Plane Universe

Chapter 390: You can also rescue

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In the central square of the 1008 big summer, the giant 13 in the scale armor and the robe was very happy at this time. A pair of eyes stared closely at the screen. He did n’t expect that Alice could be so strong that even the third layer of the Yan Yan Shenbing was in the field. .

He thought that Alice could suppress Bran now, as the master, and would later be surpassed by the other party. But now, he doesn't think so, the third layer of Yan Shenbing, this layer has no hindrance to Alice, even if the last is the most dangerous, Alice has a desperate trick, that is the sky sword.

"She wouldn't think, use the sword of heaven to kill the empress?" An immortal existed softly.

"Of course not." The scale armor giant's voice rumbling, immediately opposed, "Using the sky sword type, this is a forced situation, because after using it, her mental thoughts will be solid, the next layer, there is no way Break through. "

"Jiansan, this is not a one-on-one battle. If it is, the little girl Alice certainly does her tricks, but this is not the case. She still needs to continue to the next level." Another immortal presence spoke out.

"Haha, she gave me too many surprises, but it made me forget that this is a trial space." The bald head named Jiansan immortal touched his smooth head and laughed.

Suddenly ... Alice's body on the screen was slightly blurred, and a hundred Alice appeared in an instant.

There was another uproar on the square. What, how did the strength that broke out became so strong, many geniuses could not believe it, but this is the third layer of the mysterious law of the ten thousand lines, the state of the hundred lines.


Many immortal existences sighed. This seventh layer, after she broke out such strength, has no threat to her. Hundreds of phantom bodies, with three thousand flying mantis warriors, it is difficult to surround her, and in the realm of swords, combined with the realm of gold, the attack power of the seven-handed golden real sword has soared several levels, than The field before starting the sword is about twenty times stronger.

In the screen, Alice controls seven golden swords. Each golden sword can kill a flying mantis warrior. Only those elite flying mantis warriors can get two swords.

At this level, Alice is much more relaxed than the young man in white, Bolan, because she does not need close combat, and Bolan needs close combat, one accidentally will be injured.

Yes, Buran was injured on this floor and was attacked by the monster for the first time. He hadn't been injured on every floor before, on this floor, he was injured.

"Oh my God!"

"Too strong and too powerful."

"Look, Buran is injured." Someone exclaimed.

"Berlan was anxious and must have known that Alice broke out and killed too fast, so he also broke out, but he was too anxious and hurt."

In Alice ’s trial space, the sword gas is vertical and horizontal, and the entire universe outside is silent. Countless people stared at their eyes and looked at the points behind Alice on the leaderboard. Jump once in a few seconds.

This means that Alice broke out in the sixth trial tower on the seventh floor, killing monsters too quickly would have such a result.

Qianwu universe, Heilongshan star field, countless people cheered, completely burned passion, this Alice is a super genius in the Heilongshan star field.

In the square surrounded by 1008 big summers, millions of geniuses stared at two of the five screens in mid-air, and their heads were turning from time to time. 1008 immortals exist, and the spirit is divided into two, focusing on the actions of the two people on the screen.

When Alice killed all the flying emperor warriors in the screen, one more sword ended the life of the empress, and everyone exhaled.

"Passed, Alice has passed the sixth trial tower."

"It's really easy." Someone sighed.

"If it is a one-on-one battle, Alice has the third-level sky sword secret method of Yan Shenbing, and she can solve the mother emperor with one move. This trial space is very limited for her."

When Alice's mental energy recovered from the screen, everyone looked at it and wanted to see if she had taken that step in the seventh trial tower.

The first six trial towers plus a total of only 7.7 billion points, and the seventh floor of the first trial tower is 10 billion points, and this last trial tower, the monster's strength will soar to a limit.

Everyone's eyes widened, their eyes slightly reddened. Looking at the screen, Alice solved the seriously wounded flying mantis with a sword, and sent it to the first floor of the seventh trial tower.


