Plane Universe

Chapter 2730: Arcana materials are scarce

This is the truth. There is no requirement to use that treasure?

The more powerful the treasure, the more demanding the use requirements.

The power of the magical illusion itself is outrageous, and the requirements for use are higher, which is completely reasonable.

I just don't know, it's not difficult to comprehend the magical nine-fold secret pattern!


Time and Space proudly said: "The nine-fold secret pattern of the illusion is more difficult than the other. It is not that I underestimated your ability. It is the treasure I made. I know it best. It can be said to be very difficult. When you are free, Just go to enlightenment and you will understand."

"According to my understanding of your realm of perception, at most three levels, you will have to encounter a bottleneck. Even if it is your teacher, Chaos City Lord, at most five levels are up and down, and the sixth level is estimated to be impenetrable." Time and space's answer , Surpassing Cheng Buyun's estimate, his face changed almost immediately.

What is the meaning of the magical nine-fold secret pattern?

Time and space actually said that even his teacher, Chaos City Lord, can only comprehend Six Layers at most? Not even reachable!

No kidding!

In terms of sentiment, his teacher definitely belongs to the strongest power among the masters of the universe, and he was shocked by this result!

"Able to fully understand the nine secret patterns of the magical illusion, it can almost be said that he is capable of breaking through the master of the universe and becoming a true **** power." Time and space finally revealed the secret.

This answer surpassed Cheng Buyun's expectations. He couldn't imagine what kind of perverted treasure had been created by Time and Space, which sealed such a universe.

He understands the realm of the so-called breakthrough of the Lord of the Universe, understands the whole law, and achieves the integration of each other.

Could it be... the rules of the universe are ignored?


"What does it take care of?"

"I didn't point it out and gave no guidance."

"This is just a precious secret pattern. Whether it can be understood in the end depends on the individual's understanding."

"According to my guess, I can tell you this way. Almost every true **** weapon has the secret pattern in it. The Lord of the universe can't use it at all. Even the strongest guys in the universe can't fully use it now. The power of a true weapon."

"They can only be regarded as the strongest in the universe, not true gods!"

The tone of time and space is extremely disdainful, and the disgust in the tone of voice, Cheng Buyun can hear it, and he is more embarrassed in his heart.

This true **** is not the other true god, just take the tomb boat event that will happen in the future, and all the strongest in the universe will be judged by Na Donghe, and all are unqualified.

It can be known that these so-called strongest people in the universe can only be regarded as third-rate true gods, not even true gods.

Is their strength not strong enough?

No, it's because their legal basis is not good and their potential is too low.

The universe structure is not good, and the potential is the same as nothing.

Could they be blamed? This elementary universe is too restrictive and can't be built better.

Regardless of the future, for the moment, the magical illusion is always a powerful combination of treasure, there is no kind of one.

Large restrictions can't conceal its excellence. It can only mean that its power can disrupt the balance. Even without the subsequent nine-fold secret pattern, even if it only has the most basic power of amplification, it is more powerful than other peak treasures.

In the face of a foreigner who is equipped with the pinnacle treasure, he also has the capital to contend, and he has the ability to escape if he doesn't win.

Cheng Buyun is fully aware of this.

The combination of treasures is extremely valuable.

The illusion is precious, but there are still some things that need to be solved, such as...materials.

Without materials, the cost of nearly two thousand treasures is too high.

And this is only material money, not labor costs at all.

The cost of labor is the bulk of the refining of the treasures. In this way, the cost is so noble, that is, if you refine one, you lose one.

In terms of labor, perhaps Chengbuyun didn’t need to spend it and didn’t spend much. He could figure it out only by thinking about time and space, but it had to be included in the cost.

So the materials must be found. Cheng Buyun still wants to make a lot of money through this magical illusion.


Time and space palace of primitive secret realm in primitive universe human territory.

Cheng Buyun's clone sitting in the palace quietly stood up directly, trying to obtain the rare materials, it was naturally difficult to solve it by himself.

Arcana materials, in many cases rely on luck and chances, not easy to get them if they are strong.

It’s as strong as a mountain guest, and it takes a lot of time to find materials to refine a pinnacle treasure.

It was so difficult, and it was the result of no strong person beside the mountain guest.

There are many strong human beings, and perhaps they have the treasures they need.

Informing the wives of some preparations, Cheng Buyun left the palace and went to the palace of Teacher Chaos.

Walking among the palace groups, his eyes are always calm, with a faint smile on his face, which makes people feel close at first glance.

Cheng Buyun did not overlook everything because of his strength, as before, as if he was a teenager.

"Look, it's the master of time and space."

Around the palace group, as soon as Cheng Buyun appeared, a large number of envoys and maids immediately saw it, and almost every one of them brightened up instantly and smiled with joy.

This is the master of the universe, it's rare to see him in his life, and it's lucky to see it once.

I don't know how many immortal gods and cosmos venerables can be envied.

The great existence, even the cosmic venerable person does not want to be able to do it, but also needs opportunity.

"I'll wait... to meet the Lord of Time and Space."

A large number of immortal gods, messenger maids, and some disciples immediately bowed from a distance, their expressions were extremely solemn, and they did not even dare to speak freely in private.

In the face of such great beings, they can't afford any blasphemous thoughts, only awe can express their hearts.

Even if three or five friends talked privately and mentioned the great existence, they dare not criticize anything, and at most talk about the glorious deeds of the great existence.

To criticize the existence of greatness is a sin of disrespect.

Greatness exists in the ethnic group, and the status and power are even greater than that of the ancient emperor. The emperor is dead, and at most one emperor will replace it.

And the great existence loses any one, it is a huge loss of a ethnic group, and it is related to the vital interests of any ethnic group.

The importance is not the same!

Cheng Buyun smiled slightly, glanced around calmly, his voice resounded through everyone's ears, and said, "No gift."

With his strength, everyone around him can hardly follow what he thinks, because he can see through the hearts of these people at a glance.

Those who are not strong in will and mood can hardly hold their inner thoughts in front of the strong.

Not to mention that these people are only immortal gods, even the tyrannical existence of the Universe Venerable level, it is difficult to stick to their inner thoughts in front of Cheng Buyun.

The gap between state and state of mind gives Cheng Buyun an absolutely powerful power in this aspect.

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