Plane Universe

Chapter 342: Demon Killer Skin

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Cheng Buyun already knew that Shangguan Yun had found the carapace fragments under Wiki's notice, and smiled slightly.

With the carapace fragments, the strength of Shangguan Yun will change dramatically.

call out!

Bang, in the practice field, Cheng Buyun controlled the dark golden Yan Shen soldiers, combined into a magic sword, and attacked the metal wall, making a loud noise.

The first type of phantom sword, he has used it very well. If he wants to form more phantom swords, he needs the support of the law of space. At his current level, he is still incapable. To get the magic sword, you need to get started with the law of space. At the same time, the law of gold also has to be parallel. The two are complementary and cannot fall behind any one.

Of course, it also needs the support of will and control. In general, there are four items in the Divine Weapon that use the attributes of gold and air, will, control, the law of gold, and the law of space. If you want to use the higher level of the Yan Shenbing, as long as there is an unqualified one, and you want to transform the second magic sword, you will not succeed, even if the will and control are deep.

In addition to Cheng Buyun, Alice and Luo Feng are also stuck in the first magic sword of Yan Yanbing's first type, and have no clue about the second magic sword. It's just that after all, Alice exhibited the first form a few years ago, which is much stronger than Luo Feng. The strangeness and flight path, Luo Feng and Cheng Buyun beat the horse.

In the past two years, Alice has spent his time in the House of Time. The strength is much stronger than that of Luo Feng. Now he is already the fifth level of the domain master, and the secret method is also stronger than Luo Feng. For more than ten years, there is a very big gap.

"Wiki, hasn't anyone completed the reward I hung out?" Cheng Buyun asked.

Six months ago, he had already hung a task on the mission list of the universe mercenary alliance within the scope of the dry witch empire. He wanted to buy a monster skin with 100 trillion universe coins, and the strength of this monster skin was at the universe level. Below the first order, whether it is complete or not, even if it is broken, you can still deliver the task.

"Master, not yet, hunting mercenary members, many mercenary squads will be very cautious. The price we hang out is high, but those mercenaries are not all fools. For this task, there are already three world master squads. The army is wiped out. "Wikipedia replied.

Cheng Buyun nodded, and the entire ethnic group of the Devil Killing Clan lived in the constant space secret territory. Weak tribes, they protected very well, and only members above the domain master level would come out. What Cheng Buyun requires is the skin of a cosmic first-order demonic clan member, which makes hunting more difficult. After all, the Devil Killing Clan is still very powerful. The clan has strong guards. Even if the immortality enters to complete this task, it must be lurking carefully, seeing the opportunity, killing in one fell swoop, destroying the opponent's energy crystal nucleus, and flowing down the skin.

In fact, Cheng Buyun is still a little puzzled. He knows that there was a broken and half-slayed mobster skin in this elementary auction recently. He wanted to buy it for 1,000 yuan, and it was entrusted to the strong auctioneer of the virtual universe company. Immediately cancel the escrow auction to complete their reward task. As for the loss of reputation and compensation for some money, at a price of 1,000 yuan, the other party is definitely willing.

Is there something wrong?

"Master, it is possible that we guessed wrong. The skin of the other party should be below the universe level six," Wikipedia reminded.

Cheng Buyun thought about it, and it was really possible to be wrong, "I will raise the Devil Killer skin required by the mission to the sixth level of the universe."

Wiki will change the mission of the Space Mercenary Alliance soon. After ten minutes, she said: "Master, someone has already taken over our mission."

"Sure enough!" Cheng Buyun sighed.

"Wiki, go to negotiate with the virtual universe company and ask them to use the expedited mission to deliver the items." Cheng Buyun said that the expedited mission, that is, the use of God's Kingdom delivery, the virtual company is naturally very willing, each expedited mission is 2000 yuan, just one immortal can be completed.

At the same time, the Little Red Post, which was on standby outside the earth, moved quickly and flew towards the deep starry sky. After a while, it has entered the dark universe.

Xiaohonghou was sent back from Wulong Star Territory by Shangguanyun long ago using the teleportation of the kingdom of God. It has an immortal existence and is very convenient. As long as it can afford energy, all this is not a problem.

Ten days later, the Little Red Queen has returned to the Earth with that broken Demon Killer skin. With its ability, it can leap 2 million light-years a day, and five days is 10 million light-years away from the virtual universe Heilongshan Star The regional branch headquarters is only more than 12 million light-years, and the other party has 25 times the speed of light to transport the spacecraft, so it will come back so quickly.

Looking at the broken half of the skin full of bizarre silver lines on his hand, Cheng Buyun carefully observed them, mainly to watch those lines, but he just couldn't understand what he wanted.

After turning it over and over again, I couldn't see a flower, and Cheng Buyun gave up. "Notify Luo Feng to come."