"The blood-haired mammoths in the seventh trial tower are so strong, each blood-haired mammoth is estimated to have a total top 100 strength, a full 10,000." The geniuses watching the battle were dumbfounded, the seventh test The difficulty of refining towers can be called retrograde. The 10,000 **** mammoth attacks in the first layer are all based on the attack of the law of origin.

"No, you can control the eight golden swords, but you still have reservations!" These million geniuses were dumbfounded, and they were extremely surprised.

On the screen, Alice controlled the eight golden swords, divided into four groups, each with two handles, sweeping the **** mammoth.

"Can this mental support be supported in this way?"

Yan Shenbing is very mentally exhausting.

"The rate of killing is slow."

When Alice killed thousands of mammoth beasts, her mental thoughts had already consumed more than half, about 80%. At this time, Buran also reached the seventh trial tower, most of them turned their attention.

"What does she want to do?"

On the screen, Alice made an unexpected action at this time. The eight golden swords suspended in the air were taken back by her into the dark golden stick on the back, and hundreds of avatars in the space disappeared.

Suddenly, Alice's pair of short knives tied at her thighs bounced from her thighs, and into the air, she grabbed one hand, then jumped on the lotus shield, and blew at the **** mammoth beasts. Whistle.

"Don't tell me that she will fight these blood-haired mammoths in a warrior style."

The geniuses who watched the game were all amazed, and they couldn't believe that a master was going to close combat.

Cheng Buyun smiled at this time, Alice was not weak in close combat. When there was no Demon Clans before, the strength of the Warrior was at most one-tenth and two of the masters. However, after the Devil Clans were separated, the Warrior The strength has soared to a terrible point, and it is not much different from the controller.

It ’s no joke to stay in the Time House for many years. After the Devil Doppelganger realized the law of space, he entered the Time House to study the secret method. The strength increased very quickly.

On the screen, Alice's hundred phantom bodies flew in a vertical and horizontal direction, and the two swords flew, and the **** mammoths were cut down by her, but it was inevitable that she was injured, and even a slight injury was also injured. , Alice was not injured in the first six test towers.

The last **** mammoth was seriously injured by Alice and couldn't get up. Everyone stared at the screen a little unbelievably.

"This is abnormal!"

"It's a tragedy to be in the same age as such people!"

The strength of Alice broke out, so many people felt the heavy pressure, just like a mountain.

"Too ridiculous."

"How could such a thing happen?"

Immortal beings are also talking, "As long as it doesn't fall, this Alice is another superpower after 100 million years."

At this level, Alice exposed a lot of things, regardless of fighting consciousness and willpower, the realm was extremely perfect, and she was terribly calm. She could exchange a **** mammoth for a minimum price.

After Alice passed the first floor, Bolan also accepted the news. She was anxious in her heart. She made an error when she was anxious, and was injured when she made an error. Finally, after killing 4890 **** mammoths, she failed!

And Alice also failed on the second floor of the seventh trial tower. This layer contains 10,000 'nine-headed pythons', but its strength is much stronger than the blood-haired mammoth on the first floor, requiring three golden handles. Swords can only kill one, and the mental energy consumption is very fast. After killing more than three thousand heads, I have to come down to close combat. The final score, 3989 heads, almost pulled the white-haired youth Buran nearly 10 billion points.

The young man in white, who failed first, came out and looked at a certain screen. His eyes were very cold, but he was expressionless. As for what he was thinking, no one knew.

Until the trial knockout, there is only one Luo Feng left in the trial space.

He smiled, "Since there is no one, then I will explode!"

In the fifth trial tower, Luo Feng suddenly erupted to frighten everyone. The second layer of the nine-line body of Wan Xian body was small, and 30 avatars slaughtered a monster. It was very easy.

Luo Feng ’s outbreak controlled the five golden swords, which shocked the savage youth Rong Jun. "So strong?"

"No, even if he is strong, I will not admit defeat, I will try harder." Rong Jun stared at the only screen left in the sky, "No one can stop me, I will definitely become a strong man . "

The illusion 'Galesi' shrouded in a black robe sneered from time to time among the genius crowd, "Let's show you the limelight, the ranking in the trial space is a pig's dung!" Once you defeated, what Bran, what Alice, all die, hahaha! "

None of the peerless geniuses who broke into the top 100 are easily persuaded. They have absolute arrogance. Without one-on-one battle, how can they be willing to admit defeat?

