Plane Universe

Chapter 2793: If you want a foreigner to contribute, you have to take advantage


As soon as the news came out, it shocked all the masters of the alien universe.

Only then did they know that... the human beings did not excavate any ancient treasures, but even more powerful... there has been a powerful person who can refine the highest level of treasure.

The two are not a conceptual result at all.

Unearth a treasure, the amount of wealth is limited, and the refining powerhouse, as long as there are enough materials, can continuously refining the powerful treasure.

This is terrible!

Humans... this is going to heaven!

The six pinnacle races of the primitive universe and the three superpowers, there was no strong person who could refine the pinnacle treasure before.

Even the refining of the top treasures depends on luck... eight to nine out of ten, it is a waste of wealth.

Now this balance is broken!


Very scary!

Peak treasure, what is that concept?

The most frightening thing is that the peak treasure is still refined.

It was shocked, it was incredible.

All the masters of the alien universe looked at the Chaos City Master in shock, and were already so surprised that they couldn't even speak.

The whole scene was extremely quiet.

The disclosure of this news is also the result of the Chaos City Lord's careful consideration and discussion with the founder of the Great Axe. It should be a good deterrent to this group of guys, lest they secretly halve their minds and do not contribute to the alliance.

Only treat the alliance as a chamber of commerce.

The human race is not at all afraid that they will disclose this news, even if it is known to the alien race, how can they dare to move?

Dare to move?

It just happened to have the strength of the magical illusion and the Taiheng to increase the strength, and using the alien to beat them down, the result could not be better.

He also wanted to test whether he could compete with the strongest in the universe after wearing the magical set.

After all... At the level of the strongest in the universe, the strength is still a bit strong, and he doesn't have much confidence to contend. In the original universe, it is the safest.

Even if it can't compete, it won't fall or be sealed.

Because the strength of the primitive universe has an upper limit ceiling, the strength can be up to six levels.

There is also the news that there are strong human beings who can refine the pinnacle treasure. It is almost impossible to hide it. As long as one and a half are used, chances can be used to prevaricate the past. If it is too much, it really fools the foreign race as a fool!

"Chaos, is this true?" The round face of the Lord of Flint was full of shock, and he asked the Lord of Chaos loudly for confirmation.

The news is really amazing.

Other cosmic masters also reacted, all looking nervously at Chaos City Master, waiting for his answer.

The look of incomparable expectation.

Don't think it's irrelevant. After all, they are also strong members of the Hongmeng. The inner members of the alliance formed by mankind, the human foundation is strong, and they can also get endless benefits.

Human beings eat meat, they can definitely drink soup.

The Lord of Chaos City looked around at all the Lords of the Alien Universe, smiled suddenly, and said with a solemn expression: "As for my status and as a person, since I can say it, there is still a possibility of falsehood!"



I was reconfirmed by the Lord of Chaos. The Lord of all alien universes was so excited, his eyes were shining.

"Forgive! Forgive!"

"It's not that we all don't trust it, but the news is too amazing, the pinnacle of treasure!"

What kind of strong person is that to refine the pinnacle treasure?

Doubt... should be.

They didn't ask who this human strong was, nor dared to ask.

"Please keep this news confidential, so that the hostile aliens will not listen to it and cause the hostile aliens to die. Then there is no need."

The Chaos City Lord smiled and reminded: "We used this time difference to secretly strengthen the strength and strengthen the alliance, and wait for the aliens to discover it. It is too late. At that time, our strength may not be the enemy can resist."

"Work hard!"

"I am here to give everyone a reassurance that the league will get better and better in the future, the top treasure...As long as you work hard enough to contribute, everyone will have it."

"Not only the ordinary top treasure, the domain treasure, the soul treasure, etc., even the top level, even...the peak treasure that dare not delusion, it is not impossible!"

"Go hard, believe me!"

"I'm here to guarantee that my human race will not belittle any strong people who have contributed to the Alliance!"

The blood was boiling, and the masters of the alien universe who were present had already been stimulated by the words of the Chaos City Master, and their entire souls were trembling.

They don't dare to desire the peak treasure, but the top treasure... is definitely a rare treasure. Among the hundreds of universe masters, there are very few treasures at the level of the top treasure.

Most of the masters of the universe are just high-level treasures.

Owning a top treasure is already an excellent chance, two or three, I can't even think about it.

Of course, it is not that there is no malicious speculation by the lord of the alien universe, whether it is deliberately done by human beings, and the purpose is to make everyone work hard.

But this kind of speculation, you can only think about it in your heart, it is impossible for humans to do such a thing.

Riding a donkey to read the songbook, what is going on, look back.

If you want to let the powerful aliens contribute, of course, it is impossible to speak in vain, and how can the aliens fall in love without real benefits.

Humans now have more cards.


On the same day, the human race, as long as it is a member of the human race, the strong of the Hongmeng alliance, whether the strength is at the level of the universe, the immortal god, or the genius strong below the world master, all received it at the same time. An ethnic mail sent by the virtual universe system.

Ethnic emails are naturally emails that only appear when major events happen. As long as a large number of cosmic lords are not in a dangerous place or in the midst of fighting, they will naturally not neglect and quickly open this ethnic email.

In an instant, the contents of the e-mail almost frightened the cosmic masters, their expressions were incomparably shocked, and some cosmic masters even panicked and shouted: "Could it be that the virtual universe system has gone wrong? Why is there such an email? "


Some Cosmos Venerables even shook their heads in disbelief, and then looked at it again, but the content was still the same, every word was clear, but the addition of them made people confused.


"Is the top of the ethnic group crazy?"

Some human cosmic masters shouted like this.

The solar system, the holy land of time and space!

The Four Great Venerables naturally received this ethnic mail, but the mail was received and the content was read, but...they were very puzzled, and even...with shock and surprise in the puzzle.

I can't figure it out, I can't understand what the ethnic group means.

Is the ethnic group already so rich that they don't care about the expenditure of this wealth?

Have made such a shocking decision?

What is the content of this ethnic group email sent by the ethnic group?

Why is even Cheng Buyun's four masters so surprised?

With their current background, with the support of Cheng Buyun, the lord of time and space, compared to the vast majority of universe venerables, they are as unrestrained as they are, and even compared to many universe overlords, they are wealthy too. many.

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