Plane Universe

Chapter 2726: Xeon Power


Cheng Buyun was directly shocked when this information was transmitted to his mind.

What did Space-Time come up with?

With such a terrible increase, the power increase possessed by the strong is included.

Secret magic power increase, divine power multiplier increase, divine body defense increase, burst speed increase, soul defense increase, which is not the means that the strong must have?

And it is a powerful method.

The strong, the external performance is nothing more than the combination of power, speed, and divine power, and the increase in the two major effects of soul defense and divine body defense allows the strong to have higher endurance.

Also, a tenfold increase from the start?

Why don't you go to heaven!

The effect is far more outrageous than Jie Jia, Jie Jia can also increase the divine power multiple, but the effect is single, and the value of the increase is still fixed, and will not increase due to the increase in strength.

The Goddess Tianluo Supreme Treasure suit restored by Time and Space has a tenfold increase from the start, and there are nine layers of secret patterns in the follow-up. After each layer is fully enlightened, it can continue to increase. Each weight has 100% power, which is terrible.

Cheng Buyun is not sure how much power the Xeon Supreme has, but he can say with certainty, this goddess Tianluo...No, the magical suit is definitely the top Xeon Supreme power.

Even more powerful than many Xeon treasures.

I just don't know whether the power of the magical suit will be weakened in the hands of the strongest in the universe.

If it does not weaken, then the value is great.

Many Xeons have a single function, and the armor can only protect the body, and the attack power is very weak, which is about the power of the ordinary peak attack.

As for attacking the Xeon Supreme, the power should be increased by a hundredfold on the peak attack power.

The magical suit is not weak in terms of power, it is the pinnacle of the highest treasure level, and the increase is a hundred times, how much worse than the strongest treasure!

The material itself is a little worse, not as good as the material of Xeon.

The quality is naturally much higher.

Just as the Lord of the universe can't beat the strongest in the universe, it's okay to contend, but confrontation is completely impossible.

"It's such a powerful magical magic set, this is going to heaven." Cheng Buyun was shocked beyond words, it was the last limitation of the magical set that made him quite confused.

Since time and space have stated that there are requirements and restrictions, there must be more than that.

It should be that the supreme power is too strong, so it is a balancing method to prevent the wearer from condensing randomly and hurting himself.

"Haha, seeing your shocked look, I already know that you are very satisfied." Time and Space laughed loudly, with a sense of accomplishment, which can shock Cheng Buyun a bit. He is still very happy and feels that he has worked hard. Not in vain.

"Very good, I have never seen such an outrageous treasure and life of Wei Neng!" Cheng Buyun said, showing a seemingly calm surface, but at this moment the inner waves are as turbulent as the sea.

Every power effect of the magical treasure suit is extremely strong, none of which is the foundation of any strong person.

Time and Space proudly said: "I will come forward, it is inevitable, five thousand years of research, the hard work spent, ordinary people can't match, no results can not be justified."

"What a great treasure, the time and space boss is mighty!" Xiaohong, who was watching while watching, had the same authority to investigate after Cheng Buyun recognized the master treasure, and was immediately shocked by the powerful power possessed by the treasure.

Looking incredible at the huge combined treasure floating in the air, his face was shocked. The time-space boss really made a perverted gadget this time, which surpassed the cognition, the incredible treasure.

Once ordinary people see such a treasure, they must be crazy about it, so crazy that they are not afraid of any strong, jealous to start fighting, even if they can't grab it, they must grab it.


Time and space gladly accept it.

"Time and space boss, what is the cost of this combination of treasures?" Xiaohong Empress had another thought, and asked carefully: "Also, can I wear it?"

After hearing Xiaohong inquiring about the cost, Cheng Buyun quickly turned his attention and listened carefully.

"The cost is not that expensive. With a five-piece set, you don't even need a thousand treasure points, it's only about eight hundred treasure points." Shikong said with a light smile, and gave a surprise to Cheng Buyun. cost.

"So cheap?" Cheng Buyun was also shocked.

Time and Space laughed, and Wei Wei explained: "It's the same sentence, many things are readily available, and I'm just deducing on those basic knowledge."

It sounds simple, but it is undoubtedly difficult to achieve this step.

After all, refining treasures, it is not that you can successfully engrave them on the treasures if you know the secret pattern knowledge, but also need to be combined with each other and be perfect in order to exert its due power.

Refining treasures is not a simple matter. Many powerful people understand the profound knowledge of secret patterns, but why can't even a little powerful treasure be refined?

It's just that you can't do the most critical point, you can't engrave the secret pattern, even if you can engrave the secret pattern, you can't let the secret pattern exert its power.

The space-time ability is great, even so, it takes more than five thousand years of research to succeed, and the difficulty of refining can be seen to get this combination of treasures.

"As for the last question of Empress Xiaohong, can you wear it?" Shikong laughed, and finally said under Xiao Hong Empress's expectant expression: "Naturally."

"Oh yeah."

Xiaohong hurriedly cheered, such a powerful combination of treasure, if you can't wear it, it would be too regrettable.

Fortunately, she can also wear it.


As the time and space talk changed, Xiao Hong became nervous again. Under her worry, she explained: "However, when wearing this combination of treasures, you can grow up to 10 million kilometers in size. No matter how large, The power of the combined treasure itself will not only be weakened, and it is also very easy to be blasted and destroyed by the enemy, and the entire combined treasure set will be destroyed, remember!"

This is a problem. It is also the weakness of Empress Xiaohong, or the balance of strength and weakness of the rules to life.

The large life itself occupies the absolute advantage. If there is no balance, ordinary life can't compete with it.

Like the World Tree, its size is huge and endless. A supreme armor cannot protect the whole body, but can only do partial protection. Therefore, when it is time to fight, you need to be careful and always move to the position of the treasure armor to block the enemy’s attacks to minimize your body. loss.

"Brother, try the combination treasures that the time and space boss has worked hard to make, and feel its powerful power." Xiaohong Houlian said.

"I want to try, no matter how well I say it, I don't really feel it as strong." Shikong also laughed.

Cheng Buyun nodded, his consciousness was drawn, and the entire halo-filled combination of treasures immediately disappeared into the inner universe.

The outside world... Cheng Buyun has stood up, and the wine in his hand has already been put away, and he saw that his body was filled with colored halo, and with a bang, the chaotic air current flowing around it shook slightly and stopped for a moment. Finally, there was a loud bang, and a large amount of chaotic air flow exploded.

The endless halo circulated throughout Cheng Buyun's whole body, his breath soared more than ten times in an instant, and the powerful divine power covered the surrounding space, like a monstrous ocean wave, and the rolling and whistling sound of a large number of black clouds was endless!

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