Plane Universe

Chapter 347: Power crush

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Seeing Shangguan Yun coming back, Cheng Buyun was all smiles.

Although Shangguan Yun was reluctant to seal the King, it was scary enough. Which Fenghou class was not afraid of seeing it? That is to say, Feng Fenghou can fight with him for half a catty.

"It's not bad." Shangguan Yun returned and Cheng Buyun nodded.

Shangguan Yun was very excited, and said modestly: "It is still the young master's care, the old servant has today."

He was very pleased in his heart. He never dared to think about it. His strength will one day reach such a situation. This is something he did not dare to think before. Is it not to follow the young master, he will have this day?

"I just give you the opportunity, these are your own hard work." Cheng Buyun waved his hand.

Work hard?

Who will not work hard, but also have a chance!

If you try harder, there is no chance, but you are also in a hurry. If you count yourself as one point according to the score, then the chance given by the young master is 9 points. Is it that he did not work hard enough when he did not follow the master.

"In short, the old servant is still very grateful to the young master." Shangguan Yun bowed to Cheng Buyun and respected the ground. Cheng Buyun also suffered, and he could bear it.

"How is the armor defense." Cheng Buyun asked lightly, he could not test that the armor was at that level of defense, the strength was too low.

"Master, this set of armor defense is much worse than my" fixed "armor before." Shangguanyun said: "But this armor can weaken soul attacks, both material and soul attacks can be weakened. half."

"Well!" Cheng Buyun naturally knows that good armor is equipped with double defenses. Although the previous one can weaken the physical attack to one thousandth, but it has no effect on the soul defense, only reliable own soul secret defense. Most of the weak and immortal initial stages are cherished high-strength material defense armor, which is optional for soul defense. At their stage, there is no immortality at all, and they can be killed by soul secrets. If they can, then they are not a level of opponents. No matter how strong the soul defense is, the difference in combat power is huge.

But at the level of the princehood, at this level of immortality, many have already made in-depth research on the mystery of the soul. There is no armor that reduces the attack of the soul, and it is not a good armor.

Unless you have a treasure to stabilize your soul, you do n’t care.

"Very good. Your current level can no longer be compared with the previous one. Soul defense is a crucial thing." Cheng Buyun nodded. His strength is not high, but he knows much!

"It's the young master." Naturally, Shangguan Yun also knows that there is no soul defense treasure, and he is always attacked by an opponent of the same level who is good at soul attack. So the scene is very uncomfortable, and the combat power will be weakened by the enemy.

"Go, take the Xiaohonghou number past, drive away the other party, if you persuade, let them go, if you don't listen, you handle it yourself." Cheng Buyun waved his hand, and then flew out the door.

"How can this be?" Shangguan Yun was shocked. The young master even asked him to take the Xiaohong post to drive away the other party, but he went back to the earth in a broken spaceship.

But Cheng Buyun has entered a standard spaceship, lingering for a long time, and has already returned to the earth.

"Okay!" Shangguan Yun couldn't but said, "Wiki, move on."

"Okay, Shangguan's housekeeper." Wikipedia controlled the battleship Little Red, started, and shuttled into the dark universe.

If it's Xiao Hong, he will definitely say, "I want to call you an adult, you know?"

The Little Red Queen has soared a few times in the dark universe, and has reached its destination, 956 light years away from the edge of the solar system. With the performance of Xiaohonghou, it really arrived after a few strokes, half a minute.

Shangguan Yun hadn't figured out how to be awe-inspiring in the battleship. Xiaohong had already traversed back to the original universe.

The ripples in the space made the three people who were studying Hu Yanbo's cover-up coordinates immediately alert, and they each said: "Be careful, there are spaceships to shuttle out."

"Who would it be?" Said Hou Weng, a strong Vajrasana clan.

"I don't know!" Ni Konghou said.

The three carefully watched the ripples in the space millions of kilometers away, alert.

The space energy ripples dissipated, and a 5,000-meter giant spacecraft appeared. Donggu shouted: "It is a prodigal spacecraft. Be alert." He is not stupid. Since the other party came to the door, he is naturally confident.

Ni Konghou was also a little surprised. Donggu didn't say last time that the other party didn't even show his face. Did he run away immediately? What happened this time? Could it be that the prodigal call for support?

This matter is beyond his chat, and he feels very bad.

Is n’t it okay, does n’t it have a big background, does it not dare to provoke provocation, what is going on?

The anti-air hou has made up his mind, and if he is out of order, he will run away immediately. The other two, he can't control it.

The cabin door of Xiaohonghou was opened, and Shangguan Yun fluttered out and flew slowly. Under the alert look of the three, he came to them and scanned them.

These three men are physically close to him. If he did not use the armor to break out, they are all elementary class. According to the information, Donggu is also forced to be a feudal lord, and the Vajra clan is also a feudal vassal, and only this anti-air prince needs him to pay the price to destroy.

Donggu, Jinhuan, and Greg are all looking at Shangguanyun. Donggu and Jinhan feel that Shangguanyun's physical strength is not strong, and they relax slightly. But Grag ’s “Inverse Air Hou” had no such idea. The deeper it was hidden, the stronger it broke out. He was already planning a way out, and he was very regretful. Why should he come to lie in this muddy water? Knowing that these are speculations, why is it so greedy?

Regret, this time he is really sorry, he has already secretly prepared in the virtual universe.

The two parties were separated by tens of thousands of kilometers without speaking. Different from the relaxed expressions of Donggu and Jinhan, the face of Niuhouhou has changed a lot, and the other party is too calm, so calm that he and others are like nothing.

