Plane Universe

Chapter 325: Holy Land of Black Dragon Mountain

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As for rebellion, Bahas never thought about it. If he wants to rebel, he will not come. He just wants to save his life and enjoy his future life.

"Look up."

Baha's body shook slightly, and his slightly lowered head lifted up, looking at Cheng Buyun. He looked at the other person's very ordinary appearance. On Canglan Star Street, he caught a lot of ordinary people's appearances, but his whole body was majestic and extremely serious. This was obtained after years of mastering countless lives and deaths. The momentum is not as diverse as he is, and now he still has any momentum, which is crawling on the ground.

"Bahas, convicted!"

"Bahasi is guilty of crime, and please ask Master Cheng to bypass Bahasi's life." Bahasi said immediately, his expression was extremely respectful, and he looked like I admit my mistake and punished at will.

Cheng Buyun looked at the other party and thought about it in his heart. Baha's sin was big and big, not big or big, anyway, he was a landlord, and the waste could still be used for a while. After all, the vanguard's current mid-level combat power, except for Sina, who can barely fight against the Lord, has none.

"Bypassing your life? Ha ha!" After consideration, he smiled slightly and whispered: "If you want me to bypass your life, you talk about it and say it well, you can still enjoy life in the future, otherwise ! "

"This!" Bahas silently, money, the other side can see, and his strength is still worthwhile, he gritted his teeth, and said in a low voice: "Adult, Bahas will serve you as of today. Master, please take Baha's. "

This idea was also mentioned by the God Lord a little bit. He thought about it for a long time, only to find that there is no other way to go except this one.

"You think it's beautiful." Cheng Buyun laughed.

Bahas naturally wanted to join Cheng Buyun's group. After being brought in by Wikipedia, all emotions were intentionally pretended, in order to let Cheng Buyun accept him. What's wrong with joining the vanguard? Hate does n’t even hate, other realm masters want to enter, they have to consider the consequences and reputation, but this time, they are not betrayed the Holy Land of Black Dragon Mountain, because they ca n’t resist, and the Divine Lord ca n’t protect themselves from it. Only then joined the vanguard, joined Cheng Buyun, who can say his own is not?

My situation this time is a special one, and other realm masters cannot imitate it.

However, this is also a gamble with life, one is not good, that is the result of death.

"However, depending on your sincere surrender, good attitude of confessing mistakes, and Sainz also begging you, I will give you a chance to fine you half of your net worth to Lin Tianfeng." Cheng Buyun glanced at him, leisurely Said.

"Yes, Master, I have no opinion." Baha's heart was bleeding, and his net worth was not the money in the bank, but the total property including weapon defense, spaceship, and various resources on his body. More than 8 yuans, almost not enough compensation.

He is a wealthy figure in the realm, with a total of more than 16 trillion universe coins. Other secrets are not counted. Those secrets are purchased and cannot be counted in the total wealth.

"Well, I am very satisfied with your attitude." Cheng Buyun nodded and said kindly: "As for whether you can get my reuse and get my reward in the future, it depends on how you do it."

"It's just for death!" Bajas immediately expressed his position, and his heart was a little warm. His newly recognized master, but the rich man, with his fingers slightly exposed, was enough for him to use.

"Yeah, I looked at it, and call me Master in the future!" Cheng Buyun smiled and said softly, "Shangguan!"

"Master, the old servant is here." Shangguan Yunyi came out of the Yupei world and heard Cheng Buyun's voice and immediately fell back slightly.

Bahas' body vibration seemed to be greatly frightened. The power of the law of the undulating waves of the body next to him made him horrified, and his neck turned slightly stiff, forgetting Shangguanyun's glance. He was swept away by Shangguanyun's eyes, and he almost didn't make him breathe and contract, so he couldn't breathe.


"This is immortal!"

He exclaimed and roared in his heart. Sure enough, the master has the immortal protection at any time. As for how strong this immortal power is, he does not know that the realm is too far away from the immortal. There is a big gap in the soul level, and there is a huge gap in the strength of the body.

The strong vitality from the faint wave on the other party's body suppressed him in the first place.

"Adult." Bahas said slightly.

Shangguan Yun just murmured and continued to wait for the young master's instructions.

"Shangguan, is there a way to make him fall asleep?" Cheng Buyun said.

Bahas shook his body slightly and felt sad in his heart, could he still escape this level?

"No, the old servant has a very bad attainment of the soul's secret method, and he can't let him fall asleep." Shangguan Yun replied softly: "However, he can let himself fall asleep."

"Oh!" Cheng Buyun nodded, looked at Baha'i, and smiled: "It's time to prove your loyalty."

"Yes, young master." Baha's could not but start to close his own force and soul.

After a while, Shangguan Yun said: "Master, he has fallen into a deep sleep. If he does not use mental stimulation, he will never wake up until he dies."

"Well!" Cheng Buyun agreed softly, and came to Baha'i, pressed a hand on him, and put him into the world of Yu Pei. Baha'i can't let him trust, and everything in the jade world can't be opened to him, especially the temple, the gray mist, these are all things to be concealed, and can't be known by the outside world.

In the world of jade wear, Bahas remained on a kneeling state, and a trace of colored mist was drawn from the temple and poured into his body, exactly like the mother empress in the mother's nest.

After a while.

Cheng Buyun consciously asked: "How is time and space?"

"Freedom." Space-time responded.

Cheng Buyun nodded, and once again moved Bahas out of the jade world. The meaning of a free body is that this living body has not been enslaved by other life, and the soul is free.

Bahas woke up under the stimulation of Shangguanyun's soul. He remembered the scene where the young master put himself into a deep sleep. He quickly checked his soul and found that he was not enslaved. He was stunned, and then after three more inspections, he was sure that he was not enslaved. Very strange.

