the Lord of Anshui also discovered the problem. He seemed to feel that Cheng Buyun had made a lot of progress in the fight, and he was no longer able to suppress it at will as before.

Now Cheng Buyun can take the cold and hit him.

growing up very fast?

What kind of monster is this!

Lord An Shui exclaimed in his heart, and at the same time, a doubt rose in his heart. Why did he consume a lot of Buyun's body after fighting for so long, but why hasn't he escaped?

Judging from his own power and the degree of damage to Stepun, it is at least equal to tens of millions of his divine bodies, but even so, the latter's divine power seems to be endless and is consumed at will.

Such a monster!

"Why can you hold on!" The Lord of Anshui hesitated a little, and the attack slowed down a bit and said, "How much power can you store in the treasure you carry?"

"What do you say!"

Cheng Buyun laughed and said: "It's enough to make you collapse, Lord of Anshui, you can safely turn into the first stepping stone on my way to become a peak power!"

"Arrogant, **** monster, you die for me!" The Lord of Anshui was furious.

It's another entanglement!

Another month passed like this. The Lord of Anshui was furious and started to replenish the divine body for the first time. In the following month, Cheng Buyun attacked him several times and consumed a whole 10% of his divine body.

This made him very upset, and asked angrily: "Why don't you run away!"

At this moment, he had already doubted whether he could completely use up Cheng Buyun's supernatural power and rob him of his most precious treasure!

"You want me to flee, what do you have?" Cheng Buyun sneered, but the offensive became more violent.

Cheng Buyun is simply a tortoise shell that can't be beaten with a hammer. The Lord of Anshui has become a little impatient.

"You monster, get out of me!" The Lord of Anshui shouted angrily.

"What are you afraid of?" Cheng Buyun asked.

"Go away, far away!" The Lord Anshui yelled again.

It seemed that Lord Anshui wanted to retreat, but was entangled by Cheng Buyun.

After turning over several times, Lord Anshui’s expression was a bit about to collapse, no matter how he attacked, several sets of peak secret methods were desperately smashed, crazy bombardment, even if the injury was exchanged for injury, Cheng Buyun was the same as before. The divine power is endless, as if it is inexhaustible.

What makes him particularly disturbed is that Chengbu Yun's experience has improved a bit quickly, to the extent that he has to face it, it is crazy!

Cheng Buyun's comprehensive strength is not bad at all, what it lacks is precisely the experience of fighting with the strong, but the Lord of Anshui has acted as this tool man in three months.

After becoming this whetstone, he sharpened Cheng Buyun's knife to an extremely sharp edge, and then cut his whetstone.

At this point, he also fully understood why Cheng Buyun was not afraid of him at all, but instead entangled with opportunities to make progress.

With a lot of divine power to supplement, it is very difficult to fall.

I became the opponent's whetstone, which is terrible!

"Would you like to be a helper?" After all, the Lord of Anshui was still a little bit reluctant to support Chengbuyun's Xeon Supreme Treasure, which can store massive amounts of divine power. To be honest, if he is not greedy, it is almost impossible.

It’s just that if you call for a helper, there is only one Xeon Supreme Treasure. Even if you **** it, who will you give it to?

Is a problem!

Or contribute to the ethnic group at that time, and then replace it with a few peak treasures?

It is also a way, the premise is to be able to kill the human kid and grab the Xeon Supreme.

Just do it!

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