Shangguan Yun is calm, because of his own strength, he is crushed to these three people, naturally relaxed, and his expression is casual. Just listen to him saying, "Come on, let's break into the solar system this time, my young master no longer cares about you, no next time."

Go or not?

There were doubts in Ni Houhou's mind, which was too polite.

"Haha!" Donggu sneered again and again, shouting: "Why do you want to go, this is not the territory of the prodigal family, you have no right to drive us away."

"Yes, we are here to rob the family and let it go." Jin Hun's head was a bit uncomfortable, and he even said what he had to do.

Shangguan Yun frowned, his heart was dark and angry, and the expression on his face also became cold.

Is this a sign of anger? Ni Konghou did not speak, and was still paying attention to the other person's expression, because he felt that he was still in a bad mood.

"How about you?" Shangguan Yun turned to ask Nikuohou, this guy hadn't spoken since he came.

"We are together, don't try to fool us with words, get away!" Jin Hengju said, his temper was very bad, he just started.

"What did you tell him so much? He came here just right. We killed him, let the prodigal son cut his arm, and then waited for us to grab him and divide his wealth." Dong Gu shouted, his breath exploded.

"Kill!" Jin Hun roared and took out his weapon, an ordinary middle-level stick.

"Finally at this step." Houhou Hou couldn't help it. He took out his weapon and put on his armor.

Shangguan Yun was furious, this group of guys really did not know life and death, their young master's kindness, let them know nothing, and regarded his young master's kindness as donkey liver and lungs, "a group of bastards, to find a place where death does not know." He immediately took the war armor It emerged and wrapped up the whole person.

There was a bang, because the energy breath on Shangguan Yun was too strong, and the burst of divine energy formed a few tens of meters high. Even the rule that the universe cannot spread sound had no effect under his explosion.

"Wow!" Jin Xuan shouted in horror, his divine power was burning, he had no regard for the other two people around him, turned around and ran, and dared not go into the dark universe. In the speed burst, he was inferior to this king. It is expected that when his speed reaches the speed of light, the opponent's attack does not fall on himself.

Tonggu looked shocked, what's wrong with this, he didn't respond to his provocation last time. Didn't he see himself as an ant?

"I was killed by you." The anti-Houhou screamed madly, burning 10% of his divine power, while flashing back, madly praying in his heart: hope is not a blockade, not a blockade.


It's a joke. I want to escape at such a short distance. No matter how it's a speed explosion or a dark universe crossing, these three people can't compare to themselves, "Dead!"

In the hand, Shangguan Yun took out a large knife, which was just an ordinary medium-level treasure knife, then he waved his hand, a ray of light reflected the entire universe, and the blade-like energy quickly flew to Dong Gu go with.

Daoman tears through the space, chasing after him with a roaring look, the body looks scared and pale, and the body wants to move to the side. Dodge, the sword gas is so huge, it is already tens of thousands of kilometers long and wide, like a huge battleship, skimming over his body, and he only came out anxiously shouted: "Fate."

Then the body was torn apart, floating in the universe. And that knife gas was still flying forward, and it disappeared slowly after being far away.

"Hey, careless, not well controlled!" Shangguan Yun smiled a little, embarrassed on his face, but this knife trick secret method, but the young master spent 30 million yuan to buy the knife method used for him-the blank solitary knife.

Expensive, it belongs to the top secret.

It is really expensive to buy these secret methods outside.

Jin Hung saw Donggu dying, and his death was extremely miserable. His body was torn apart and scattered in the universe. It seemed to be greatly frightened, his body trembling, drifting up, roaring, "Run and run."

The child was so scared that it was just a fart, and there was no such prestige at all.

"Death!" Shangguan Yun deliberately heard a voice, and a knife continued to fly out of the knife in his hand, then the body started, chasing toward the anti-air hou.

"Jin Ge, I'm dying. I shouldn't have listened to you." Jin Heng's face changed a lot, and he turned around to look at the chasing anger, and his face was full of regret.

Even if he surrendered now, there is no way to escape death. The energy of the sword energy is too fast to be recovered, and no one can save him, not even the master who wielded this attack.

After Jin Heng chased after a huge knife, he had given up his evasion, and it was impossible.

Like Donggu, he also split his body and scattered in the universe.

"Rao Ming!" Anti-Houhou flirted as he fled, and the figure of death behind him was approaching. It took less than a second for the other party to kill Donggu and Jinhan, and it didn't take too long to kill him.


Shangguan Yun snorted, spreading in the ears of the anti-air, it was like a desperation!

A huge, sharp sword-like air passed over the body of the anti-air hou, but to his surprise, the other party's breath weakened slightly. He also reacted, being the other's immortal body. The ordinary attack has absolutely no effect on the immortality of the immortal body, and his sword skills have not been able to cultivate to the point of annihilating the divine power.


Shangguan Yun once again waved an attack, splitting the anti-air warrior into pieces, this is simply no skill, it is a crush on strength.

The bodies of Sikong Housan scattered together again, the breath is much weaker, but the divine power is not reduced, just like before. He saw that Shangguan Yun was already standing not far in front of him, and immediately shouted, "Senior, spare your life."

"Forgive you?" Shangguan Yun sneered, "That's impossible. My young master has given you a chance, but you don't appreciate it, die!"

Ni Konghou didn't even have time to speak, the body split again, and then assembled into a divine body.

"Woo!" Shangguan is really envious, not to mention that his current strength is a king, but there is no undead body of the other party.

Boom! The divine power within Shangguan Yun ’s divine power suddenly burned, and Ni Kuohou's face was pale, his heart was crying madman, but he was begging for mercy in his mouth.

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