Plane Universe

Chapter 2805: Mutation

The improvement of soul strength is very crucial for any strong person, and it is related to the overall performance of a strong person's strength.

The content part related to the soul, such as will and understanding.

Almost all strong people can only rely on the increase of their class to improve their souls, which leads to soul transformation.

At the level of the world master, no matter how strong the strength is, even if it is easy to kill the immortal gods, once the soul has not transformed and its life span is exhausted, it must fall, without any exception, unless it is a special life.

In short, in one sentence, it simply shows that the strength of the soul is improved, and the benefits are endless.

It's just that the strength of the soul has entered a new level, and Cheng Buyun's willpower is already comparable to his teacher Chaos City Lord.

The strength of will alone, even if there is no protection of ‘time and space’, there is no soul treasure, and the use of illusion and secret methods by the most powerful people in the general universe may not be able to affect him.


In addition to the level of will power, such as consciousness is also very important. Many times when the soul secrets are used, it is necessary to rely on consciousness, or to judge something, such as fighting with an opponent, to rely on consciousness to judge and to react.

Slow consciousness, no matter how strong the will, no matter how fast the reaction, it will push back and make you unable to achieve perfection.

Not to mention the control.

No matter how fast the consciousness, no matter how strong the will, the reaction is extremely fast, and there is no control, and it is just for Muggles, unable to perfectly control the body, and how many practical and effective movements can be made.

Will, consciousness, reaction, and manipulation are all the key to the foundation of strength. They are indispensable to a strong and have no shortcomings.

Not to mention the importance of the last comprehension. It is an important talent that a strong person can get to that point. Without comprehension, everything is illusory.

It can be said that the increase in soul strength has brought Cheng Buyun's current strength to a new level, with the smallest strength increasing by a small level.

Compared with the master of the universe, it is finally fairer on the basis, and the gap is not as huge as before.

It won't be too bad for the master of the universe at the pinnacle level.

Very important!


"It's almost here, come on!"

"There are still more than 36 trillion kilometers."

"I can already feel the breath of the treasure very clearly."

Time and Space reminded him that his tone was relatively plain, without any excitement.

That's right, although this unknown domain supreme mighty might look very powerful, in his eyes, it is just a passable supreme treasure.

Just like Cheng Buyun treats ordinary treasures, it is not precious.

Chaos-level treasures are naturally so in the eyes of time and space.

Time and space are not agitated, but it doesn't mean Cheng Buyun is not agitated either. He was instantly energetic and cried out with excitement: "It's finally here, it's not easy!"

"I want to see what a treasure this is. The mighty power is so powerful. The power that is emitted by its own instinct alone can't even reach the strongest in the universe!"

Such a powerful treasure, if you can really get and recognize the Lord, even if you can't fully use its power, even if it is only one thousandth of a thousandth, it will be extremely terrifying!

Even the strongest person in the universe has to be greatly restricted in the domain, unable to volatilize much power.

However, how could such a mighty treasure appear in such an elementary universe?

Very strange!

It should be placed in the universe like the original universe, and become a Jedi!

But... the possibility that shouldn't have appeared is that it has appeared, just like the Star Tower!

So even though Cheng Buyun felt very strange, he didn't even think too much.

It's all caused by boredom, and there is no need to wonder why.

Existence is reasonable!

People are refreshed in happy events...

After working hard for more than three thousand years, nearly four thousand years, now that he is very close to the destination, Peng Bai is naturally very in a mood, and he can't wait to get there and take the treasure right away.

Faced with such a powerful treasure, it is impossible for anyone not to be excited, and to remain calm enough.

Cultivation, it's still a bit too homey!

He lost the calmness of the past.

As the distance approaches, the oppressive force becomes heavier and heavier. Venerable Universe can't resist the powerful and unparalleled cold power, and will immediately lose consciousness and fall into endless loneliness.

Then disappeared!

The kind with no scum left.


Suddenly, Time and Space exclaimed in a lowly surprised tone, as if he had encountered something that made him feel so surprised.

Cheng Buyun was taken aback, and asked, "Time and space, what happened?"

"It's weird!"

The tone of time and space became a bit heavy, and he explained: "This treasure gives me a very strange feeling. It is vaguely unable to see everything, as if it is covered by some strong man's stalwart power. And...I am still vaguely. I feel that it can lead to a certain world."

"What? There is a master? How could this happen, time and space are you joking with me, right!"

Cheng Buyun was also excited and surprised, and his head was roaring, feeling endless disappointment and regret. After all, according to the explanation and explanation of time and space, this treasure is in charge.

And the owner is a very powerful super strong.

How could Cheng Buyun grab those treasures that existed and recognized the master.

Don't talk about the possible results of revenge. He can't erase the opponent's super strong will and soul power.

Not to mention that it can't be erased, even...there is the meaning of snatching, once the opponent counterattacks, he will have to fall.

Time and space are not omnipotent, unless the treasure can be received into the internal space, so it is possible to gamble,


"I didn't lie to you, that's the truth!" Shi Kong said regretfully.

Although it is extremely regrettable, and the feeling of missing the treasure is also very uncomfortable, but Cheng Buyun's mind is very tough, and he soon calmed down. He recalled the content of the paragraph just now in Time and Space, and then asked in doubt: "Time and Space, just now You said... this unknown treasure might still lead to another world?"


The tone of time and space is more certain, he said: "I feel like this. You know, I have this ability. So the super strong man has used the means, but he wants to hide it from me completely. Difficult."

"I believe."

Cheng Buyun nodded, but looked into the distance with a solemn expression on his face and said: "So, what do you think this treasure is!"

After hearing the words in time and space, he pondered for a moment before saying: "I'm not sure, I should be...probably a side dojo."

"One side dojo?"

Cheng Buyun's expression was even more astonished, and countless thoughts turned in his mind, and he was a little surprised and said, "Are you sure?"

"Not very sure, the distance is too far, and the surrounding environment of the target is also blocked, it is impossible to investigate from a long distance." Shikong shook his head.

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