Plane Universe

Chapter 522: Witch's Secret

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The light brain on the wrist sounded and Cheng Buyun smiled: "This is not coming."

"I hope that the third ring mission will continue to work hard, but ... some things please ask your lord to think clearly and do it again." The Demon King glanced at Cheng Buyun, his expression seemed to be a smile.

"What do you mean?"

Cheng Buyun frowned and looked at the Demon King, his expression somewhat puzzled.

The "Pan Yu" in the Shadow King seems to mean something.

"His mission this time is equivalent to hitting the face of the Lord of the Matriarch. Of course, he will not be embarrassed because of his status, but the Lord Majesty of the Majesty of the Majesty is like a strong man. There is a good saying, this is the reason for the death of the Lord. … In the future those guys will be embarrassed by His Highness. ”The Lord of Shadows said seriously:“ His Royal Highness is now the Domain Master, and he can naturally grow under the wings of the company, and his security is naturally worry-free. But ... when His Royal Highness arrived at the Realm Master In the period of the first grade, you need to go to various places to take risks and experience many life and death crises. At that time, you were not in human territory, and there were no restrictions and monitoring. I am afraid that many people will give you a black hand, I am afraid how to die. Unknown! "

There are a lot of immortal kings of the powerful masters of every cosmic kingdom master. Without you, you are embarrassed to say that you are a supreme master.

"They dare!" Aoya glared and glared at the Demon King. "The company sent you out to assist His Royal Highness, not to let you come over to intimidate your Highness. Be careful I go to the company's" Appeal Hall "to tell you!"

"Aoya, I am not intimidating His Royal Highness, but for his good." The Lord of Shadows shook his head and said very seriously: "The strong men under the lord of the dry witch kingdom will not say it. Some time ago His Royal Highness angered the Nightmare King, You also know that this guy is really not annoying. His father has many strong men, and his father is too fond of him. Last time, His Royal Highness made the nightmare candle king have nothing on it. Even the nightmare The candlestick king Xu Yiyuan wooed them and let them deal with His Royal Highness, they will naturally be willing. And his father will pretend not to know these things. "

"Yeah, whatever the thing is, the nightmare candle king is broken, my brother can slap him with his backhand, and he can't kneel." Xiaohong said disdainfully.

Aoya frowned, and His Highness was high enough, but in terms of strength, there was still a big gap compared to those of the old-time champions. The most obvious one is divine power. Even if it's in the same realm, it's useless. The strength of the immortal Feng Wangqiang is much higher than that of His Royal Highness. This is hardware.

"Okay, I know this." Cheng Buyun smiled in his heart. The Lord of Shadows was obviously sent by the management to warn himself not to act so high-profile or offend too many people, because genius is just genius. , Not the strong.

"Your Highness, be more careful. When you leave the position of Supervisor, you will dive into the Chaos City for thousands of years and visit the main gate of the Chaos City. All ghosts do not need to be afraid." The potential is high enough and good enough. "

She knows very well that the gift of His Highness is much stronger than herself. It should be said that it is stronger than many people in the entire universe. Because she knew that Her Royal Highness was already very deep and deep in the law of the origin of space, and she did not know exactly where she was.

The Lord of Shadows was speechless, as she dared to say this, as if it was easy to enter under the main gate of Chaos City, but he couldn't refute it, and looked at Cheng Buyun with extremely envious eyes.

Good talent!

There are many strong people who appreciate it.

"It's still that sentence, I'm relieved that I already have plans and arrangements." Cheng Buyun smiled slightly, and after more than 100 years of intensive training, he is now letting him be indifferent to the last invincible god. Although it is impossible for him to kill the other party, it will not work if the other party wants to kill him.

The Lord of the Shadows does not say much. For each independent and arbitrary genius, the five major human forces use the same method in cultivating, not restricting, advocating, or preventing.

Cheng Buyun's consciousness connects the reverse order universe and appears in the space-time manor in the original area of ​​Yuxiang Mountain.

When I came to the study, there was a message scrolling on the virtual screen on the device on the desk, and the title was the message after the completion of the second task.

With one tap, an email opens automatically.

In fact, this light brain can also use voice control, which is a matter of habit of use.

"You have completed the second round of the highest points. After judging by many members, Cheng Buyun, your completion of the second round of tasks is 100%, and you are qualified to perform the third round of tasks."


It seems that these management members are extremely satisfied with their task execution this time!


After all, his own talent is almost the strongest one of this generation (temporarily), with some chances to break through the venerable, so the training aspect is carried out towards the top level, so there are some places where things are out of the ordinary, and they do n’t give much. limit.

Cheng Buyun was very clear about the first-ring task. If Luo Feng performed the first-ring task as he did, and let other people go to catch those on the task list, the 100% evaluation is not 80%. Directly ineligible for the second ring task.