As time passed, Luo Feng's final score was the fourth floor of the sixth trial tower, ranking third. This is already very powerful. The fourth place-the tenth place, all failed at the first layer of **** mammoth. He can break into the fourth layer, only Bran and Alice pressed him.

Luo Feng and Alice have the same perception. If you really want to say who is higher and who is lower, Luo Feng is slightly stronger than Alice. The cute Alice has the help of the "Time House", which he really can't compare.

It's like learning. Alice's Demon Clans doppelganger appeared two years sooner than him. There shouldn't be such a big gap, but it's actually not the case. The law of enlightenment is like learning knowledge. You have to apply knowledge before you can learn it. But the knowledge that Luo Feng perceives cannot quickly become his own strength. The gap is here. And Alice has the help of the time house, and the realized law will soon be integrated into her own strength. In this cycle, the gap will widen step by step.

Just like studying in a university, when two people go to a university together, you learn while applying. In a company, you apply the knowledge you learned, and the other is just learning, just applying it slightly. Awesome. The previous one does not need to sleep, but also has ten times more working time experience, can it be compared?


The geniuses of 1008 cosmic kingdoms each flew in front of the leader of their own cosmic kingdom, and were then taken back to their respective summers.

Daxia Hall at 0825.

The geniuses of the Witch Universe, standing one by one, under the pressure of the thirteenth in scale armor and giant robe, no one said anything.

"This time, our team of the Witch Universe has performed very well." The thirteenth voice of the scale armor giant roared and praised them very rarely. He could see that he was in a good mood, "Alice, Luo Feng, Rong Jun was ranked in the top 100 and directly entered the core qualification level of the virtual universe company. There are six people who are ranked 7,300, and are eligible to compete for the 900 places. "

"In addition to these nine people, everyone else ..."

"Your peak genius battle, this is the end." The Thirteenth Scale Armor Tabard glanced at the geniuses and said blankly.

This made the geniuses from the many star domains of the Qianwu universe to feel down. After so long, they have been completely eliminated.

"You can now return directly to reality and leave here. You can also wait for a while, and the virtual universe system will directly send you the eliminated ones back to their respective virtual universe continents and islands." The thirteenth scale armor giant said of this, They no longer ignored them, "Nine of you, Alice, Luo Feng and Rong Jun, come with me."

Humph! Cheng Buyun felt a little angry in his heart. He was slightly disgusted by the scale armor giant's heart, and his grades were close. He didn't even shout a name. Really thought that the six of us could not enter the virtual universe company? Even if you really can't get in, you shouldn't treat it that way.

"Weiqi, take the others back." Cheng Buyun ordered, and then followed Luo Feng and Alice with the scale armor giant XIII.

In the hall, after Cheng Buyun left, the atmosphere was very depressed.

"Oh, it's over."

"Our journey is over, stop here."

"Haha, don't be so pessimistic. Although we failed, after all, we also accepted the invitation to enter the" Witch Witch's Realm ", which is not bad." Some people shouted optimistically and comforted everyone. Support each other.

"I do n’t believe it. They are worse than them now, and they will be worse than them in the future? We are just stars now. Let ’s calm down and practice the journey. We are just getting started. There are cosmic level, domain level, and level level. It's still a long time, so everyone should be uplifted and work hard not to be fooled by them. "

"well said."

"Even if you enter the core layer of the virtual universe company, it will be difficult to become immortal, and now we join the witch's secret realm, it can still become eternal immortality."


"Go, let's drink."

These young men and women who are qualified to enter the witch's secret realm, except for a few of them, directly returned to the real universe, most of them came together to open the summer, went to the restaurant on the central square to drink.

Except for the big summer geniuses of 0825, the geniuses of other universes are all such choices to join the secret realm of each universe.

Because they have no better choice, they can't become the great eternal immortality without joining the second-level universe realm.

No one can know what the future will be.

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