Plane Universe

Chapter 2774: Shocked

Suddenly, many strong ethnic groups seemed to have thought of something, their eyes turned to the Lord of Darkness, causing the latter to frown slightly.

The reaction was quick, and I already understood what Cheng Buyun said.

The Lord of Fengyan was connected to the ears of the Lord of Xujin, and said, "Xujin, identity!"

"What status?"

The Lord of Void Gold turned his head and looked at each other suspiciously, very puzzled.

"Identity on the dark and bright side." The Master of Fengyan reminded again.

At this time, the Lord of Void Gold realized that, yes, the identity of the Lord of Darkness on the bright side is not a member of us. If you wear a magical suit outside, it is not completely exposed!

Even if the magic set changes its appearance, it seems that it has nothing to do with the strong human race, but it can be guessed from some clues, don't treat the alien as a fool.

In this order to keep a hidden identity, so...the Lord of Darkness cannot wear a magical suit!

Thinking of this, he suddenly fell silent, even smiling.

All the people present are the Lord of the universe, how can you not feel the divine power fluctuation of the soul's sound transmission.

At the same time, the lord of the virtual gold looked at Zhizhu's impatient appearance before grasping the slightest, which made people feel a little puzzled.

Smart...have guessed something, his eyes narrowed slightly, his gaze swept towards the Lord of Darkness, and finally he secretly shook his head.

"With such a powerful combo set, the teacher is actually the last one because of the concealment of his identity?"

The Lord of Youhou also thought of this, secretly regretting it, feeling unwilling for his teacher.

The Lord of Darkness didn't feel that it was a pity, his expression was very calm, almost without any disturbance, as if it had nothing to do with him.

I don't know, I thought he didn't like the powerful power of the magical set.

But that's almost impossible. The Chaos City Lord had previously condensed the coercion of his body, as long as he was a strong person, there was nothing undesirable.

Calm is because of trust in the ethnic group and willingness to sacrifice personal gains and losses.

This point, the strong ethnic group present can see through and understand.

The Lord of Darkness and the Lord of the Frozen, the two usually silent and incompatible with their personalities, are only due to their character. When it comes to contributing to the ethnic group, they do not lose recognition of a strong ethnic group.

It can be said that the virtual universe company is the individual who contributes the most to the growth of the ethnic group.

the reason?

I feel owed to the ethnic group.

Why do you feel owed to the ethnic group?

Among them, the original ancestor must be mentioned!

The original ancestors tie the rise of the human race to meritorious service.

However, in the later period, for personal gain, the will to provoke the original universe was suppressed, and thus abandoning the interests of the ethnic group, it is naturally tantamount to owing the ethnic group.

It is difficult to assess merits and demerits!

Of course, the strong ethnic groups present didn't feel that the original ancestors owed the ethnic group. Without the original ancestors, how could the human ethnic group rise? It would have been eaten by aliens in this cruel universe.

But the Virtual Universe Company didn't think that way, especially the three disciples of the original ancestors, the Lord of Chaos, the Lord of Darkness, and the Lord of Frozen. They believed that a debt is a debt, and there can be no fault just because of a great contribution.

It's just... they dare not criticize the teacher for this, nor do they want to comment on the teacher's merits and demerits. They just want to help the ethnic group with the greatest strength in their lives.

Complete the teacher's trust!


"All right."

The savage giant looked around at all the powerhouses of the ethnic group, and said with a majestic face: "It is the same sentence, the distribution matter, I will say it later."

Everyone hurriedly smiled and nodded with respect.

"Come on, let me try, how much power this magical illusion has." The savage giant laughed, and then his smile was constricted, his will was urged, and a trace of soul power has been entangled silently. One set of armor.

Almost in an instant, the soul imprint entered the core of the magic set, easily completing the master recognition.

Divine illusion sets, there is no condition or difficulty in recognizing the master. When it is made, time and space have no restrictions on recognizing the master. As long as it can withstand the powerful pressure emitted by the divine illusion, even an ordinary cultivator can Void spiritual power can complete the recognition of the master.

But... it is almost impossible for ordinary cultivators to withstand the coercion of the illusion. It is estimated that at least the level of the cosmos venerable can barely stand in front of the illusion.

Immortal spirits...In front of the illusion, they can't maintain the divine body at all, and will be oppressed and the divine body will collapse.

The acknowledgment of the Lord was completed, and soon, all the messages contained in the divine illusion were passed on to the savage giant, which made his eyes widened and his expression became incredibly incredible.

The mighty power of the Xeon Supreme...

Ten times the amplitude!

The secret seal!

Nine-fold secret pattern!

Are you joking with me?

And what makes him most unimaginable is that the five powers of power, divine power, soul, speed, defense and other powers have ten times the amplitude, which is only the most basic effect amplitude, which can be condensed and played immediately after recognizing the master. Special effect.

As long as you continue to comprehend the nine-fold secret pattern contained in the illusion, you can continue to increase this special effect... until it reaches a hundred times the amplitude...

very scary!

No wonder that Chaos was able to radiate such a powerful momentum just now!

Such a treasure of the suit, if it can not radiate such a powerful momentum, it is a strange thing!

"What a magical set!"

The giant savage man was full of shock and exclaimed, "This kind of treasure, even many of the most powerful treasures can't match it!"

Cheng Buyun and City Lord Chaos also smiled when they heard the savage giant's exclamation.

Recognizing the main divine illusion is only the most basic information, and only after condensing the divine illusion on the body can we understand what kind of powerful effect the divine illusion has.

Especially the Nine Secret Runes can only be understood and completed to know all the information of the magical illusion.

The strong ethnic group present naturally knew that the magical illusion was very powerful, but how powerful it was, and what kind of final effect it had, but they didn't know much about it. The only thing they knew was part of the information that Chaos City Lord had just revealed.

At this meeting, I was too anxious, and I was about to urge the Lord of Peng Gong, the Lord of Longxing, and the Lord of Darkness to experience and feel it quickly so that I could give up my position.

In fact, there is no need for everyone to urge them, and several people quickly went to a magical illusion set, and then wrapped their soul imprints on it, and each fell into the magical illusion set.


As a result, it goes without saying that, whether it is the Lord of Peng Gong, or the Lord of Longxing, even the Lord of Darkness, all looked moved.

It was a surprise, and exclaimed one after another.

"It's unimaginable that it has such a terrible effect. Don't even say I have seen it in my life, I have never heard of it!" Peng Gong's master shouted in amazement, "It is rare! No wonder the giant axe said, Xeon The most precious treasures can't be is true! Too powerful!"

"My God, it's rare in the world... it's rare in the world!" The Lord of Longxing yelled unscrupulously, roaring with his hands and dancing, and a burst of dragon roars echoed in the hall, "Oh~~hoo!"

"Such a treasure, it turned out to be refined by the time and space of my strong human beings, hahaha~~ I am fearless, and the status of the ethnic group is unshakable!" The Lord of Darkness couldn't help shouting, his tone of excitement became a bit evil. Charm.

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