Plane Universe

Chapter 320: The prince is going to pretend to be a turtle. Who dares to stop it?

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Luo Feng, Hong and Thor are all abrupt.

No young people are cultivated, so there are very few people in the three axe mountains and horses who participate in the apprenticeship examination of the universe. It is no wonder that even Ming Yu found himself and others.

"So, now only our five parties are fighting." He Ruo said with a smile: "Luo Feng, now we have roughly determined the location of the treasure, but the five parties' forces are holding each other together, so they are trying to win free adventurers. Luo Feng, Hong , Thor, join us in Beilong City! "

Luo Feng, Hong, and Raytheon stunned slightly, and He Ruo also reacted, looking a little unnatural, apologizing: "Sorry, I was quick and accustomed, and I forgot that you are a vanguard."

"It's okay." Luo Feng smiled.

"Understood." Thor also smiled.

Hong just smiled.

"By the way, it seems that your vanguard has no people in this thunder world?" He Ruo tempted at this time.

"In this thunder world, the vanguard only has three of us, and no one else." Luo Feng explained with a smile.

"Ah?" He Ruoyi stunned, and then said: "Well, the number of outsiders of your vanguard is about to enter, nearly 2 million people, but when they come in, the soup is gone."

"Two million people?" Luo Feng, Hong, and Thor were all taken aback.

As far as they know, the two holy places, four organizations, sixteen families and some idle powers add up to 2 million people. The vanguard has 2 million people to come in. Can other power organizations agree?

"You don't know?" He Ruo was very puzzled.

"We really don't know that we haven't contacted outside in a long time." Luo Feng smiled bitterly.

"What's going on, tell us about it." Thor asked, looking very curious.

"Your vanguard chiefs are really powerful, overwhelming the twenty or so outside masters who can't lift their heads." He Ruo nodded, and then punished the major events that occurred outside, including Baha'i, in front of the vanguard station All the things are said originally.

When He Ruo finished, Luo Feng, Hong, and Thor were all shocked.

F-class 5000-meter-long spaceship? Class F intelligent life robot?

Every piece of it can shake people a few times. It is an invaluable treasure in the entire Heilongshan star field.

All the planets in the entire Black Dragon Mountain star field add up, and the property is only 30,000 to tens of thousands of yuan. Compared with these two items, even the root hair is not counted.

Baba Tower shouted insanely: "A **** with such a strong background? Class F 5000m spaceship?"

He could n’t believe it. His old master, almost for bank of the Meteor Asterisk, almost went bankrupt, only a few thousand meters away, compared with an F-class spaceship 5000 meters long, 2000 meters wide and 600 meters high. Very far away.

"I rely on." Thor shrieked: "Shengzi is so good!"

"Cough cough!" Hong pretended to cough and remind Thor not to be exposed.

"Songzi?" He Ruo wondered, he quickly turned around a few times, thinking, wouldn't it be, they knew the prodigal son?

"It's nothing. I was surprised for a while." Thor laughed in disguise.

The more this is, the more grasping He Ruoyu is. Luo Feng and the three of them must have known Cheng Buyun, and they may still be people from the same planet.

Because Hong called Raytheon is called Leizi, Luo Feng is called Fengzi, and Raytheon also called Luofeng as Fengzi. Now, Chengzi, and prodigal son is Chengbuyun.

Hong took a look at Thor at the moment while He Ruo didn't pay attention. The latter felt his big bald head embarrassed and smirked.

After a few twists in his heart, He Ruo said: "Luo Feng, Hong, Thor, where are you, come to the center first, here is safer, and you can compete for the treasure, if you contribute, you can successfully grab the treasure, you can also Break point. "

Luo Feng, Hong and Raytheon glanced at each other, and Luo Feng said, "Okay."

Disconnecting the virtual universe, Hong Wuxin smiled and said: "Youngest boy, when can you change this straight-hearted problem?"

"Hehe!" Luo Feng on the side smiled.

"Isn't it too shocking, just open your mouth." Raytheon smiled embarrassedly.

Luo Feng and Hong glanced at each other and smiled bitterly. The news didn't say Thor. They just heard it, and they turned their backs in their hearts. Cheng Buyun had even carried the Holy Land of Black Dragon Mountain some days ago, but the other party did not respond much. Instead, he asked Bahas to sue. This powerful background is really monstrous.

That is an immortal.

"Go, let's go." Luo Feng pointed to the front and smiled.

Now that he has a strong background, he does not think that these people outside the plain dare to move a few of them.

"People in front, stop, come over." A few hundred kilometers away, they arrived in a flash. The shouting people on the plain saw Luo Feng flying in the air, and they screamed and waved.

Luo Feng, who flew in the air, did not make a sound, and landed on the ground, coming to the person who started to speak.

"You are the person of that force. If there is no force, joining our Baihu Tower will guarantee your safety." A bald young man shouted.

"We are the vanguard." Thor said proudly, looking very proud.


The few forces who were about to solicit their voices, stopped hearing the words of Thor, and closed the words they almost shouted out of their mouths, turned back to their respective positions.

Baihulou organized this bald young man's complexion changed a bit, and then performed a cosmic etiquette, and said with a strong smile: "It turned out to be the brother of the vanguard, just forgive me for the language offend.

"It's easy to talk," Raytheon said with a careless smile.

"So, a few brothers please." The bald young man whispered back and said with a smile.

Luo Feng waited with a smile, ascended into the air, and flew towards the center of the core.


Luo Feng and the three of them, especially Thor, were very happy in their hearts and laughed out loud, making the face of the bald-headed youth change again and again.