He looked at the young man very puzzled and couldn't help saying: "Master, this is ..."

"Do you think I want to enslave you?" Cheng Buyun shook his head slightly, let Yu Pei world enslave a world master, it took too long, he did not want to sign a contract with Bahas, worthless. Looking at Baha's uncomprehended look, he went on to explain: "I just want to make sure you are enslaved by the souls of other people."

"Thank you, Master." Baha's expression rejoiced. He was not enslaved by the soul, but a free soul.

"In the future, you will be the deputy commander of the Vanguard. Do it well." Cheng Buyun nodded and turned to Wikipedia: "Wikipedia, give him a document."

"It's the master." Wikipedia shot a beam of light, and began to scan Baha's to determine the location of his light brain, and then sent a copy of the data.

"Yes, Master, I will play for the Vanguard in the future." Bahasi leaned slightly, and began to view the information that Wiki sent to his light brain.

Within the Vanguard, the first level is naturally Cheng Buyun, the tall master.

The second level is naturally Cheng Buyun's four women plus two intelligences: Wang Ya, Zhang Lin, Li Xueyin, Ji Yanran, Xiao Honghou, and Wiki.

The third level, no one, this is for Luo Feng, Alice, Chen Zhen and others.

The fourth level, Alice, Luo Feng, Si Na, Chen Zhen, Zhou Yuanqiang.

The fifth level, Bajas.

At the sixth level, the heads of major armies.

At the seventh level, the chiefs and captains of the various legions and reserve members of the universe.

Eighth level, the squadron leader of each legion.

The ninth level, the captain of each legion.

At the tenth level, all Vanguard members.

Not a core member of the Vanguard, power is downgraded.

The above positions still need to be adjusted in the future, and it is not certain, because the vanguard is still in the development period, and the strength of the vanguard members is too poor.

Bahas looked at the name and strength of the fourth level above, and had no emotions. He just joined the vanguard and could enter the position of the fifth level. He was already very satisfied.

As for the ranks of the army and the leader within the Vanguard, Cheng Buyun naturally has his considerations. These guys can break through to the universe level at any time. Now they are suppressing their strength. Many squadron leaders are like this. They are not Desire to break through, they need to prove that the vanguard is an invincible legion in this universe.

"Okay, Bahasi, go out and say hello to the brothers." Cheng Buyun waved his hand, Bahasi saluted, and then walked out of the big room of Cheng Buyun.

"Go to meet Sainz this old guy." Cheng Buyun chuckled lightly.

"Yes, master." Wikipedia responded, notifying Xiaohong. Xiaohong soon flashed over and smiled and said, "Brother, the battleship Xiaohonghou has landed, we can go up."

Over the vanguard station, Xiaohonghou slowly landed, and Cheng Buyun and others flew over the top of the building and entered the battleship. Then Xiaohonghou took off, flew out of the Lancang Star, and left the orbit circle at a speed of 310,000 kilometers. At a very far distance, it entered the dark universe and flew towards the star of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

Xiaohonghou landed from the atmosphere, many people saw it, and saw Cheng Buyun taking Shangguan Yun into the spacecraft, but because the distance was too far, those people could not perceive the strength of Shangguan Yun, but Bahas knew , That person is immortal.

The 5,000-meter warship flies through the dark universe at a rapid speed, and hurls at 90 times the speed of light. At this speed, it takes only 5 days to reach the Black Dragon Mountain Star City.

Five days later, the Little Red Queen entered the Star City of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, directly into the interior of the planet ’s atmosphere, and the Star Defense Forces of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire did not dare to intercept and interrogate. Now that the spaceship that entered the planet is well-known in the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, F-level, even if it forcibly breaks into it, how can you, can you rub it off? In addition, a day ago, the emperor had issued an order that the owner of the other ship would visit the Holy Land of Black Dragon Mountain, and they were even more afraid to ask.

The battleship slowly landed over the holy land of the Black Dragon Mountain (God Kingdom).

Thousands of people waiting on the ground are all holding their heads, their eyes are shining, and they look excitedly at the F-class spacecraft that landed on the sky.

"Uncle, I heard that this huge spaceship is worth 20 million yuan?" The Emperor of the Empire asked a middle-aged man around him slightly.

"Your Majesty, this is just the most basic estimate. We don't know the performance and secret pattern of the spacecraft." The middle-aged man explained.


More than 20 million yuan? The emperor has a new layer of understanding of the prosperity background of the prodigal son. How strong is the background to have such wealth in the strength of the star? Don't look at yourself as the emperor of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, but when it comes to net worth, even some domain owners can't compare.

"However, prodigal son, ah!" The emperor paused and continued: "Isn't the young Master Cheng coming to Canglan Star five days ago? This speed is too fast, what kind of spaceship speed Can we reach 12 million light-years and reach us in five days? "

"Your Majesty, the speed of movement between the universe is more than the tool of the spaceship. If you think about the power of the **** ancestor, if the other party has a strong person like the **** ancestor, the distance is not a limitation for him." Uncle replied in a low voice. .

"Oh!" His Majesty the Emperor responded softly, and did not ask what was the way. Since the Uncle did not say it, he would not ask, and he would definitely tell him what he could say.

Each emperor of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire has been in power for thousands of years. Many secrets are unknown and unclear.

"Olas, you really have a vision for the control of the Olas family." A black dragon mountain holy land master standing behind the **** lord Sain said to the master of Oras.

The body is as strong as a bear, and Olas with a yellow beard on his face is also slightly transmitted. The look is full of pride: "Of course, our patriarch of the Olas family has been chosen by thousands of eyes and eyes. In terms of nature, it is not bad, otherwise how the family passed on for more than three million years. "

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