Plane Universe

Chapter 2644: Success

All the painstaking effort is to make it smaller, Chaos City Lord hates that he can exchange with Cheng Buyun, exchange his own strength with the latter, so that he immediately stands at the top level and leads the race to grow.

If he can, he really wants to.

He never dared to forget his wishes and dreams, the teacher's entrustment, even in exchange for his life!

For the growth of the race, the Chaos City Lord can be said to be the greatest of the human race.

The great axe is respected by everyone because of its strength and selflessness.

The greatness of Chaos City Lord lies in the painstaking effort, in many things, can be tolerant, selfless, just and fair, to maintain the movement of the race.

Busy up and down is the busiest person in the human race.

Therefore, the Lord of Longxing was full of ridiculous jokes, and Chaos City Lord didn't care at all. He smiled and said, "What can I do for a little hard work, as long as he can grow up victoriously, no matter how hard it is, it is worth it."

"Yes! Chengbuyun is the future of the ethnic group."

The Lord of Longxing quickly reduced the ridiculous expression on his face and became a lot more solemn.

Cheng Buyun's growth is not limited to the Chaos City Lord. In fact, all the strong people in the group are very concerned about him, the Lord of Xujin, the Lord of Penggong, the Lord of Qingdong, etc. Which one doesn't care!

Even the founder of the Great Axe missed him. Every time he met, he would tell them when he finally left, asking them all to pay more attention to Cheng Buyun's growth and give him help and support when necessary.

The Lord of Chaos City nodded, and extremely agreed with the words of the Lord of Longxing.

Because Chengbuyun allows everyone to see the foreseeable future. It is certainly everyone's wish to stand at the pinnacle of all races in the universe, but it cannot make the race great and eternal, and it will inevitably die.

Just like the God Eyes of today, aren’t they great?

The strongest in the seven universes, that group dare to provoke?

However, with the end of the annihilation of the imminent group, almost the whole clan was on the verge of madness.

Only eternity, like the two holy places, can prevent the tribe from the destruction of the three samsara eras, that is the most important conclusion.

And mankind had this opportunity long ago. It was his teacher'Yuan', but unfortunately... the teacher was too ambitious and too anxious. He repeatedly provoked and offended the will of the root cause and was finally suppressed!

He can't say anything about the teacher's behavior, nor can any strong man in human beings say anything, and can't blame it.

Who can think of the result of all this!

"What, what's the situation of Cheng Buyun now?" The Lord of Longxing asked with a curious expression with his eyes condensed: "Hundreds of years of retreat can definitely create a powerful secret method."

"I don't know."

The tone of the Chaos City Lord called a resolute, "But I think like you, I believe he can create powerful secret methods."

"You don't know?"

The Lord of Longxing was stunned, and asked very puzzled: "He didn't trouble you this time?"

Chaos City Lord glanced at him and said: "You don't know that the secret method can only be created by yourself, but outsiders cannot help too much. Just like before, the secret method he created, thanks to my guidance, is everywhere in the secret method. My shadow is full of my personal feelings."

"I mean, the secret method was created by him, that's just a compliment."

"Only those created by yourself are the most suitable!"

"I'm going to give pointers. For him, it is a kind of stifling of understanding!"

"Not suitable!"

"This time he thinks about it himself, I think it's good!"

The Lord of Chaos City said a lot of reasons, but the Lord of Longxing sneered, "That doesn't mean that when he uses it, where is the power weak, and where is the secret technique."

"I can only say that my disciple's savvy is high enough, know how to think, and gradually perfect the secret method!" Chaos City Lord said with a proud smile.

The Lord of Longxing wants to hit someone!

It's so arrogant!

"Don't tell me, I'm very confident this time."

Chaos City Lord also shook his head slightly, and explained: "This time my disciple retreats and realizes that since the battle with the god-eye clan powerhouse Anshui lord has gained a lot, it should be a very critical step. It can be said to be a big deal, and it will definitely be beyond us The surprise might even shock us."

"Of course I hope so!"

The Lord of Longxing nodded slightly and looked at him with his eyes sideways.

"look forward!"

Chaos City Lord called a person with a hundredfold confidence, "I believe this very much!"

"I also believe that when he comes out, remember to call me. I also want to see what incredible secrets he has created." The Lord of Longxing chuckled.

The two chatted in the temple for a while, and finally the Lord of Longxing stood up and said: "This is the gossip. I'm going out and wandering around. I hope I have better luck and a good harvest."


The Lord of Chaos City Zheng nodded his head and said, "Life is eternal, and the treasure is endless!"

"Life is eternal, and the treasures are endless!" The Lord of Longxing smiled and turned to take a step to leave. He just raised his right foot, but his expression stopped moving. He glanced at the Lord of Chaos and laughed and said: "Hahaha~ ~The so-called coincidence that it is better to come early, you see..."

"It's a coincidence. It is estimated that you are here, and his inspiration broke out, and he suddenly succeeded." Chaos City Lord also laughed and looked at the side hall where Cheng Buyun was with the eyes of the Longxing Lord.

Inside, at this moment, a powerful special aura was conveyed, the oppressive force was extremely powerful, and it shocked people's hearts.

After a while~~


The door of the Partial Hall opened, Cheng Buyun's calm figure appeared, and the joyful smile on his face had already made the Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Longxing rejoice on the spot. They knew that Cheng Buyun's secret method of creation should be successful.

And it's a very successful kind, otherwise there won't be such a happy smile.

"how is it!"

Chaos City Lord asked quickly, his expression a bit anxious.

The Lord of Longxing is also full of solemn expression, looking forward to it.

"Teacher, Senior Longxing!"

Cheng Buyun saw that the Lord of Longxing was also in the stronghold temple, and was not surprised or surprised, and even greeted with a smile.

"It's finally out. It's really good to wait, haha!" The Lord of Longxing nodded with a smile, and said with a smile: "Success? The ultimate level?"

Even if there is a guess, you still have to ask, only Cheng Buyun nodded to confirm the power, that is true.

"Don't talk about it, what's the harvest for hundreds of years of retreat?" The Chaos City Lord looked very happy, and asked eagerly: "The power that flashed just now is very powerful, and it vaguely gives me the feeling, it seems very strong. It's a horrible look, it should be the ultimate secret technique, right?"

"Thank you teacher and Senior Long Xing for your concern, it is a success!"

Seeing the expectant eyes of the teacher and Senior Long Xing, Cheng Buyun couldn't help but replied excitedly and happily: "The secret level that I created for hundreds of years in retreat is the ultimate level, and the power is still powerful, I am very satisfied. !"


Chaos City Lord laughed loudly, and said with great excitement: "Sure enough, it is the ultimate level as I guessed. It is my disciple, hahaha, the ultimate level! But it belongs to the pinnacle of the master level of the universe, one of countless universe The realm that the Lord desires, hahaha~~~ It’s great! It didn’t disappoint me, good! Good! Good! Good! Good!!!"

The six good words in a row show the happy mood of City Lord Chaos.

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