Plane Universe

Chapter 2850: incredible

It was not that Cheng Buyun didn't believe what Senior Taling said, but that he simply couldn't believe it, or even imagined this conclusion.

What he has learned before can almost be said to have created a certain worldview, and the conclusion is like this.

But now, some people say that you used to learn wrong, not the result is wrong, but the process is wrong.

What would you think?

It's as if water burns, but it's not gasoline!

It's just water. Can water burn?

Water is inherently incombustible, and it is necessary to use firewood to burn it. There is only one result, that is, the flame on the firewood will be extinguished by the water.

There is only one result, and nothing else.

If you insist on telling me that water can burn, you are trying to overthrow my worldview!

In the case that water has not changed its essence, water can never burn!

Seeing Cheng Buyun's face of confusion and incomprehension, Senior Taling also knew that it was very difficult to convince him for a while, because this was the worldview.

However, he believed that Cheng Buyun would be able to figure it out in just a few moments, but he didn't want to wait for the latter to figure it out, and even smiled and said, "Why? It's hard to figure it out?"

"Actually, it is a very simple fact. Just think about it. If you have learned the secret method of body power amplitude..." Senior Taring said with a smile: "You only need to try again now, and I will tell you the answer later! Maybe, you just have to I can figure it out if I use it."

Cheng Buyun nodded slightly, and didn't need to say that he couldn't use other powers in the Tower of Will.

The Tower of Will was originally controlled by Senior Taling. After he allowed it, any power could be used.

The secret method of body strength amplitude turned out to be the secret method of will, which is simply...a bit ridiculous.

It's just that Senior Taring doesn't need to deceive himself, so... the result is likely to be true.

But he still has to try and see if he can find anything.

As soon as his consciousness moved, the secret method of amplitude mobilizes the genetic power in the body, but without waiting for the secret method of amplitude to be effective, he even exclaimed, and Yilian shouted in disbelief: "It is so true. The secret method of body amplitude is the secret method of will! "

When he showed it, he already felt that it was indeed the power of will.

He just hadn't thought about this before.

I used to think that only consciousness was mobilizing the body's power, but this time after I was prepared, I immediately noticed the difference.

"Perceived it?"

Senior Taling also seemed to be very happy. He admired and said: "Your understanding and consciousness are really flexible and powerful. I just remind you that you have noticed the difference yourself, which is good."

"It was also the predecessor's reminder that I could discover the secrets in the mystery of body strength amplitude, and the will plays a huge role in it." Cheng Buyun said gratefully.

"Ha, I just tell you some common sense, it's nothing."

Senior Taling said: "The easier it will be for people with strong will to learn the Amplitude Secret Technique. It is estimated that your previous experience has also discovered it. Some people learn the Amplitude Secret Technique faster or slower, even if the strength of the same level is the same. There are also differences. That’s why."

Cheng Buyun thought about it for a while. Many Cosmos Venerables in the ethnic group are really like this. Even with the pictures and texts, and the experience guidance of the powerful seniors, some people are still very reluctant when they enlighten and learn.

In the past, I thought it was savvy that was at work, but I didn't know that it was actually caused by the lack of strong will.

Senior Taling smiled again: "But what I want to tell you is that all the secret methods of amplitude, some strange tricks that can instantly improve one's strength, are secret methods of will."

"But these amplitude secrets revealed through the body, as I told you before, are all secret secrets of will."

"However, these secret methods of will are also divided into several categories, which can be divided into three types: amplitude divine power, soul, and energy."

"The first two are more common, and the amplitude cannot exceed the upper limit of one hundred times."

"The third secret method of the will of amplitude energy is relatively rare, and the limit is the largest. The secret method of amplitude energy has a great weakness, that is...every time it is used, it will inevitably pay a price."

"The stronger the power, the higher the price!"

Senior Taring paused and then sneered and said, "A good secret technique of will amplitude has no weaknesses, and it doesn’t cost anything to use it. You should pay attention to this in the future, and don’t be fooled by others in this regard. If possible, it’s best to change to a Secret Code of Basic Knowledge of Will and study it, because you will need it in the future. The premise is to do what you can, and you are not there yet."

Cheng Buyun nodded slightly, remembering it in his heart.

Today, it can be said to be an eye-opener for him. The information revealed by Senior Taling really shocked him, but he remembered the Secret Code of Chaos Devouring that he had cultivated, and his strength increased by more than a hundred times the limit, reaching a limit of one hundred times. Ten thousand times this level of horror.

He thought for a while and asked politely, "Then, Senior Taring, is it possible that for some special reason, the body can make the power more than a hundred times stronger through the amplitude?"

Senior Taling explained his problem without thinking about it and said: "Naturally there is, let alone more than a hundred times, even if it is more than a thousand times, or even reach the amplitude level that you can't imagine."

"But there is a prerequisite, that have a very precious secret code for cultivation."

"Because of the Secret Code of Cultivation, the rules of the universe cannot restrict you like ordinary practitioners."

"But such people are very rare. It's not that everyone has that kind of fortune and luck to get the precious and rare secrets of body training, so..."

At this point, there was a pause. Even if he couldn't see Senior Taling's expression, Cheng Buyun knew that the other party guessed that he had such a rare technique secret code.

But he was not worried that the other party would **** his exercises.

"There is a secret method of will."

"Through the combination of will and the secret pattern to simulate the law of the operation of the universe, to create an amplitude secret law that will not be restricted by the rules of the universe, reaching the possibility of exceeding the upper limit!"

Cheng Buyun is a little confused, simulating the method of the universe, isn't it a method that is only needed to improve the level of life?

"Will power is actually not as simple as what you have seen so far." Senior Taling looked at his puzzled appearance, and couldn't help pointing out: "Will power has many functions, and it can even be said to be self-contained. In the system, many powerhouses rely on willpower as the main force, while the law of energy is the secondary."

"A strong person whose main focus is on willpower is not weaker than a strong one who majors in the principles of enlightenment."

"A strong person of the same level who is not strong enough will be oppressed by the other party's will. If the former can't resist it, there is no need to do it, and it will fall directly."

"I won't say much about this, you will know later, and there are also opportunities to understand, don't worry!"

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