Plane Universe

Chapter 2677: The siege of the masters of the three fifth-tier universes

This **** Lord of Anshui had a good idea. It was really embarrassing to be so shameless to involve procrastination.

It is also very angry.

Staring at the human boy from a distance, the Lord Anshui looked extremely vigilant, but he stood still wherever he stood.

Cheng Buyun cast an angry look at the Lord Anshui, but didn't say anything, and turned and left again.

Whoosh~~ The Lord of Anshui went up again, re-executing the old tricks, bombarding Cheng Buyun with a secret method, but there was room for the attack, and he didn't fight against Cheng Buyun at all.

Almost all stick and leave without any lingering.

Regardless of whether Cheng Buyun was resisting or exposing himself to exhaustion, he ignored it, and set aside his attention and restraint.

As long as Cheng Buyun turned around and hit back, it would achieve the purpose of restraining procrastination.

After three times, Cheng Buyun became angry, and saw the Lord of Anshui growl and roared: "Is it interesting for you to do this? Can you take it easy? You are such a shameless entanglement, if I reveal these shooting records Go, Lord of Anshui... can you still mix in the universe?"

The Lord of Anshui felt ashamed in his heart, just to **** the most precious treasure, some necessary sacrifices of each person, nothing, he immediately looked calm and slowly said: "For some necessary benefits, personal gains and losses are nothing. It can keep you. Come down and sacrifice some of my personal glory. I think it's worth it. You don't need to tell me anymore. If you have the ability, you can use it!"

"I know, your purpose is to contain me, right!" Cheng Buyun suddenly showed a weird smile, making the Lord of Anshui look at it for a while, so he thought that the human kid was crazy.

Is this something unclear? Needless to say.

Therefore, he just stared at Cheng Buyun indifferently, but did not speak at all.


Cheng Buyun looked calm, then he thought about it and shook his head and said, "Forget it...Since you think so, then I will wait here, wait with you, and wait for the Lord of An Heng and the Lord of Ernst & Young to come together. See what you are capable of, and how can you win me!"

The Lord of Anshui showed a look of surprise, and he didn't understand what the human kid was thinking. Didn't he really know that he was in an extremely dangerous situation?

I have to wait quietly with myself, ha!

This is crazy!

"Oh, the Yanque knows the ambition of Honghu!" Cheng Buyun teased and cast a cold glance at the Lord of Anshui, but stopped talking.

Does this human kid still have something to do?

The Lord of Anshui thought so, as if he had thought of something, and quickly reminded everyone: "I don’t know what’s going on, this human kid behaved very strangely. He stopped in place and didn’t escape. As you can see at this moment. , He doesn't move a bit, I am a little worried that he has a back hand."

"Back hand?"

The Lord of Ernst & Young said with a sneer: "What next player? Even if the Chaos City Lord of the primitive universe human race comes, it will not be able to save him."

"He considers himself too high, so that he has fallen into this situation." The Lord An Heng also sneered, as if he was holding the winning ticket: "He is just scaring you, don't worry."

"There isn't the slightest spatial fluctuation around, he can't escape, and it's useless to fly to the sky." The Lord of the Golden Ship smiled, he carefully monitored the surrounding movement since he appeared, and with his own ability, the Chaos City Lord thought It's impossible to hide from him.

"Caution is a good thing, but you can't mess up your own rules and regulations."

The Lord of the Golden Ship said indifferently: "Just like just now, keep the human kid in check, don't give him a chance."

"I understand."

Lord Anshui nodded and said.

For a moment, the scene was extremely quiet, Cheng Buyun floated quietly in the void, looking at the lord of An Heng and the lord of Ernst & Young who were flying here at extremely fast speed, but his expression did not change at all.

The Lord of Anshui on one side did not have the relaxed expression of Cheng Buyun. Even if Cheng Buyun did not move at all, his expression was extremely vigilant, guarding against possible changes.

But he was in vain.

Until the Lord of An Heng and the Lord of Ernst & Young came over, there was no movement at all, as calm as before.

"Haha, human kid, I have to say, you are so arrogant!" The lord of Ernst & Young looked at Cheng Buyun very disliked, and laughed coldly: "How self-righteous you are to look down on like this We are the three masters of the God Eye Clan? I hope you won’t regret it after a while!"

"The most proud and powerful people die early."

Lord An Heng also sneered, his eyes greedily said: "Hand over your treasure, and we can spare you. Otherwise... the consequences will be unbearable for you!"

"Want my treasure?"

Cheng Buyun curled his mouth and waved the azure sword indifferently and said, "Then it depends on your ability, come on!"

"What the **** are you thinking, do you really think you have the chance to win?" The lord of the golden ship could not help but roared as he saw his anger soaring, "Hurry up and kill him and take away the treasure from him."

The Lord of Ernst and Young and the three strong men looked at each other, and immediately roared and roared at Cheng Buyun, each holding their weapons to oppress them.

First of all, the Lord of Ernst & Young took the shot, with endless killing intent hidden in his eyes, and the gorgeous scepter triggered the law, extremely dazzling, and smashed his head and face towards Cheng Buyun.

The scepter drew an arc in the void, and the stern and sharp whistling resounded around, shaking the space, making the surroundings seem to have a sense of static.

Cheng Buyun's face was murderous all the way, and he shouted angrily, and the green fantasy sword waved from the bottom up to block.

When Huanyi's golden sword light flashed, it had already hit the scepter that the Lord of Ernst and Young had smashed down.


The mighty power shook Cheng Buyun's divine body, causing him to keep shaking.

The strength of the Lord of Ernst and Young is stronger than that of the Lord of Anshui, at least in terms of attack power, it is not much different from Cheng Buyun.

Suddenly there was a suffocating mighty power, but the Lord of An Heng took the opportunity to kill him. His scepter was almost as gorgeous as the Lord of Ernst and Young, but his scepter had an extra blade on its head. The front, shining with bursts of cold light, seemed to feel extremely sharp.

The scepter was used as a growth spear and directly pierced Cheng Buyun's waist, which was still shaking.

The sharp edge cut through the skin, and Cheng Buyun felt threatened before he even appeared, and Qing Huanjian could only rush to block.


Due to the passive moves, Cheng Buyun had no time to use the secret technique in this block, so he was bombarded and flew away.

At this time, the Lord of Anshui seemed to have expected, he had already strayed in the direction that Cheng Buyun turned over, and his cane banged on Cheng Buyun's shoulder with a bang, knocking him down quickly.

"go to hell!"

The Lord of Ernst and Young also fully recovered at this time, his eyes were fierce, and the figure sank with both hands and clenched the scepter, and slammed down Cheng Buyun's body.

The fierce whistling shook the void and caused continuous rumblings, showing how terrifying the Lord of Ernst and Young would be a hit.

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