Plane Universe

Chapter 2709: Drought Protoss

As mentioned earlier, the Black Fire Mountain Range's oppressive power is extremely powerful, and the information and intelligence of the Chaos City Lord's past intrusions shows that even if he urges the realm of treasure, he can detect at most a million kilometers of nearby.

The universe in Chengbuyun can sense a range of one trillion kilometers, and the power is already extremely strong.

In fact, it has something to do with the rules of the universe in his body.

Can greatly resist the ‘rules’.

After all, the Supreme Rule never considered such a situation when it was building the Universe Sea, because with the level of the universe within the body, the strength is extremely powerful, it is impossible to come here to provoke the majesty of the Supreme Rule.

Like many cosmic realms, many low-level areas have great restrictions on the strong, and they are forbidden to travel.

For example, in the Panlong universe of the Hongmeng realm, the material plane prohibits foreign gods from entering, and if there is a strong foreign **** who violates this regulation, they will be immediately put to death.

The same is true for the Universe Sea, any tyrannical existence higher than the Void God will immediately fall.

Even local powerhouses are within the limits.

In other words, you can't go back if you leave.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything, such as the legendary "Yuan", the highest rules give him face, let him enter.

There is another possibility, that is, Yuan is the controller of this realm, and it is all possible!

But who knows!

Cheng Buyun couldn't guess, just this suspicion, but now he hasn't reached that point and doesn't understand.


"Sure enough, there is a strong alien approaching." Cheng Buyun followed the actions of the strong alien, while looking at Xiaohong and praised: "In these places, technology combined with soul is better than soul power, or you are awesome."

"That must!" Xiao Honghou raised her head proudly.

As far as the scope of investigation is concerned, Cheng Buyun is actually the most powerful. He has the universe coverage in his body, and the range of one trillion kilometers nearby is in his sense.

But always insisting on covering the universe in the body to sense it is too tired.

Any action of the strong will have a consumption. A short time is fine, but after a long time, you will feel bored.

In addition, these areas are inherently restricted, and it is difficult to sneak attacks on other strong players.

In other words, at the level of the residence of the universe, unless you have the patience, you want to sneak attacks on other powerful people, and that is almost impossible.

The soul consciousness of the strong, even if it doesn't take the initiative to spread out, it can still sense a large area around the body.

At this moment, on the edge of a mountain range about 2 million kilometers away from Chengbuyun and them, a very burly foreigner with a height of about 10,000 kilometers is carefully approaching the volcano.

Judging by his actions, it is obvious that he has discovered something like this.

"What the **** did you find, let the alien race go to the extremely dangerous volcano regardless of the danger of life?" Cheng Buyun was secretly surprised. Due to the strong interference from the oppressive force, the universe within the body is not omnipotent. Only vaguely sensed that there is life slowly flying over there.

"Look and see if you know it," Xiaohong said even afterwards.

"good idea."

Cheng Buyun smiled and nodded quickly. The two immediately flew at extreme speed. The intense fluctuations brought by the speed burst out instantly, shaking the airflow in the space.

Here, this is an inevitable result.

The gravitational force is so great that once it flies, it is impossible to hide.

Therefore, as soon as Cheng Buyun and the others moved, the burly alien powerhouse over there immediately sensed it, and even quickly turned his head to look over, his face was full of surprise.

Obviously, he didn't expect that he would run into strong people from other ethnic groups.

But just for a few seconds, as the distance approached, he screamed, "Human? Damn it!"

Only vaguely seeing Cheng Buyun's appearance, this burly alien was startled.

"Is it the Lord of Chaos City? Or the Lord of Peng Gong?"

No matter which one of the two human beings, it is not easy to provoke.

The two peak universe masters of the human race are notoriously powerful.

The only thing that makes the burly alien feel weird is that, under normal circumstances, even if they encounter, the two strong humans will evade and will not come up to entangle them.

Damn, what's the situation this time?

No wonder my ethnic group is so bullied?

So it is not put in the eyes of strong humans?

If this is the case, huh, I would like to see the power and prestige of a human being, as long as you dare to oppress me, then... it will definitely not be the case.

As far as the strength level is concerned, the burly alien powerhouse, although he is also the peak level, but this peak level is also different, because the law perception is very different.

It is simply not comparable to either the Lord of Chaos City or the Lord of Peng Gong.

Just like the immortal kingship limit, some kings limit can kill the strong at the same level with one move, that is, the invincible immortal god.

And Chaos City Lord is almost at this level in the Lord of the Universe.

Achievement is said to be the strongest under the strongest in the universe. Such a reputation is really not for nothing.

If it is really directed at him, then... you must consider a way out.


Cheng Buyun, who flew over at high speed, didn't know the thoughts in the heart of the burly alien, nor did he know that the opponent was already cowardly before fighting.

"Something's wrong! Why are there two breaths? The other breath turned out to be a mechanical life? Just kidding! It's strange!" As the distance approaches, the burly alien heart fluctuates more intensely, as if there is something wrong.

"The aura is very weak, unlike the Chaos City Lord, or the Lord Peng Gong, their divine power aura is not so low, is it the one among the humans?"

"With such a weak strength, how dare the other party break into the Black Fire Mountain Range!"

The look of the burly alien kept changing, very disturbed.


Xiao Honghou looked far away and landed on the edge of a volcano that was not clearly visible, and said softly in surprise: "Brother, it seems to be the breath of the treasure, and it is vaguely powerful."

"I felt it the same way." Cheng Buyun nodded quickly. With such a far range and such a high pressure, he could still vaguely sense the fluctuations of this supreme treasure, showing that the quality of this supreme treasure is very extraordinary.

"It's the strongman of the Drought God Race of the Second Universe Age." After seeing the figure and appearance of the burly alien, Xiao Hong said quickly, "I didn't expect to encounter this special race here."

The Drought Protoss is very similar to humans in appearance, but the genes are different. In addition, the Drought Tribe belongs to a special race group, which is similar in genes to the Star Giant Beasts, but more powerful than the Star Giants.

The Hanyan gods belong to the gods group. As long as everyone grows quietly, they will eventually reach the level of immortal gods as adults.

Ordinarily, with such a transcendent lineage, the Drought Protoss should definitely belong to the most powerful ethnic group, but the so-called success is also the bloodline, and the defeat is also the bloodline.

Their pedigree is too high, so that there are great restrictions on breeding, and there is not much difference between them and winning the lottery in terms of breeding offspring.

From joining to becoming an immortal god, a couple may not be able to give birth to an offspring.

Therefore, in order to increase the population of the ethnic group, the Hanyan people do not practice during the period from childhood to adulthood, lest they enter the immortal **** level too quickly, and even their offspring cannot be conceived.

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