Plane Universe

Chapter 2739: negligible

Refining the treasures asks for help, depends on the face of the person, pays a lot of wealth, but also owes favor.

Only the strongest of the ethnic group knows how to refine, is the most suitable and stable long-term road.

To achieve this goal, let alone a little waste, even if you pay a huge price, you are willing.

At this moment, the savage giant looked at the Chaos City Lord, and said with an incomparably heroic aura: "In this case, it is a step forward. It is reasonable and reasonable to support it. I am here on behalf of the ethnic group to agree, even if other people oppose it. It’s useless. Let me say that as long as Cheng Buyun needs the materials, the ethnic group will get it back for him. Helping him is also helping us. Not only you and I understand this, but everyone should understand."

"I think so too. The other strong people of the race will not come out to oppose it. They will all understand what this result means to the race." Chaos City Lord said.

Able to refine the pinnacle treasure, even if the success rate is low, as long as there is a chance, the race will support it no matter how high the price is paid.

Buying is worse than making, it won't work, besides, I haven't bought it yet.

"Although the materials such as soul wood and star sand are still precious, there should still be many ethnic groups in the universe. Be generous. Don't be afraid of being slaughtered by the opponent. We will recognize the loss. The key is to be faster and don't let Chengbuyun. Wait too long." The savage giant said a little excitedly: "Because I am also looking forward to it."

"Then I will act, and get in touch with those forces that may have these materials as soon as possible." Chaos City Lord immediately smiled.

"Well, at this moment, my environment in the Jedi is a bit dangerous, so I won't tell you more."

The savage giant nodded his head and prepared to leave without waiting for Chaos City Lord to answer, but before leaving, he seriously reminded: "I will say one more thing here. Even if the final refining fails and the wealth is wasted, you will follow Everyone say, don’t be harsh. Instead, you should persuade and encourage him to continue to work hard. No strong will succeed at the first time. The so-called failure is the mother of success. You just need to refine and accumulate more experience."

The Lord of Chaos naturally understood the painstaking effort of the savage giant, so why not he himself.

"Go, hahaha!"

The giant savage figure flashed without a trace.


In the universe sea, far away from the mountain peak of Qingfeng Realm, flames erupted randomly from the sky and raged around. Every time the flames erupted under the ground, the power was enough to injure any cosmic master, or even fall.

In this dangerous place, there is no living space for the Lord of the universe.

The earth trembled, the flames rushed into the sky, and a figure turned into a phantom to appear from a distance. The subtle pace made it easily avoid those flames every time it moved, and it instantly stopped on a mound.

His messy hair, majestic body, and extremely rough face are the creator of the human giant axe, but at this moment, he is very different from the image in the virtual universe. He is wearing a simple black armor. The pattern on the top is extremely complicated, and there are bursts of light flashing on it, sometimes transforming into a beast shape, and the next moment it turns into a giant phantom.

Incomparably gorgeous.

Stepping on the gray shoes, the towering figure stood upright on the ground, a burst of laughter resounded through the entire mountainside, just listening, "Hahaha, I don’t expect that there are also strong human beings who have come to this point. Good, very good, really great. Once successful, I The human race will no longer be choked by foreign powerhouses."

"Little guy, don't let me down!"

The creator of the Great Axe said so, but he knew very well how important what Cheng Buyun would do next to the human race.

That is much more important than getting a Xeon Treasure.

A supreme treasure, it is only him who is strong. If Cheng Buyun succeeds in refining the supreme treasure, it will grow the entire human race. The two are not the same.

If the Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Peng Gong had two or three peak treasures hanging on their bodies, they could be used as the strongest in half of the universe.

How awesome!

The Lord of Void Gold, Lord of Dragon Walk, and Lord of Darkness will also increase their strength to a large extent. In the future, they will be safer and more competitive in the universe.

The future can be expected!

This opportunity is not comparable to a half-piece Xeon.

At this moment, the founder of the giant axe was very excited, and felt that its aura had soared a lot at this moment. It was the result of the understanding of the mind and the part of the pressure on the shoulders.

He...Like Chaos City Lord, he was heavily entrusted by "Yuan" and never dared to forget. One can imagine how great the pressure is.

Under such tremendous pressure, he didn't dare to publicize, nor dared to provoke the alien powerhouse, just fearing that the alien powerhouse would use the human race to make him faceless to face the original trust.

Now, it's wonderful to have Cheng Buyun share the pressure for him.

Under the mastery of thought, the realm has risen a bit.


On the black fire mountain volcano.


Cheng Buyun laughed loudly. He raised the white jade flask and took a few sips. He sighed with satisfaction and laughed: "Sure enough, the teacher and the giant axe never let me down. This kind of unconditional trust is really moving. , Such a group, how can I not let me fall in love?!"

"Brother, seeing that you are so happy, it should be because the ethnic group agreed to find us materials." Xiao Honghou turned his head and smiled.

"Actually, as you said, after the teacher informed the founder of the Great Axe, the founder of the Great Axe immediately agreed, and said that no matter how much the cost is, he must gather the materials I need." Cheng Buyun nodded. Smiled.

"A combination of the pinnacle level, it is impossible to refuse with only a little wisdom, and they are not stupid!" Xiao Honghou teased.

"I didn't disclose this, I just told the teacher that I want to refine the peak treasure." Cheng Buyun shook his head, and said that the matter is strong in the original secret realm, causing Xiao Hong to quack and laugh.

Then he teased and said: "If someone makes such a shameless request, I am afraid that Teacher Chaos will slap it over."

"But it happens to be me!" Cheng Buyun smiled faintly, with a proud gesture.

"When the race knows that you cheated them like this, I will let everyone know, hum, I think the title of Lord of Time and Space will be related to vampires!" Xiao Honghou laughed.

Cheng Buyun curled his lips and said with a smile: "How can I say that I am a pit! The cost of a pinnacle treasure, but in the end I get a pinnacle combo set that is comparable to the power of the Xeon treasure. I lost it, OK?"

Xiao Honghou looked at Cheng Buyun in surprise, and said in surprise, "Brother, are you not going to make money this time?"

"The ethnic group is very poor."

Cheng Buyun sighed and said helplessly: "The strong ethnic group is also poor. Another one is very expensive. No matter what the custom price is, it is estimated that only the two owners of Chaos City Lord and Peng Gongzhi can buy it, and they may even owe it. I have a lot of debt, which is totally unnecessary."

"Just as I worked for the ethnic group for nothing, besides, I also got a lot of benefits from the ethnic group, and I should give it back." Cheng Buyun smiled deeply in his eyes.

Even though he had made a lot of contributions before, they were actually trivial contributions. Compared to the two founders of Chaos City Lord and Great Axe, he was far behind.

"Well, while the teacher is going to change materials, we will continue to mine." Cheng Buyun looked at the tumbling black cloud in the void and said: "No matter how much material the teacher can change, we have to store some wealth. And... …The main universe is the main venue for the magical illusion!"

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