Plane Universe

Chapter 2681: Power can't resist

The strong men such as the Lord of Ernst and Young who watched this scene from a distance also saw their pupils contracted for a while, the extreme brutal force made them tremble!

Unstoppable power!

Even the top flying palaces can't resist such power and prestige.

Xiaohong is different now.

Although the strength is still that strength, the power of the secret method has been greatly improved.

The secret magic power of the ultimate top level, under the power acceleration that might be feared, multiplied.

"What a terrifying brute force!"

In the flying battleship palace, the lord of the golden ship was also uncomfortable. The instant acceleration force made him feel such a powerful man that his whole body was trembling, and the heavy pressure made his breath uneven and rushed. Minute.

Tens of millions of kilometers away when the space is blocked and teleport cannot be used, for many powerful people, it is considered a relatively long distance.

But for the little red queen who is more than 200 million kilometers tall, it's just a step.

At this moment, the battleship palace that flew away did not get out of her attack range at all. Her eyes were stunned, and there was a flurry of disdain in the jewel eyes, and a hint of ridicule appeared in the corner of her mouth. The voice vibrated and said, "Just you. A few **** dare to trouble my brother? Today, the Queen of the Little Red will teach you severely and let you know that you must respect and respect some existences!"

"Die me!"

With a span of steps, his left hand crossed his chest fingers and pinched a special gesture sword tactic, slantingly pointed to the large empty sword under his side, and instantly drew a brilliant light and shadow, thousands of billions of kilometers away Chengbuyun, Ernst & Young The Lord of the Lord and the others also heard buzzing vibrations in their ears, as if the entire universe was about to be unbearable and was about to explode.


The battleship palace, which had been urged by the Lord of the Golden Ship to mobilize his divine power to stabilize, once again received a huge blow, and the big sword slashed arbitrarily on the side.

It's like a singularity, but also like the Big Bang.

The endless shock wave soared again, and the chaotic air currents within thousands of kilometers were destroyed and volatilized by violent forces. The aftermath is so powerful that even the general master of the universe may not be able to withstand it and be injured.

And the thing that flew away following the shock wave was the battleship palace.

It is like a small boat in the sea, unable to withstand the wind and waves.


The little red empress laughed wildly, chased it again, and shouted loudly: "Do you feel the fear from the lady of the little red empress?"

The violent power was once again revealed. The battleship palace was like a poor toy, being played and hit by the little red queen at will, without the slightest resistance at all.

The strong like the Lord of Ernst and Young have been completely stunned, but the top flying palace controlled by the Lord of the Golden Ship was beaten so miserably, it was unstoppable!

Could it be that with a huge body, you can do whatever you want?

Naturally, the body is huge and can't do whatever he wants. It depends on the person. Even if the strong person has the height of Xiaohong, it is impossible to do it.

First of all, you have to have such a strong quality. Does the average strong have the top quality?

almost impossible!

But how life can compare defense with tools, just as normal humans cannot compare strength with machinery.

And the power can't be bad, and no matter what, the secret magic power can't be weak.

Empress Xiaohong possesses all three, which means that she is much worse in divine power.

If Xiaohong empress has the same level of divine power as the Lord of the Golden Ship, I am afraid that a single sword can throw the palace of the warship to far away, and even the impact and vibration power can injure the Lord of the Golden Ship.

Even destroy the surface defense of the palace.

And not like now, hiding in the battleship palace, only to feel the shock but unharmed.

The Palace Arcana’s material defense is very powerful, but it also has its upper limit of defense. A top Arcana mechanical life with a huge size and high mass like Xiaohong Queen’s material power is very powerful.

The battleship palace car of the Lord of the Golden Ship can withstand without damage, which is enough to be praised.

Empress Xiao Hong still lacks a more powerful weapon.

"Haha, do you know how good the Queen is?"

After Xiao Hong laughed, she kept holding a big sword and slashing, blasting the battleship palace over and over again and again, her violent appearance, as if suppressed for countless trillions of years, venting her endless might.

For a long time, Empress Xiaohong didn't come out to fight, this time it was natural to perform well, and vent all the endless anger that had been suppressed on the Lord of the Golden Ship.

"Day by day, I know to hunt this, hunt that, and bully other foreign powerhouses! Today, you dare to bully my brother?"

The Little Red Empress cursed, and the more she spoke, the more excited she became, "Are you dissatisfied with my Empress Xiaohong? Do you think Empress Xiaohong can't lift the sword? That makes you so arrogant?"

Who is arrogant and domineering?

Am I still talking?

The lord of the golden ship called a anger, thinking that he has been awe-inspiring for endless years, and let the strong in awe everywhere. Today, a mechanical life has been taught a lesson, where is the face?

Do I want to mix in the universe!

It's just that he still can't figure out the details of the mechanical life in front of him, so he went out to deal with it in no hurry.

"But how can the breath of the Lord of the Universe be so terrifying!"


"How on earth did you accumulate your body shape to such a level, and how can you still exert powerful power!"

The lord of Ernst & Young, the lord of An Heng, and the lord of Anshui were shocked to see, from head to toe, such power and might, if they faced each other, what would the result be?

Even the top treasure palaces have been beaten for tens of millions of kilometers. Can they stand up to their size?

Do not make jokes!

"What the **** does this come from? Why have I never seen such a terrifying mechanical life?" The Lord of Ernst & Young was completely crazy, his expression turned green.

"It's terrible, how can mechanical life appear in the universe? This completely violates the limitation of the laws of the universe!" The Lord An Heng also has a face of incomprehensibility, and he does not know what the original will of such a thing is Allow it to exist.

This is more terrifying than some of the most special lives.

The special life of plants and rocks, no matter how big they are, their power is still very limited due to their divine power levels.

But this thing in front of you, tell me... how did that brute force come from?

Is it a treasure of machinery, and there are many powerful players in it?

Cheng Buyun also secretly smiled when he saw the expressions of the three nearby.

The appearance of Xiaohong was actually a coincidence.

It belongs to the life created by special means, because Xiao Hong's current body is itself a high-level palace treasure, especially the accumulation of the original energy of the universe in the body last time, making Xiao Hong's body more powerful.

Time and space is the initiator of everything!

The so-called metamorphosis has no limit!

The little red queen in front of him was just starting out on the road to the strong.

In the future, she will become even more terrifying!

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