Plane Universe

Chapter 2802: The highlight moment of the Lord of Dragon

Set aside some personal factors and don’t talk about it,

No matter what, the human race will get better and better in the future, all plundering the wealth of foreign races, thus strengthening itself.

This view will never change. If a race wants to rise, it has to step on the bones of countless other races, absorb a lot of nutrients and be pragmatic, and become stronger, so that it will have more strength.

No matter how strong the treasure is, it must be used by the strong.

Regardless of the fact that humans now rely on high-end treasures such as Shenhua and Taiheng, they seem to be okay. In fact, from the perspective of overall strength, it is nothing.

The 19 masters of the universe, a true god, and only 20 top powerhouses, are naturally powerful in the primitive universe, but they can be placed in the universe, which is nothing.

A drop in the ocean!

In the three eras, regardless of the two sacred places, the level of the strongest in the universe is estimated to be around 100.

But...the Lords of the Universe are very numerous, especially in the First Universe Era, when there are so many Lords of the Universe, to what extent, no strong person has ever carefully counted them.

But... it is estimated that there are more than ten thousand people.

For any ethnic group force that still exists in the First Universe Age, the number of universe masters of its ethnic group will not be less than 20 or more.

Yes, that's right, it is any ethnic group, the master of the universe has this number, and the strongest person in the universe has more than two or three hundred masters of the universe.

Individuals with the strongest strength in the universe have a greater number of universe masters under their protection.

very scary!

Regardless of the quality of these alien universe masters, the strength is at that level, but the quantity is considerable.

Putting the human race in it is really not a big deal.

This is still the result of the restriction of the microcosm. If there is no restriction, there will be more.

If an ethnic group wants to be strong, it cannot do without resources. To cultivate ethnic genius requires resources, and to grow oneself requires more resources.

If you don't fight, the resources will not be sent automatically. If you fight, you will have to spend time and effort, but then the enlightenment and cultivation will fall.

Like the Lord of Peng Gong, the Lord of Xujin, and the Lord of Darkness, including himself, a group of top powerhouses in the race, in order to strengthen the strength of the race, there is very little time for cultivation.

In particular, the founder of the Great Axe has been rushing and spending all his time on rushing. Since the endless years, the time for comprehension and cultivation has only been one or two.

There are also slightly weaker masters of the Qingdong, the Lord of Desolate Mirror, and the Lord of Frozen, all have been rushing, and the time for comprehension and cultivation can be more than one-third.

In the final analysis, it is because there are too few strong ethnic groups and they are inseparable.

If an ethnic group wants to be strong, relying on only a small group of people is not enough.

Only if the number of strong people is large enough, will the gains be greater when exploring outside, and it can also take care of all aspects. Individual top strong people don't need to bend everything, so that there is no time for enlightenment and cultivation.

So... the current period of time is critical.

A foreign race that can be trapped is a foreign race, hide your strength, don't want to advertise your own intelligence, so as to let a large number of foreign races know that the strong human cannot be offended.

So... I wasted this good opportunity.


The Lord of Chaos City and Lord of Longxing glanced at each other with a sinister smile, tacitly aware, and immediately called a remote video conference by the former.

Remote video conferencing is more convenient. There is no need to gather, just open a simulated scene in the virtual universe, and the mental energy consumed is not worth mentioning.

After everyone connected to the video, they greeted each other first, and then asked if there was anything to discuss.

Among them, Cheng Buyun's figure is naturally also listed.

Such a remote virtual meeting can be regarded as a regular ethnic group meeting, and he is also the pillar of the ethnic group, so he naturally has to participate, unless it is at a certain critical moment and it is really inseparable.

After the meeting is over, the virtual system will package and send the meeting video.

Many times in the past, the Lord of Darkness did just that.

"Chaos, summon us here, what's the matter." The master of a race of universe couldn't help but glanced at Cheng Buyun, with a vague expression of excitement and asked: "Could it be...what big event happened in time and space? Or is it? Refining a good treasure again?"

Suddenly, these words made everyone's expressions visibly shocked, and they all looked at them with a look of expectation.

"No, don't talk nonsense, I don't have one."

Cheng Buyun saw that everyone's eyes were on him, and he was wondering why the teacher called to start this usual meeting. He waved his hand and said, "My deity has recently gone out for experience, and it is very low-key that it hasn't caused trouble. At the same time. I don’t have to be idle, I put my mind on comprehension and cultivation, and I didn’t refine any treasures. I don’t know why the teacher called it, and I really don’t care about it."

One denies three consecutive.



"I thought it was you who made some big changes again."

"it's a pity!"

With a sigh and a very regretful tone, Cheng Buyun really didn't know whether to laugh or helpless.

Is it because the ethnic group has something to do with it all by itself?

As for!

"Haha, today, I summoned everyone, although the matter has nothing to do with time and space." City Lord Chaos spoke, and after attracting everyone's eyes, he smiled and said, "However, it still has a part with him."


Cheng Buyun himself is a little confused. He hasn't done anything lately. The deity has left the original universe and went to the main universe. How can you pull things to yourself, teacher, aren't you pitting me?

"Chaos, please explain."

"Don't buy it!"

"Haha, don't worry, right now."

Chaos City Lord laughed and said: "Before explaining anything, let Long Xing talk about it. This matter involves him. Let him talk about the first part first, and I will explain it later."

Is it actually involved in the Lord of Longxing?

Although the Lord of Chaos City didn't name him, the strong people of the race group present were smart people. After a little thought, he understood that the Lord of Longxing must have gained some big gains in the universe, and it might be related to the development and growth of the race group.

Suddenly, everyone's spirits were shocked. After looking at it, the grumpy ones shouted, "Longxing, wait for me!"

The Lord of Longxing naturally no longer hid, and laughed very readily: "Haha, I was very lucky this time. I made a fortune in a cave in the inner region of Qingfeng Realm. I have harvested a top-level supreme magic weapon, a top-grade supreme supreme armor, and three top-class weapons, and the harvest is not bad!"


One pinnacle supreme magic weapon, one top supreme supreme treasure armor, three top supreme weapon, just like this, it's good.

Listen to this person!

Why don't you go to heaven!


How long is it?

It’s only a hundred years since the magical illusion set has been completed. The Lord of the Dragon Walk has gained such a great harvest, a pinnacle of the most precious magic weapon, hiss!

A top-of-the-line treasure armor, hiss!

The armor itself is half the value of the weapon. The value of this top-grade supreme treasure armor alone is almost worth about 1500 supreme treasure points. If it is a better top-grade supreme treasure armor, it may be even higher.

Then there are three top weapon wealth, I go!

As soon as I lay down, I approached the wealth value of the two peak treasures, my God!

This luck is invincible!

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