Plane Universe

Chapter 2732: Time Palace

There were waves in the calm eyes of the Chaos City Lord, and Cheng Buyun, who sat face to face, naturally noticed it.

For almost an instant, in shock, it was difficult to understand what the teacher was worried about.

Do you... know you are in the Black Fire Mountain Range? So I was thinking how to persuade myself to leave that dangerous place?

almost impossible!

I haven't said it, and there are not even foreign races. For thousands of years, I have hardly encountered any foreign races, and I just met the chief of the Hanyan God race at the beginning.

Did this guy suffer a loss in his own hands, and then blatantly outside?

But this can't be it. How could it be possible to make a public appearance with such a shameful thing!

Isn't that a big fool!

So, what is the situation with the teacher?

While thinking quickly in his mind, Cheng Buyun said, "Teacher, before I talk about other things, I want to invite the teacher to sit in my palace."

Put your doubts aside first, there is nothing that can't be solved, at most you can ask yourself later.


City Lord Chaos was immediately stunned. Was his thinking so jumpy?

Didn’t you say that you have something to discuss? It’s a bit strange to say you want to invite me to your palace again!


Cheng Bu Yunlian explained: "According to my earth calendar, today is my 40,000-year-old birthday, so I would like to invite the teacher to sit down with my family and celebrate a little bit. Of course, this is just a side effect, the main thing is I need to discuss something with the teacher."

"Forty thousand-year-old birthday?"

The Chaos City Lord's expression was slightly startled, he looked a little weird in his heart, but he didn't say much, it was mainly a question after Cheng Buyun that he focused on.

As I said before, the strong generally don’t care about birthdays. Take the Chaos City Lord for example. It has existed for endless years. Even if it is done once in the largest unit of 10,000, it is also thousands of birthdays. festival,

The strong are very busy, so if you have time to engage in these empty heads.

Only ordinary people care about birthdays.

The immortal gods and above levels are already eternal and endless, and birthday congratulations are not needed.

"Yes, teacher." Cheng Buyun smiled.

"It turns out that nearly 40,000 years have passed." The City Lord of Chaos nodded, then looked at Cheng Buyun and said with a smile: "The thing you added to my door is still vivid, it seems like a blink of an eye, only less than four. Ten thousand years. And you...have the strength to stand alone, and you have achieved incredible achievements. Teachers will all be proud of you."

The tone was a bit embarrassing, and there was endless emotion.

"It's the teacher who gave me credit." Cheng Buyun smiled. In fact, 40,000 hours are already a long time span in his cognition.

His life span is only forty thousand years old.

"In that case, then go to your palace." City Lord Chaos readily agreed.


The void moved, and under a flash, the City Lord of Chaos and Cheng Buyun had already reached the gate of the Time and Space Palace.

The sudden appearance of the two of them almost shocked the immortal guards guarding the gate, and hurriedly bowed and saluted, "I wait, I have seen the Lord of Chaos."

Then he saluted Cheng Buyun.

City Lord Chaos nodded gently in response, making several immortal guards look extremely excited.

These immortal guards were all subordinates trained by Cheng Buyun himself a long time ago, and City Lord Chaos also had to show some face.

"Teacher, please."

Cheng Buyun smiled and guided Teacher Chaos into the palace.

As they entered, calm was restored in front of the gate, and it didn't cause much impact. Even the people around the nearby palace group did not notice the appearance of the Chaos City Lord.

They only saw that Cheng Buyun went back to the palace.

And the few immortal fighters didn't talk about it, and their good qualities made them stick to their words and deeds, not publicity, no criticism.

His Highness teaches: Be low-key, be high-key.

It means doing things low-key within the group, and being high-key when going out.

They understand it this way.

All the way through the main hall, although the maid inside was surprised at the arrival of the Chaos City Lord, their good qualities made everyone very calm and calmly saluted the Chaos City Lord.

"Yes, although the time is short, but the quality is high, you can see the skill, your palace is managed by a few ladies, but it is easy to worry, haha." The Lord Chaos glanced at the surrounding waiters and maids, seeing their good order and quality. Naturally praised.

"Teacher Liao praised it." Cheng Buyun said with a smile, "It's just because they are there that I can try my best. I don't need to worry about these chores."

It is not easy to get a compliment from the teacher, which shows the satisfaction attitude of the waiters and maids under the time and space.


Chaos City Lord nodded and smiled: "A good manager can save you and me from having a lot of troubles, especially the intertwined internal relationships, which saves a lot of worry."

During the conversation, the two quickly passed through the main hall and nave, and came to the apse.

The apse is quieter here, and there are fewer waiters and maids.

Wang Ya, Zhang Lin, Ji Yanran, Li Xueyin, Xu Xin, as well as the four masters of Yun Buyun, together with Venerable Nine Swords, have long been waiting.

At this moment, as soon as the Lord Chaos came in, everyone's eyes brightened and they hurriedly greeted them.

City Lord Chaos looked at them with a smile, and the five women adjusted their dresses and leaned respectfully and said, "Teacher Chaos."


City Lord Chaos nodded and nodded, glanced at the five women in front of him, and said with a satisfied smile: "Yes! It's not bad to be able to do so in a busy schedule without failing to cultivate."

With his strength, he would naturally see the strength of the five women at a glance.

Perhaps the talents of a few women are not comparable to those of super geniuses, but the general talents are really inferior to them in talent.

After all, since the five daughters settled in the Primitive Secret Realm, he has also asked about cultivation, and sometimes he will take a moment to find out when he is free.

"Thank you for the praise from Teacher Chaos. We are still far behind in cultivation, and we need more guidance from the teacher in the future." The five girls leaned back again, not even daring.

"If you have any questions about cultivation, you can go to my palace for advice before the virtual universe." Chaos City Lord said with a smile.


The five women said gratefully again, naturally knowing why the Lord of Chaos City is willing to expend their efforts to instruct them to practice, because they have a good husband and a good husband.

Venerable Nine Swords waited, that was an envy, a few of them didn't have such a good thing, so that Chaos City Lord could make time to give advice on cultivation.

not qualified!

Qualification is a very important thing. It is not something that you can get by just asking for it. Fortune and luck, you also need to close your eyes.

Among the human race, there are nearly 20,000 Cosmos Venerables, among which there are 5,000 to 6,000 Human Powers, and the higher Cosmos Venerables are close to thousands.

And among these thousands of high cosmic venerables, how many of them are qualified?

Not much!

The great existence of humans protects the masters of time and space they serve, a total of sixteen (the hidden ones are not counted, below the Lord of the universe are not qualified to know the exact and detailed number of great existences), such a small number of great existences, even if vigorously How many of you are honored to recruit disciples?

Now, they are considered good, at least serving under a great existence, and usually still have the opportunity to be pointed out, and there are a large number of cosmic sages in the race, even if they don't even have such opportunities.

Time to be content.

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