When the hand was turned, the broken Demon Killer's skin disappeared from his hand, and he had been taken into the world of jade wear by him and sent to the time house where Alice was.

The golden horned beast of Alice took the tiny finger-killing clan skin like this horn and immediately put it into the body world to launch the racial talent-breeding!

Soon, Alice knew that it would take two years and three months and 81 days of outside time to conceive this Demon Killer avatar.

Each golden horn beast can conceive three bodies in its lifetime, and now Alice has used two places, but these are worth it, whether it is the body or the body of the devil, they are all needed. Ontology, to join the virtual universe company, it is necessary to have a personal body, and this body is also a body that Alice will not give up.

The body of the demon killing family is also very important. This race is the darling of space. Each member of the demon killing family has a space talent of 1 million. Like the golden horn beast, they are the darlings of the origin of the law.

"Bu Yun, you are looking for me." Luo Feng came to the castle hall and asked with a smile.

"Come on!" Cheng Buyun smiled and pointed to the Moshou clan skin laid on the table: "This is Moshou clan skin, please take it a little."

"Devil Killing Clan?" Luo Feng wondered.

"Luo Feng, take it quickly, this is a good thing, don't you want a second avatar, now this is it." Baba Tower shouted to remind Luo Feng: "Devil killing clan is the darling of space, as long as you breed After this doppelganger, the use of Yan Shenbing and the study of absolute space are no longer a problem. "

"What." Luo Feng was also slightly shocked. Recently, he was also looking for the material to breed the second avatar, but he was able to find it, but he was not satisfied with it. He would hear the words of Baba Tower Jingdong. , Is a good thing and will certainly help you a lot, otherwise Baba will not be so crazy.

He quickly moved two steps, came to the table, and tore a bit off the broken skin of the Demon Killer Clan, and took it into the inner world, mobilizing the racial talent-gestation.

Because Luo Feng's strength is not as strong as that of Alice's golden horned monster, the time of gestation still needs to wait for a day to know. His strength of the golden horned monster is only cosmic level eight, without the blessing of the time house, his strength is naturally improved. Slower than Alice.


Seeing Luo Feng's movements, Cheng Buyun laughed.

Luo Feng was a little embarrassed by laughter. After Baba Tower ’s explanation, he realized that as a darling of space, the Demon Clan grew very slowly, but they were very difficult to tangle. They could change their appearance and breath, and could save a life. The body imitates to 99.99%, the breath is the same, it is very difficult to distinguish, plus the gift of space, it is a very powerful assassin.

"Go, keep working!" Cheng Buyun waved his hand.

Luo Feng nodded and returned to the castle's house with his face full of joy. In the quiet room, he continued to take out the black metal plate Cheng Buyun gave him, blending his spirit into it, and exercising his will and mood in the illusion.

After a while, his face appeared pale, opened his tired eyes, and said: "It's really hard enough, every time when the third thousand illusions are at the end, they will be bombarded by strong oppression. . "

In the castle hall, Cheng Buyun collected the skin of the Mob Clan on the table into the jade world. "Space and time, this skin of the Mob Clan, can I also merge?" Just when he took the skin of the Mob Clan member in his hand, Space and Time Said a sentence: good things. So, he got into it.

"Nature!" Space-Time said.

Cheng Buyun's heart moved, so to speak, can the skin of the golden horn beast also merge?

"You think too much!" Space-Time said: "When this demon killing clan died, the energy in the core crystal nucleus dissipated to the body skin to have this effect."


Cheng Buyun stunned slightly, recalling the characteristics of the Demon Slayer, and then shook his head. The Demon Killing Clan is an energy life. When it dies, it will only leave a broken core crystal nucleus, and everything in the body will be melted away. This kind of fragmented crystal nucleus is useless, because when the crystal nucleus is broken, all the energy is dissipated, and it needs to be killed in a special way, destroying the other ’s crystal nucleus, and then let those energy dissipate to the skin. You will get a complete Demon Killer skin.

The same is true of the golden horn beast, although it is a flesh-and-blood life, but it also has a pronucleus. When it is killed, even if the body is retained, the strange dark gold secret lines on the body will instantly darken and have no research value. At the same time, the body of the golden horned monster has no research value, and death is the dissipation of energy.

Unless it is the pronucleus that kills the golden horn behemoth, this preserved body has research value, holding its flesh and blood to improve the genetic level of life. But this method can not be used by anyone, after all, the entire human power, there are still a lot of powerful people who win the golden horn beast.

Just like Alice, her golden horned monster's body died, and she could spend tens of billions of cosmic coins to form a new body. The level of life genes that each golden horned monster can increase does not need to be too high. 2, 3 times is enough, 1 times is enough. But this is not allowed by the rules of the universe. Weak living organisms want to improve their life genetic level, there must be higher living organisms die, or you practice the secret method of increasing life genes.

Other than that, there are no shortcuts!

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