Plane Universe

Chapter 2651: Vault of the Valley

Why does Cheng Buyun have such a judgment?

It was because he was scanning a large area with the assistance of the realm treasure and found a somewhat hidden valley.

Suddenly, he was excited and flew over there.

The valley is not too big, and the beautiful scenery is clear at a glance. A river spans the entire valley area and flows into other waters through the valley mouth.

On the side of the valley, there is a giant wood jungle, and there is a small cliff looming in the jungle.

Cheng Buyun moved in his heart and walked towards the giant wood jungle.

But after a thorough investigation, he was extremely disappointed to find that there was no discovery in this giant wood jungle, and the small cliff was just a small cliff.

There are no prohibitions or hidden treasures.

All expectations are illusory!

"Impossible, this kind of hidden scenery and elegant place, if there is no treasure to bury, not only I don't believe it, no strong person will believe it."

Cheng Buyun babbled, unwilling to be disappointed, he immediately observed his surroundings with his soul consciousness a little bit to investigate, carefully observe, not letting go of any clues and possible targets.

He thought that he was anxious just now and had neglected some things, so he didn't find it.

After a few hours~~

Cheng Buyun finally sighed with disappointment, and found helplessly that there really is no treasure ban in this giant wood jungle, the hill is just a hill.

Cheng Buyun pondered for a moment, thinking about it in his head, "Such a beautiful scenery, and those predecessors from the previous era will not leave anything here, I am afraid it is a bit unreasonable..."

"Is it? This giant wood jungle has too big a goal, so... it's not the best place to bury the treasure."

He tried to think in another position. If he changed his burying treasure, even if he chose this place, he might not be placed in the most noticeable position.

It should be so!

He ignored the giant wood jungle, his eyes swept around. The layers of consciousness swept through, and finally stopped at the side of a small flower bush.

He stepped forward quickly and stopped in front of a stone that was only a few meters high, with a smile on his face, as if the student who had handed in the most perfect answer sheet had a hint of excitement in his heart.

In this small stone, there is a forbidden seal that is difficult to be detected. The powerful and concealed secret pattern of spatial power is layered and interwoven in the stone, which is extremely complicated.

For a moment, he was fascinated by it.

Time is flowing fast, but Cheng Buyun is unaware of this. His whole mind has been completely attracted by this powerful secret sealing method, and he has completely forgotten the external affairs.

I don't know how long it has passed, or it may be a year or a half, it may be ten or eight years, or even hundreds of years have passed.

After a long, long time, Cheng Buyun breathed out again, and his entire expression was agitated. The restraining force in this small stone was almost the only thing he had seen in his life.

It is not only powerful, but also difficult to find.

Normally the strong are basically hard to detect, the secret hidden in this little stone.

He was able to discover that he relied on the power of his mood. If the power of his mood wasn't strong enough to help him, he would probably ignore it.

Of course, if it reaches that point, it is estimated that Time and Space will give a voice reminder!

I didn't remind me at the beginning, I guess I wanted to let myself experience it and improve the accumulation of experience.

However... after discovering the prohibition, Cheng Buyun realized that the prohibition power was a bit too powerful, and he couldn't break it at all.

Very helpless!

The powerhouses of the previous era who arranged the prohibition are estimated to be very powerful!

"Time and Space!"

Cheng Buyun finally had to be born to ask for help from time and space. He couldn't break this restriction at all. After hundreds of years of observation and enlightenment, he only learned a little bit about it.

"I saw."

Time and Space responded quickly, and his tone was full of joy and said: "First of all, congratulations, you have found a very great secret. At the same time, congratulations, you have discovered a very great secret method of sealing!"


Cheng Buyun was shocked, and even Time and Space said it was a secret hiding place, so... heh! What super treasure is hidden in the stone?

Very pleasantly surprised!

I was so excited that I was trembling all over.

What's inside?

He almost couldn't help it.

Unexpectedly, after endless years, this treasure would actually fall into his own hands.

This should be fate!

"Not urgent."

Time and Space continued to say, "First of all, this secret technique is very powerful, you have to study it."


Cheng Buyun also knew that this opportunity should not be missed. Such a powerful one-trick secret method would definitely improve him if he could learn it.

It's a pity...the law level is not enough, you can't learn by yourself, you can only rely on time and space to give pointers.

This is a great regret!

"Don't worry, this time I'm just giving pointers from the side, mainly relying on yourself."

Time and Space even said: "You can learn a little bit from it, it's actually pretty good."

In this way, Cheng Buyun lowered his heart and tried his best to comprehend this secret method of sealing and sealing, while Time and Space gave guidance from the side.

The secret patterns of the laws of space contained in the little stones are very profound, and most of them are not even accessible to the Lord of the universe.

Cheng Buyun realized that it was a hard work, but the harvest was also an incredible surprise.

The law of space has improved greatly!

In the blink of an eye, thousands of years have passed.

I haven't heard of Cheng Buyun in the previous year, and the human experts are a little surprised.

In the name of Cheng Buyun, once he shows up and encounters other foreign powerhouses, he will surely spread quickly, but more than a thousand years have passed without the slightest news.

The strong humans have to wonder whether Cheng Buyun has fallen into some dangerous sealed area and cannot come out.

Not many of these are just thinking about it. If you fall into that place, Cheng Buyun will probably have known everyone.

As for the fall, that is basically impossible.

Cheng Buyun also has a clone sitting in the original secret realm.

"What has Cheng Buyun been doing for thousands of years?" The City Lord of Chaos also frowned, and asked him to practice hard, but it would be good, but he hid himself.

what is this?

The human powerhouse does not know what Cheng Buyun has encountered at this moment, such a precious treasure, go, go to temper, silly!

Naturally, the secret hiding restriction was broken and the treasure was taken out.

At this the waters not far from the small valley, the Lord of Covering the Sea stood on the top of the mountain, with a surprised look overlooking the small valley below where Cheng Buyun was, and said with an unusual smile: "Haha, I didn't expect, There is such a small valley hidden in the waters here, luck!"

As long as a strong man arrives in this area, he will inevitably notice the so-called hidden valley.

It's a deception!

These powerhouses, including Cheng Buyun, didn't realize this at all, and were still complacent in their hearts, thinking that they had discovered something extraordinary.

But I don't know that since the endless years, countless strong people have come back here in despair, and finally left in disappointment.

PS: The code of this chapter is a bit rushed. It is most reasonable to hide the real powerful secret with a small treasure first. There is not enough time to modify it!

Will be it!

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