"Brother, won't these people bluff us?" A star-star adventurer beside the bald young man stretched his head and wondered.

"It shouldn't be, otherwise, the vanguards who came in later, they didn't expose it and used the name. This is a very powerful guilt. No one dared to do such a thing." The bald young man said with a smile, he was also a little confused. In my heart, remind yourself that you should pay more attention to these people in the future. If you really dare to deceive yourself, let them know the serious consequences.

In the middle of the world, late at night.

The most core area of ​​the plain, here has been divided into five camps.

North Dragon City camp area.

"Brother, these three are what I call Luo Feng, Hong, and Thor. They are brothers of the vanguard." He Ruozai introduced them to Luo Feng: "This is my brother, Kazan."

"Hello, thank you for rescuing my two younger brothers." Kashan Lun was very lean, about 1.5 meters tall, his eyes blinked greenishly, and the whole person was very angry. However, he is very serious now. Passionately said: "Since it is the brother of the vanguard and the life-saving benefactor of my two brothers, if it is not the wrong place, I really want to have a good meal with you."

"We know He Ruo and we are friends. It is impossible to save him if we see him in danger. Then we have become some people." Luo Feng laughed. The Kazan Lun is very enthusiastic, but if he is waiting for others The vanguard status, the other party is looking at himself?

He thought impossible.

"Yes, yes," Kazan Lun nodded, and said with a smile on his face: "He Ruo, it's his luck that Brother He Ruo can make you sincere friends."

Kazan Lun is so enthusiastic, and there are also considerations. These members of the vanguard and his fellow teachers know that at such a good opportunity, he is not stupid, and he has a friendship with them. In the future, if he has something that he cannot solve, find them. Help, no one has to give face.

"Your brother, people are so enthusiastic, haha." Thor said to He Ruo.

Thor's voice, He Ruo smiled slightly, why did he not hear the ridicule in the other party's words?

"We now have more than 2,100 people in Beilong City, and each 100 people is divided into a square matrix. The headquarters is in the innermost position. There is no problem with the safety of several people here. Of course, if I can help Beilong City win Treasure, your share is not going to be lost, trust me. "Kazan Lun promised with a smile, if he really won the treasure, he would also score at least 5% of the value of these three people, otherwise, it would not be easy to lose the game.

"Nature." Luo Feng smiled slightly. Now that the vanguard hasn't arrived yet, if you want to fight for the treasure and help Beilong City, it's a good way. As for the treasure, when you get your hands, the other party dares to engulf.

Kashanlun accompanied Luo Feng and they talked in the middle of the night. They introduced many places in the camp and finally said: "Sorry three, I still have to deal with some things. Why would you entertain you in a while, I'm out of company first. "

"Okay, please!"

The next morning.

Luo Feng and others are accompanied by Ruo Ruo. They are free to come and go within the forces of the North Dragon City. They also learned a lot from the chat with some elites of the North Dragon City.

"It turns out that the treasure is here." Luo Feng looked at the center surrounded by the five forces. There was a castle built on the plain, a deep blue castle.

"The five camps made very good guesses. Various mountains, swamps, lakes, deserts, etc. in the whole world are natural bad conditions. Only this building is artificially built, and it is built at the core of the plain. The ball of light, the treasure is hidden here, there is a 90% certainty. "Thor said.


"There is treasure in the castle, but the five parties are afraid to move." Luo Feng said.

"It's normal. There weren't many five-party forces in the core position at the beginning. They were also afraid that once they fought, it would benefit a lot of other adventurer fishermen. So they started to pull the people, one party, all the parties are pulling, and then Look for opportunities and **** in one fell swoop. "Hong said.

"Hey, I really don't know when to start, but when the time is not waiting for people, the people outside will soon come in. Waiting for the 2 million star stars of the Vanguard to come in, it is almost swept." Lei Shenhe laughed.

He knows how strong the Vanguard ’s equipment is. If it were n’t for Cheng Zi who recently gave them a trillion yuan of cosmic coins to update their equipment, it is simply incomparable. Ordinary members ’armor is the third-grade top grade, and the captain level is all superb. , And everyone has a plant life of Moto cloud level.

No matter whether it is a single fight or a legion-level battle, no one is afraid.

"Now the vanguard who has entered the Thunder world has reached the middle of the realm, and at the latest 8 days, it will have to go to war, because after 8 days, the vanguard will arrive. At that time, they really estimate that even the soup has no drink, haha "Luo Feng smiled.


Luo Feng was correct in their prediction. On the third day of their entry into Beilong City, a major event happened.

In the middle of the world, the white sphere of light floats into the air and sheds light.

call out! call out! call out!

There were dense figures in the sky, and suddenly flew from afar to the top five camps.

"so many people?"

How come so many people popped up at once. There were some minor disturbances in the five camps.

Luo Feng and the three of them were mixed in the crowd. He looked up at the sky and almost confirmed the exact number with a glance of his eyes. He whispered: "Almost six hundred people, and it seems that they should be the same force. The number of people influencing the five major forces is balanced. "

"Yes, there must be a war today." Hong also whispered: "Lei Zi, look at it for a while, don't chaos."

"Black Dragon Mountain, Satchison called on His Royal Highness Nine Princes." A loud voice resounded through the sky.

"See your Highness Nine Prince."

The sound was uniform, as if the world roared, a large group of people in the Holy Land of Heilongshan were saluting at the same time. The more than 600 people in the sky are surrounded by a fair-skinned youth. The young man stood high in the sky, his eyes were like electricity, and looked around, his voice resounded in everyone's ears: "I, Nine Emperor Prince Brolin, want to seize this treasure, block me, and die! "

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