Plane Universe

Chapter 2736: A little too much

Cheng Buyun couldn't think that he was just a sentence, but everyone's mind was filled to such an extent.

Don't want to think too much?

think too much?

He didn't know how important he was in the hearts of the human powerhouses such as Chaos City Lord. Perhaps he knew that he just subconsciously believed that he was still the little guy before, and he was not yet able to carry the tripod and carry the human race forward.

"You still have a heart to laugh, don't hurry up and give me the map, I can tell the giant axe, time is not waiting, go early, there is a greater chance." Chaos City Lord roared lightly, turning the words quickly and quickly. It almost exploded between the round tables in the form of sound transmission. It was called anxious, almost panicked, and the formation was in chaos, and there was no usual dignity and peace.

He thought that Cheng Buyun might have been spotted by the strongest man in the universe, and he had even been severely injured. At this moment, he was reliant on the magic flying palace to protect himself and escape.

"Husband, hurry up!" Wang Ya shouted with a sad expression, so that her voice became sharper, but everyone didn't pay attention.

Venerable Nine Swords did not dare to breathe at this moment, but their expressions were extremely ugly. They belonged to Cheng Buyun's subordinates, all prosperous, vaguely, they already knew that His Highness might not be in the original universe at this moment, but went to the universe.

Maybe something went wrong.

Something happened to your Royal Highness, although it may not reduce his status in the group, but...the Lord of Chaos City is so anxious, it can be seen that the impact will be huge.

Didn't you hear that even the founder of the giant axe has to inform and rush over.

The maids around the palace, although they couldn't hear the sound, they could see the expressions of the four adults of Chaos City Lord, Mistress, and Venerable Nine Swords. Their expressions of incomparable horror made their hearts tremble, and they knew that something had happened. The changes.

Almost on the spot, everyone was wondering and wondering what had gone wrong, and even City Lord Chaos, who had a great position in the clan, was so gagged.

Could it be that Dianzai has made some brilliant achievements outside?

But the expression she showed seemed to be wrong, it was manifested by the panic that only happened after some major change.

The maids guessed, their minds were shaking, but in private they didn't dare to discuss each other at will, and even they didn't even dare to look at them, but lowered their heads slightly and looked at the palace ground.

"Teacher, don't worry."

Cheng Buyun couldn’t let this misunderstanding continue. He even said with a smile, “You’ve misunderstood. I have nothing to do and I have not been harmed. I need the most precious materials, not to restore the divine body, but to use it. Build the treasure."


The Chaos City Lord exclaimed, stunned, as calm as he was, and he didn't expect this, but he also reacted immediately, his face was reddish, and he threw away Cheng Buyun angrily, and then sat back sullenly.

Wang Ya and the others were also blinking, and the sorrow on their faces had not disappeared yet.

I can't turn my head.

"Husband, how could you be like this? It scared us to death." Ji Yanran said with dissatisfaction.

"Yes, I was really flustered just now, and I was watching our jokes. I really shouldn't." Li Xueyin's beautiful face also showed resentment, which shows that Cheng Buyun really scared her so miserably just now.

Zhang Lin's willow eyebrows were firm, and she stared at Cheng Buyun angrily and said, "I will teach you later."

Wang Ya even shook his head and stared at her husband, how old she was, and even joking about it, she was not afraid of scaring her few people to death on the spot.


Venerable Nine Swords heard that it was a misunderstanding, and they secretly breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, they realized that their junior was wet a large area. It can be seen how nervous and horrified just now, they were sweating!


Although the situation was a bit awkward, the misunderstanding was resolved, but the best result.

The same is true for City Lord Chaos. It's one thing to feel embarrassed. Even if his shame is seen by several venerables, it is the key that Cheng Buyun is fine.

A little face, nothing more.

Moreover, they are all their own people, and with their own status, even if they don't seal their words, they dare not talk outside.

After calming down.

Only then did he remember what Cheng Buyun said at the end, which meant that he wanted to change the precious material to create the precious treasure?

And I also asked myself, so... the highest level of treasure that I can build is probably at least the top level.

The treasure of the top level?

Thinking of this, City Master Chaos moved in his heart, and there was a light in his eyes.

To build a top level treasure, only the Lord Peng Gong has some hope of success, but most of the time, it ends in failure.

Not to mention consume a lot of precious materials, but also waste time.

My disciple now has the ability to build this level of treasure?

In addition, the key is ability.

Without the ability to build, the treasure material is in front of you, you can only look at it.

I was a little excited, how long has it been, Cheng Buyun has reached this point.

Almost immediately, he forcibly resisted his excitement, stared at Cheng Buyun's immature face closely, and smirked with emotion, how young he was!


Cheng Buyun found that the teacher looked at him strangely, his eyes sighing with emotion, and he was a little bit astonished and confused.

Venerable Nine Swords and others, Wang Ya and others also held their breath.

No one here is a fool, and he knows the weight of Cheng Buyun's last sentence.

It is simply the most beautiful words that human powers hope to hear, and the next thing is bound to be shocking!

"Just now you said..."

The Lord of Chaos suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said almost every word: "Just now you said that the exchange for the most precious materials was to create the most precious?"


Cheng Buyun nodded.

When the Chaos City Lord heard the exact answer, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he asked, "Then, there is no treasure material you need in the treasure house?"

"There are a part, but there are still four." Cheng Buyun's face became slightly solemn, and said: "And...some of the parts are not many, in my estimation, at most three pieces will be used up Drop."

"How many pieces?"

The Chaos City Lord exclaimed, and couldn't help asking: "What kind of materials do you need? There are only three pieces in the treasure house?"

Although human beings are a bit poor, it shouldn't be so?

"The materials I need for the treasures I create are relatively rare, such as sky cloud wood, empty crystal jade, mica stone, gold wire, Feng Kong Shui, **** crystal marrow..." Cheng Buyun recited more than ten kinds of treasure materials. Finally, I stopped and looked at the teacher's face that was already dark.

Yes, at this time, the face of Chaos City Lord was dark, and he looked at Cheng Buyun without blinking, and his eyes showed uncertainty.

These more than ten kinds of precious materials, which is not the top rare material in the universe, but in Cheng Bu Yun’s mouth, it looks like Chinese cabbage.

But what he was surprised was that it wasn't that Cheng Buyun had a large number of treasure materials, but that it was...a bit scary.

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