Therefore, Cheng Buyun has been testing the management team to see how many Venerables support themselves and are friendly to themselves. It seems that these old guys are not bad.

If you want to cultivate a Venerable in the universe, it is very difficult, and you can do it only if the resources are very inclined.

Therefore, whether it is a virtual universe company or the other four human forces, they have trained their geniuses to be the thugs. As long as they listen to the command, they can complete the task every time they go out to perform the task, such as Alice and Luo Feng. So.

"Comment: The guilty person is punished and the victim is compensated. What is commendable is that you did not kill any immortal gods, but gave them the opportunity to go to the extraterritorial battlefield to atone for their sins, To contribute to the human race, our management is very optimistic about you, please continue to work hard. "

The penalty for this second-ring task is simply to intercept all G points of the management.

Regardless of the performance of this Pipi in the extraterritorial battlefield, where at least one person is, attracting firepower, this is enough.

After reading this email, Cheng Buyun shook his head and ignored it, and then opened the last email. This email is the content of the third ring of tasks.

"The third ring task, this is the third ring of the highest point task, the follow-up task of the Maze: Although the maze has been destroyed, the supporters behind the scene have also been punished, but the actual creator of the maze is still free, he is a witch. Wu Chen, the "seventh prince" of the universe.

Because of the support of Wu Chen, the Labyrinth Palace ’s law enforcement agencies are in vain, so this time Cheng Buyun ’s task is to give the "Seventh Prince" a fair trial. "

"You can punish him for 10 million years in prison, or punish ... He can be sentenced to 100,000 years in prison, and can even be sentenced to 100 years in prison. He can also be sentenced to innocence.

"All choices are up to you."

Cheng Buyun looked at the information on the light brain virtual screen and had to admit that the management was really painstaking and did not want to embarrass the ‘Dark Witch Venerable’ and wanted to force himself to perform the task.

The seven princes were punished with their own hands, and the Sorcerer Wuqi must be embarrassed. Even if the Sovereign Lord worries, the powerful men under the other party will not think so. Slaps again and again, is it fun?

How to carry out this task, Cheng Buyun already had a draft in his mind. When the Intelligence Department of Qianwu Branch handed over all the materials to himself, he had already thought of such a day.

"His Royal Highness, the mission of the third ring has been accepted, then ..." The glare flashed in the eyes of the Demon King, but he quickly hid and asked with a smile.

"Your Highness, the third ring mission won't let you punish the son of Wu Wu's lord, right?" Aoya was worried, and she had read the information of the Dream Palace. Since other supporters of the Dream Palace had already received After punishment, it is impossible to miss this last one.


Cheng Buyun nodded, with no worried expression on his face, and his expression was normal.

"How to persecute your Highness like this, that is the Lord of the Witches !!!" Aoya was angry, with a trace of intolerance on her face, and persuaded His Highness to give up, but ... She also hoped that Her Highness was fearful and had a bad reputation.

"Let's go!" Cheng Buyun chuckled and appeased Aoya, let her not worry, it's okay.

Walking out of this small resting palace, where the ruling minister had been waiting at the door, seeing Cheng Buyun came out, he immediately said: "His Royal Highness, the spaceship is ready, we can immediately **** His Highness to our dry witch universe. Go inside the witch's secret realm. "

The ruling minister may be different from the 300 princes of Qianwu Universe. He is the king officially granted by the virtual universe company. He is very clear about the class system of the virtual universe company, otherwise he will not call Cheng Buyun His Royal Highness.

Of course, this is also the reason why Cheng Buyun's talent is good enough, and his status is high enough, and he is favored by many big men. If he is replaced by a member of the original secret realm, he can look at it just fine.

"Ok, thank you!" Cheng Buyun nodded, flew up, and flew toward the thousand-meter-long black round spaceship in the air.

Aoya, Shadow King and Xiaohong also flew up and entered the spaceship.

This spaceship started immediately after Cheng Buyun entered them, flew out of the dry witch emperor star, and entered the universe.

"Welcome Cheng Buyun's supervisor, I am 'Zhao Kongming'. This time the supervisor went to the witch's secret realm, and I will **** it." A handsome human man in the spaceship control room respectfully said: "The witch's secret realm is not far away. , Please also have a rest with your supervisor and all the adults, and you will be there soon. "


Cheng Buyun nodded, not too far away. It seems that the location of Qianwu's Secret Realm is close to the capital star, and it was hidden by the master of Qianwu Kingdom with a space secret method.


The time is not big, just a few words, it took about 5 minutes in total, this spaceship shuttled from the dark universe, came to a void, a large land was floating not far away, that is The secret of the universe. Judging by Cheng Buyun, this mysterious universe has a diameter of about one trillion kilometers, which is not large.

This mysterious realm is a medium-sized cosmic realm, and certainly cannot be compared with the blood Luo world.

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